Game on December 17, 2024 at 23:51, 5 players
1. 156 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 101 pts sunshine12
3. 28 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H6 94 94
2. 8H 92 186
3. 7A 61 247
4. J5 69 316
5. 11E 56 372
6. K1 51 423
7. 3F 70 493
8. 9A 63 556
9. 2B 45 601
10. L3 46 647
11. 1A 55 702
12. A7 42 744
13. O2 62 806
14. 1F 36 842
15. 4A 40 882
16. 6B 28 910
17. L11 30 940
18. 6E 29 969
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7097 GLOBEMAN 1 4:21 -813 156 1.7097 GLOBEMAN 1 4:21 -813 156
2.7054 sunshine12 1 4:57 -868 101 2.7054 sunshine12 1 4:57 -868 101
3.7377 roocatcher 1 1:22 -941 28 3.7377 roocatcher 1 1:22 -941 28
4. - chunk88 1 1:57 -941 28 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:19 -947 22 1. - chunk88 1 1:57 -941 28
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:19 -947 22
On 1st draw, A(R)U(S)PEX H6 94 --- ARUSPEX a soothsayer in ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: A(R)U(S)PEX H8 84, A(R)U(S)PEX H2 80, A(R)U(S)PEX H4 80, A(R)U(S)PEX H7 80, A(R)U(S)PEX H3 78
On 2nd draw, UNBODIED 8H 92 --- UNBODIED having no body [adj]
Other moves: INDEX 12D 26, BODED G11 24, DOBIE G11 23, BODE G11 22, BONED G11 22
On 3rd draw, GEOLOGE(R) 7A 61 --- GEOLOGER a specialist in geology [n]
Other moves: GOGO 7K 21, GOOGLED L2 20, OGEE 7L 20, LOGE 7K 19, LOGO 7K 19
On 4th draw, WAMBLIER J5 69 --- WAMBLY unsteady [adj]
Other moves: MAWGER A4 45, WILGA A4 39, MAIGRE A4 36, MALGRE A4 36, WIEL 6B 34
On 5th draw, ENFEVERS 11E 56 --- ENFEVER to fever [v]
Other moves: ENFEVER 11E 52, FANGS A4 39, FRAGS A4 39, VANGS A4 39, FAVER K2 34
On 6th draw, AVIZED K1 51 --- AVIZE to advise [v]
Other moves: GAZED A7 48, AVIZE K1 44, GAZE A7 42, ADZE 6A 41, AZIDE K1 40
On 7th draw, ENTRAINS 3F 70 --- ENTRAIN to board a train [v]
Other tops: ENTRAINS M3 70, TRANNIES 3F 70, TRANNIES M3 70
Other moves: NORTENAS C6 68, RESONANT C4 59, NANS L3 42, NATS L3 42, TAES L3 42
On 8th draw, LEOPARD(S) 9A 63 --- LEOPARD a large, carnivorous, feline mammal [n]
Other tops: PRELOAD(S) 9A 63
Other moves: OLPAE 8A 44, OREAD 8A 40, PARGED A4 39, PERGOLA A4 39, POLEAX 12C 39
On 9th draw, SNATH 2B 45 --- SNATH the handle of a scythe [n]
Other moves: GALOSH A7 42, NANS L3 40, NATS L3 40, HOAS 6B 34, NAN L3 34
On 10th draw, NOBS L3 46 --- NOB a wealthy person [n]
Other tops: NABS L3 46
Other moves: NAB L3 40, NOB L3 40, UFO 6A 32, IFS 10A 31, BIAS 6B 28
On 11th draw, HOUF 1A 55 --- HOUF to go often to a place [v]
Other moves: HOUF 12L 38, FOIN 10B 37, FRO 10B 33, HOI 10B 33, HUI 10B 33
On 12th draw, GALLEY A7 42 --- GALLEY a long, low medieval ship [n]
Other tops: TAMELY 1J 42
Other moves: MATY H1 39, RAYLET 1J 39, YLEM 6B 38, MYAL 10B 37, AMYTAL 1G 36
MATY H1 39 sunshine12
On 13th draw, RATICIDE O2 62 --- RATICIDE a substance for killing rats [n]
Other moves: ACARI 1K 30, ACETA 1K 30, TRIAC 1H 30, CARATE 1H 27, CARATE 1J 27
On 14th draw, TICK 1F 36 --- TICK to make a recurrent clicking sound [v]
Other tops: TOCK 1F 36
Other moves: TICK 12L 34, TOCK 12L 34, STICK L11 32, STOCK L11 32, TIKI 1F 30
STICK L11 32 sunshine12
On 15th draw, MANGEY 4A 40 --- MANGEY affected with mange [adj]
Other moves: GEMINY 4A 38, GEMINY 4B 36, MANGEY 4B 36, GAMEY 4C 34, GAMY 4D 34
On 16th draw, WO 6B 28 --- WO woe [n]
Other tops: WOOT 5B 28
Other moves: TROW 12L 26, STROW L11 24, ROWT B11 21, ROTI 10C 20, ROOT 5B 19
WO 6B 28 roocatcher, chunk88
On 17th draw, SQUIT L11 30 --- SQUIT a contemptible person [n]
Other moves: SUQ L11 24, JO N1 22, JOT 12C 22, JUT 12C 22, SIJO L11 22
SQUIT L11 30 sunshine12
JO N1 22 BadBoyBen
On 18th draw, JURA 6E 29 --- JUS a legal right [n]
Other tops: ROJI B11 29
Other moves: JO N1 22, JOR 12C 22, JOT 12C 22, JUT 12C 22, JUT 13K 20
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