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Game on December 16, 2024 at 22:36, 5 players
1. 292 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 219 pts sunshine12
3. 215 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?acdeop   H8    78    78   peascod
 2. abiortu   G7    25   103   rubai
 3. aadellw   F4    25   128   lawed
 4. eegilrr  11E    32   160   grislier
 5. deitvyz  G13    47   207   zed
 6. adinorv  14B    32   239   invaded
 7. ?aeghiq  15E    62   301   hads
 8. eilnnot   K4    66   367   nonelite
 9. aeggior   8J    24   391   glaire
10. fnoostu   3B    33   424   unsoft
11. inoopst   D1    78   502   positons
12. begioor   1A    30   532   goopier
13. eimottu   L1    24   556   totem
14. abeesxy   1J    48   604   extasy
15. abeikry   N1    42   646   skeary
16. abehiin   M1    31   677   aah
17. ijmnsuw   8A    33   710   jins
18. bcefimt   9M    27   737   fem
19. belstuw  10N    32   769   we
20. bcistuv  12A    23   792   busti

Remaining tiles: clquv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7121 FileGLOBEMAN    3 12:05  -500  292     1.7121 GLOBEMAN    3 12:05  -500  292 
  2.7067 Filesunshine12  1 10:14  -573  219     2.7067 sunshine12  1 10:14  -573  219 
  3.7353 Fileroocatcher  1 11:51  -577  215     3.7353 roocatcher  1 11:51  -577  215 
  4.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:07  -772   20            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:11  -772   20     1.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:07  -772   20 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  0:11  -772   20 

On 1st draw, PEA(S)COD H8 78 --- PEASCOD a pea pod [n]
Other tops: COAP(T)ED H4 78, DECAPO(D) H2 78, DECAPO(D) H8 78, PEACOD(S) H4 78, PEA(S)COD H4 78, PEDOCA(L) H4 78, PEDOCA(L) H8 78, POAC(H)ED H4 78, (D)ECAPOD H2 78, (D)ECAPOD H8 78
Other moves: COAP(T)ED H6 76, DECAPO(D) H4 76, PEACOD(S) H7 76, PEA(S)COD H6 76, PEDOCA(L) H2 76

On 2nd draw, RUBAI G7 25 --- RUBAI a Persian verse [n]
Other moves: TUBA G7 23, CARIBOU 12H 22, BOART I7 21, OBA G8 21, ORBITA I5 21

On 3rd draw, LAWED F4 25 --- LAW to take a complaint to court for settlement [v]
Other moves: AWED F5 24, CLAWED 12H 24, WAD F6 23, WAD G13 23, WAD I13 23

On 4th draw, GRI(S)LIER 11E 32 --- GRISLY horrifying [adj]
Other moves: EARLIER 5E 28, LEG I7 22, REEL I7 22, REG I7 22, EEL I8 20

On 5th draw, ZED G13 47 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other moves: ZIT G13 46, AVYZED 5F 44, RITZY L11 42, ZED I7 40, VIZIED J8 39

On 6th draw, INVADED 14B 32 --- INVADE to enter for conquest or plunder [v]
Other tops: AVOIDED 14B 32
Other moves: ANDROID 15A 30, ANI F13 26, RAVINED 14B 26, DIVAN E1 24, ORDAINED 14A 24

On 7th draw, HAD(S) 15E 62 --- HAD to hold [v]
Other moves: GAD(S) 15E 54, GED(S) 15E 54, GID(S) 15E 54, AID(S) 15E 50, HAIQ(U)E 12A 46

On 8th draw, NONELITE K4 66 --- NONELITE not belonging to an elite group [adj]
Other moves: LENITION J6 62, LENITION J8 62, NONELITE K8 58, ZOOLITE 13G 34, ZOONITE 13G 34

On 9th draw, GLAIRE 8J 24 --- GLAIRE to coat with egg white [v]
Other tops: GAGER L1 24, GLOIRE 8J 24, GLORIA 8J 24, LIGGE 8K 24
Other moves: AREG I6 23, AGGER L1 22, EGGAR L1 22, GEARING C9 22, GOIER L1 22
LARGE 8K 21 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 10th draw, UNSOFT 3B 33 --- UNSOFT not softly [adv]
Other moves: FUTON L1 30, FRO F10 28, FOUNTS 4H 26, TOFU L3 25, UFO 15A 25
FRO F10 28 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 11th draw, POSITONS D1 78 --- POSITON an electron but with a positive charge [n]
PO E5 21 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 12th draw, GOOPIER 1A 30 --- GOOPY sticky or gooey [adj]
Other moves: BOOGIE 12A 29, OUREBI B2 28, BOZO 13E 27, POGOER 1D 27, PORGIE 1D 27
GRIPE 1A 24 roocatcher

On 13th draw, TOTEM L1 24 --- TOTEM a natural object serving as the emblem of a family or clan [n]
Other moves: MEOU L1 22, MITE L1 22, MITTEN C9 22, MOTE L1 22, MOTTIER N2 22
MOE 7M 19 sunshine12, roocatcher

On 14th draw, EXTASY 1J 48 --- EXTASY a state of rapture [n]
Other moves: AXE M1 35, AXE 13A 33, AXES 8A 33, BRAXY N7 33, EXES 8A 33
AXE M1 35 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 15th draw, SKEARY N1 42 --- SKEARY scary [adj]
Other moves: KAY 7M 33, KAYS 8A 33, KEY 7M 33, KEYS 8A 33, KYES 8A 33
KEYS 8A 33 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 16th draw, AAH M1 31 --- AAH to exclaim in amazement, joy, or surprise [v]
Other moves: BAH 2H 29, AHING J4 28, EHING J4 28, NAH 2H 27, AH 2I 26
BAH 2H 29 sunshine12, roocatcher

On 17th draw, JINS 8A 33 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: MINGS J5 25, MUNGS J5 25, JINNS C11 24, JINN C11 22, JINN C12 22
JINS 8A 33 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
JINS M7 20 chunk88

On 18th draw, FEM 9M 27 --- FEM a passive homosexual [n]
Other tops: TEF 2H 27
Other moves: EF 2I 26, EMIC 12L 26, IF 2I 26, ITEM 2G 25, FEM 2H 24
EF 15A 20 BadBoyBen

On 19th draw, WE 10N 32 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other moves: BE 10N 26, LUVS D12 25, BRU F10 22, EWTS 12L 20, WE O4 20

On 20th draw, BUSTI 12A 23 --- BUSTI (India) a slum [n]
Other moves: BRU F10 22, CRU F10 22, ZOBUS 13G 19, ZOBU 13G 18, VINS 6I 17

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