Game on December 16, 2024 at 18:46, 5 players
1. 109 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 70 pts sunshine12
3. 54 pts BadBoyBen
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 76 76
2. 15B 113 189
3. 14H 44 233
4. 10F 77 310
5. L4 84 394
6. O12 68 462
7. 12J 48 510
8. 5E 94 604
9. 12A 80 684
10. H1 39 723
11. 11J 29 752
12. 11A 28 780
13. 8K 54 834
14. 14A 39 873
15. 13F 35 908
16. A6 21 929
17. B2 33 962
18. 6D 60 1022
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7103 GLOBEMAN 0 4:18 -913 109 1.7103 GLOBEMAN 0 4:18 -913 109
2.7071 sunshine12 0 2:10 -952 70 2.7071 sunshine12 0 2:10 -952 70
3. - BadBoyBen 0 1:43 -968 54 3.7353 roocatcher 0 1:58 -1006 16
4. - chunk88 0 1:11 -997 25 Group: not rated
5.7353 roocatcher 0 1:58 -1006 16 1. - BadBoyBen 0 1:43 -968 54
2. - chunk88 0 1:11 -997 25
On 1st draw, (S)TRAYER H8 76 --- STRAYER one that strays [n]
Other tops: RAT(T)ERY H6 76, RA(T)TERY H6 76, RET(I)ARY H6 76, TER(N)ARY H6 76, TRA(C)ERY H6 76, (F)RATERY H6 76, (P)ARTYER H8 76, (P)ETRARY H6 76
Other moves: RAT(T)ERY H2 70, RAT(T)ERY H3 70, RAT(T)ERY H4 70, RAT(T)ERY H7 70, RAT(T)ERY H8 70
On 2nd draw, NITHERS 15B 113 --- NITHER (English dialect) to shiver [v]
Other tops: HINTERS 15B 113
Other moves: INEARTHS 11E 94, HAIRNETS 11G 72, THERIANS 11C 72, RHINES 15C 69, THEINS 15C 69
On 3rd draw, RAWHIDE 14H 44 --- RAWHIDE to beat with a type of whip [v]
Other moves: DEAW 14C 39, HARED 14F 36, WARED 14F 36, HARDEN 14F 35, WARDEN 14F 35
On 4th draw, FIREPANS 10F 77 --- FIREPAN an open pan for holding live coals [n]
Other moves: PANFRIES 10D 67, FANE 15L 47, FANS 15L 47, FENI 15L 47, FENS 15L 47
On 5th draw, WAYPOINT L4 84 --- WAYPOINT a point between major points on a route [n]
Other moves: PIOY 14C 41, ATOPY 13K 37, TOWY 13L 33, WITTY 9E 33, POTTY 9E 32
On 6th draw, JE(D)I O12 68 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other moves: JER(K)IN B10 56, (S)EIF 12L 52, (S)ERF 12L 52, (A)FIRE 15K 51, FIER 15L 47
On 7th draw, VEST 12J 48 --- VEST to place in the control of [v]
Other moves: OUST 12J 42, TOSE 12J 42, EST 12K 40, OES 12J 40, OSE 12K 40
On 8th draw, GEMATRIA 5E 94 --- GEMATRIA a numerical method of interpreting Hebrew scriptures [n]
Other moves: MIGRATE(S) 8A 83, RAGTIME(S) 8A 83, EMIGRATE 13A 74, REMIGATE 13A 74, MARITAGE 5G 72
On 9th draw, RENOTIFY 12A 80 --- NOTIFY to inform [v] --- RENOTIFY to notify again [v]
Other moves: FENI 6F 36, FINE 6F 36, FINO 6F 36, FIRE 6F 36, FONE 6F 36
On 10th draw, BROMAL H1 39 --- BROMAL a medicinal liquid [n]
Other tops: BRUMAL H1 39, LUMBAR H1 39
Other moves: LIMBA H1 36, RUMBA H1 36, UMBRAL H1 33, MIB 6F 31, MOB 6F 31
On 11th draw, ANTED 11J 29 --- ANTE to put a fixed stake into the pot before the cards are dealt in poker [v]
Other moves: OEDEMA G1 28, NODULE 6D 27, ANODE 11A 25, ANTE 11J 25, AUTO 11J 25
On 12th draw, OBOLE 11A 28 --- OBOLE a coin of medieval France [n]
Other moves: OB 14E 25, BOLE 11B 24, BOLERO A8 24, LOBE 13B 24, LOBO 13B 24
On 13th draw, ZOCCO 8K 54 --- ZOCCO a plinth at the bottom of a wall [n]
Other moves: AZO 13A 47, CABEZON B9 44, ZO 13B 42, CZAR 2E 35, IZAR 2E 33
On 14th draw, SUQ 14A 39 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: ROQUES 2H 35, ROQUE 2H 34, LOOSE M2 32, LOSE M3 30, OOSE M3 30
On 15th draw, DEEK 13F 35 --- DEEK look at that [interj]
Other moves: KAME G3 32, EEK 13G 30, AUK G1 29, KAM G3 29, RAGULED 2H 26
On 16th draw, ALIENOR A6 21 --- ALIENOR one that transfers property [n]
Other tops: ANEMIA 4E 21, ANOMIE 4E 21, EINA 15J 21
Other moves: EOLIAN 4A 19, LIONEL 6C 19, ALIENOR 2B 18, LEMAN G3 18, EAN 15J 17
On 17th draw, AVOID B2 33 --- AVOID to keep away from [v]
Other tops: OVOID B2 33
Other moves: VODOU 4A 29, IDOLA 6E 26, OOIDAL 6C 25, VAUDOO B3 25, IDOL 6E 23
AVID 6A 16 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
On 18th draw, NOXAL 6D 60 --- NOXAL pertaining to wrongful injury [adj]
Other moves: GOX 6D 55, LOX 6D 54, LUX 6D 54, NOX 6D 54, OX 6E 53
NOX 6D 54 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, BadBoyBen
EX F5 25 chunk88
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