Game on December 16, 2024 at 15:02, 7 players
1. 325 pts Chelsea
2. 244 pts LongJump22
3. 126 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H6 30 30
2. 10E 84 114
3. I5 35 149
4. K6 76 225
5. 12D 92 317
6. 13I 35 352
7. 14E 40 392
8. L12 52 444
9. 15A 37 481
10. C9 40 521
11. 8K 36 557
12. B9 33 590
13. A7 39 629
14. 15J 31 660
15. L1 34 694
16. D4 36 730
17. 1J 36 766
18. 14A 40 806
19. N4 71 877
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7132 Chelsea 2 10:46 -552 325 1.7132 Chelsea 2 10:46 -552 325
2.5509 LongJump22 3 5:16 -633 244 2.7443 sicilianc5 2 3:38 -751 126
3.7443 sicilianc5 2 3:38 -751 126 Group: novice
4.5681 NNNNNN1112 0 1:52 -814 63 1.5509 LongJump22 3 5:16 -633 244
5.5547 OOOOOO1112 0 2:34 -814 63 2.5681 NNNNNN1112 0 1:52 -814 63
6.5615 LLLLLL1112 0 1:25 -844 33 3.5547 OOOOOO1112 0 2:34 -814 63
7.5643 MMMMMM1112 0 1:52 -844 33 4.5615 LLLLLL1112 0 1:25 -844 33
5.5643 MMMMMM1112 0 1:52 -844 33
On 1st draw, JOKE H6 30 --- JOKE to say something amusing [v]
Other tops: JOKE H5 30, JOKE H7 30, JOKE H8 30
Other moves: KEENO H4 28, EVOKE H4 26, EVOKE H8 26, EVOKE H5 24, EVOKE H6 24
JOKE H7 30 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, EVA(S)ION 10E 84 --- EVASION the act of evading [n]
Other moves: NAEVOI(D) 10B 78, EVA(S)ION I1 73, NAEVOI(D) I7 73, NOVA(L)IKE 8B 68, EVA(S)ION G9 64
EVA(S)ION 10E 84 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, SOFA I5 35 --- SOFA a long, upholstered seat [n]
Other moves: FATING I7 33, GANOF I3 33, SAFING I7 33, FEGS 9G 30, GOAF I4 30
On 4th draw, URBANITY K6 76 --- URBANITY the quality of being urbane [n]
Other moves: ARTY J3 38, RYBAT 11J 32, RIB J4 31, BRUIT J2 29, BY 11J 28
ARTY J3 38 LongJump22
On 5th draw, (M)AZEMENT 12D 92 --- MAZEMENT bewilderment [n]
Other tops: (G)AZEMENT 12D 92
Other moves: MAZE(M)ENT 12D 86, ZAY(I)N 13I 52, BA(I)ZE 8K 48, BEZE(L) 8K 48, BEZE(S) 8K 48
(M)AZEMENT 12D 92 LongJump22
On 6th draw, MEYNT 13I 35 --- MING to mix [v]
Other moves: BLUME 8K 30, BRUME 8K 30, MULEY 13G 30, BLENT 8K 24, BLERT 8K 24
MUNTER L1 24 Chelsea
On 7th draw, REPLOW 14E 40 --- PLOW to turn up land with a plow (a farm implement) [v] --- REPLOW to plow again [v]
Other moves: PREOP 14F 37, PLEW 14G 36, PLOW 14G 36, PROW 14G 36, PEW 14H 35
W*P 14HWOP 14H 30 Chelsea
On 8th draw, SNOD L12 52 --- SNOD smooth [adj] --- SNOD to trim [v]
Other tops: SNOG L12 52, SNUG L12 52
Other moves: DOPA G7 35, BUFOS 8K 33, BOGUS 8K 27, BUDOS 8K 27, SPADE G8 25
SNOG L12 52 Chelsea
BUFOS 8K 33 sicilianc5
On 9th draw, PINGER 15A 37 --- PINGER a device for producing pulses of sound [n]
Other moves: GRIPE 15A 35, LINGER 15A 31, INURBANITY K4 30, GIRNEL 15A 28, BEGIN 8K 27
PINGER 15A 37 Chelsea
On 10th draw, BASAN C9 40 --- BASAN a type of sheepskin [n]
Other moves: BANIAS C8 38, BASAN C11 34, BASIN C11 34, SABIN C11 34, ABAS C10 32
ABS L8 25 Chelsea
BANIAS L1 24 sicilianc5
On 11th draw, BOVID 8K 36 --- BOVID an animal of the cattle family [n]
Other moves: QI D8 25, DIVOT B6 23, DICOT B6 22, QI B14 22, COD B8 21
BOVID 8K 36 sicilianc5
QI B14 22 Chelsea
On 12th draw, AHI B9 33 --- AHI a Hawaiian fish (yellowfin tuna or bigeye) [n]
Other moves: LAH B8 31, AH B9 30, HA B10 28, HE B10 28, HI B10 28
AHI B9 33 sicilianc5
AH B9 30 Chelsea
On 13th draw, RUGATE A7 39 --- RUGA an anatomical fold or wrinkle [adj] --- RUGATE resembling a ruga [adj]
Other moves: YUGA A7 36, YURTA A6 35, RETAG A7 33, TERGA A6 30, RUGA A7 27
DRAY 15L 24 Chelsea
On 14th draw, TIDDLE 15J 31 --- TIDDLE to potter [v]
Other moves: CREDIT L1 26, DELICT L1 24, DIRECT L1 24, EDICT 15K 24, DICE 15L 21
DICE 15L 21 Chelsea
On 15th draw, WISHER L1 34 --- WISHER one that wishes [n]
Other moves: WHEYS L2 30, SHARE G8 28, SWARE G8 28, WHYS L3 28, WERSH L2 27
WHEYS L2 30 Chelsea
On 16th draw, CIDERY D4 36 --- CIDERY like cider [adj]
Other tops: CEDARY D4 36
Other moves: YAIRD 2J 34, WADY 1L 33, WARY 1L 30, WIRY 1L 30, CAIRD 2J 28
WARY 1L 30 Chelsea
On 17th draw, LAWFUL 1J 36 --- LAWFUL allowed by law (the body of rules governing the affairs of a community) [adj]
Other tops: FALLOW 1G 36, FELLOW 1G 36
Other moves: FAILLE 2J 34, AWFUL 1K 33, FOAL M2 30, WOLF 1L 30, FAE E5 27
On 18th draw, OX 14A 40 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: TEX M3 38, CODEX 6B 37, NOX E5 36, TEX E5 36, EXCITON N5 34
On 19th draw, QUOTIENT N4 71 --- QUOTIENT the number resulting from the division of one number by another [n]
Other moves: QUEST 3I 48, UNLAWFUL 1H 42, QUINTET N6 38, QUINTE N6 37, QUIET N6 36
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