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Game on December 16, 2024 at 23:25, 1 player
1. 128 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. einoprt   H4    74    74   protein
 2. aimnors   8A    83   157   romanise
 3. ?adettx   5E    52   209   extreat
 4. eghiorv  10B    75   284   hovering
 5. aaghoqt   4C    30   314   agha
 6. addeimn   6J    31   345   madid
 7. aciiprs   3C    45   390   pacs
 8. ?elqrtu   M2    86   476   requital
 9. ceeirsz   8K    75   551   czars
10. ennosuv   H1    36   587   nonprotein
11. eefglor   6C    34   621   orfe
12. aegnosu  10K    23   644   nose
13. bddioty  L10    30   674   oddity
14. eenowwy  15H    33   707   weeny
15. aeeiklv  13I    34   741   kevil
16. abefluy   2J    38   779   faery
17. abeijlo  B10    34   813   hijab
18. agiootu   A2    60   873   autogiro
19. beiiluu  12B    30   903   jubile

Remaining tiles: eiluw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7133 FileGLOBEMAN    0  3:09  -775  128     1.7133 GLOBEMAN    0  3:09  -775  128 

On 1st draw, PROTEIN H4 74 --- PROTEIN a nitrogenous organic compound [n]
Other tops: POINTER H4 74, PTERION H4 74, REPOINT H2 74
Other moves: POINTER H2 70, POINTER H3 70, POINTER H6 70, POINTER H7 70, POINTER H8 70

On 2nd draw, ROMANISE 8A 83 --- ROMANISE to write in the Roman alphabet [v]
Other moves: MAINORS 11B 78, RAMPIONS 4E 74, MAINORS G9 72, MAINORS G8 70, ROMAINES 8B 63

On 3rd draw, EXTR(E)AT 5E 52 --- EXTREAT an extraction [n]
Other tops: EXTRA(C)T 5E 52, EXTRA(I)T 5E 52, (E)XTREAT 5E 52
Other moves: (E)XED I5 37, EX(E)D I5 35, DET(O)X 7B 33, EXTO(L)D 6E 33, EXTO(L)D B5 33

On 4th draw, HOVERING 10B 75 --- HOVER to hang suspended in the air [v]
Other moves: HIVER 6J 36, HOVER 6J 36, HIVE 6J 33, HOVE 6J 33, HIVER 4A 32

On 5th draw, AGHA 4C 30 --- AGHA a Turkish military officer [n]
Other tops: AGHA 7A 30, HAG 6J 30, HOG 6J 30
Other moves: HAO 6J 29, HAT 6J 29, HOA 6J 29, HOT 6J 29, HA 6J 28

On 6th draw, MADID 6J 31 --- MADID wet [adj]
Other tops: ANIME 6B 31, DIADEM 4J 31
Other moves: DAINE 6B 30, MADDEN 6J 30, MAIDED 4J 30, MAIDED 6J 30, MANED 6J 30

On 7th draw, PACS 3C 45 --- PAC a shoe patterned after a moccasin [n]
Other moves: ASDIC L4 36, PAC 3C 33, PICRAS 4J 32, PICAS 4J 28, PICRA 4J 28

On 8th draw, REQUIT(A)L M2 86 --- REQUITAL something given in return, compensation, or retaliation [n]
Other moves: QU(A)RTILE M1 84, QUILTER(S) M4 68, QU(A)RE 6B 57, QU(I)RE 6B 57, R(E)LIQUE M3 52

On 9th draw, CZ(A)RS 8K 75 --- CZAR an emperor or king [n]
Other moves: IZ(A)RS 8K 69, RESIZE 6A 50, SEIZE 6B 49, CE(A)ZE 8K 48, CR(A)ZE 8K 48

On 10th draw, NONPROTEIN H1 36 --- NONPROTEIN [adj]
Other moves: SOV 10M 25, MOOVES C8 24, NOSE 10K 23, SONNE 11H 23, COVENS K8 22

On 11th draw, ORFE 6C 34 --- ORFE a golden-yellow fish [n]
Other tops: FERREL 2J 34
Other moves: FE 6E 32, FRERE 2J 32, FRORE 2J 32, FERE 6C 31, FORE 6C 31

On 12th draw, NOSE 10K 23 --- NOSE to sniff with the nose (the organ of smell) [v]
Other tops: SAG 10M 23, SEG 10M 23, SOG 10M 23
Other moves: GENROS 2J 22, GOURAS 2J 22, OSE 10L 22, RAUNGES N8 22, SAE 10M 22

On 13th draw, ODDITY L10 30 --- ODDITY one that is odd [n]
Other moves: BOY 11J 25, BOY 7B 25, DOGY I8 25, BY 11J 24, BY I2 24

On 14th draw, WEENY 15H 33 --- WEENY tiny [adj]
Other moves: YOWE 15L 30, YOWIE 13I 30, MOONEYE C8 26, ONY I1 23, OWED 11I 23

On 15th draw, KEVIL 13I 34 --- KEVIL a belaying cleat or peg [n]
Other moves: VAIRE 2J 32, VAKIL 13I 32, NAIK K10 31, SKIVIE G8 30, KEAVIE 13H 28

On 16th draw, FAERY 2J 38 --- FAERY a fairy [n]
Other tops: FAYRE 2J 38, FLARY 2J 38
Other moves: AY 14I 34, FLAY 14F 33, FLARE 2J 32, BLAY 14F 30, ABLY 7A 28

On 17th draw, HIJAB B10 34 --- HIJAB a head covering worn by Muslim women [n]
Other tops: HEJAB B10 34
Other moves: JO 7B 25, VIABLE D10 24, HABILE B10 22, JA 1K 22, JIBER A4 22

On 18th draw, AUTOGIRO A2 60 --- AUTOGIRO a type of aircraft [n]
Other moves: AGIO C12 29, AGO C12 27, JIGOT 12B 26, JUGA 12B 24, JAG 12B 22

On 19th draw, JUBILE 12B 30 --- JUBILE a celebration [n]
Other moves: JIBE 12B 26, JUBE 12B 26, JIB 12B 24, BEL C13 22, BE C13 20

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