Game on December 18, 2024 at 00:35, 1 player
1. 54 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 76 76
2. G7 36 112
3. I7 53 165
4. 5D 94 259
5. F10 38 297
6. 3B 74 371
7. E7 48 419
8. 2I 78 497
9. 1L 74 571
10. 2B 53 624
11. H11 24 648
12. 1D 41 689
13. 8A 45 734
14. 4J 41 775
15. D12 32 807
16. O1 80 887
17. 14H 70 957
18. O12 27 984
19. 10K 26 1010
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7097 GLOBEMAN 0 1:29 -956 54 1.7097 GLOBEMAN 0 1:29 -956 54
On 1st draw, (E)PICENE H3 76 --- EPICENE one having both male and female characteristics [n]
Other tops: EPICEN(E) H3 76, EPIC(E)NE H3 76, E(U)PNEIC H2 76, E(U)PNEIC H6 76, PEN(T)ICE H4 76, PEN(T)ICE H7 76, PE(R)CINE H4 76, PICENE(S) H2 76, PICENE(S) H4 76, PIECEN(S) H4 76
Other moves: EPICEN(E) H2 72, EPICEN(E) H4 72, EPICEN(E) H7 72, EPICEN(E) H8 72, EPIC(E)NE H2 72
On 2nd draw, MAYED G7 36 --- MAY to gather flowers in the spring [v]
Other moves: MAYO G7 34, MOYA G7 34, MAY G7 33, MOY G7 33, YAM G7 33
On 3rd draw, DEX I7 53 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other moves: EXON I8 43, EXO I8 42, EX I8 41, EXON I2 41, OXEN I2 41
On 4th draw, OVARITIS 5D 94 --- OVARITIS inflammation of an ovary [n]
Other moves: VIATORES 10A 76, VOTARIES 10A 76, VIATOR(E)S 3B 74, VOTARI(E)S 3B 74, OVARITIS 5B 72
On 5th draw, PONGY F10 38 --- PONGY smelly [adj]
Other moves: PIONY F10 37, AGONY H11 36, APING H11 36, OPING H11 36, POGY 4A 36
On 6th draw, AFLUTT(E)R 3B 74 --- AFLUTTER nervously excited [adj]
Other moves: STARTFUL K5 72, LAUF E11 35, FURAL E7 29, R(E)FUTAL 3G 28, FLAT E8 27
On 7th draw, JEH(A)DI E7 48 --- JEHADI one who takes part in a jehad [n]
Other moves: JEE 2B 45, (A)JEE 2A 45, JEH(A)D E7 44, JIH(A)D E7 44, JE(E) 2B 42
On 8th draw, ENCOMIA 2I 78 --- ENCOMION an address of praise [n] --- ENCOMIUM an address of praise [n]
Other moves: AMICE 8A 36, MINCE 8A 36, OCEAN H11 36, PEMICAN 4H 35, POMACE 4H 33
On 9th draw, KHAT 1L 74 --- KHAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: BEAK 1L 70, HAKE 1L 70, BATH 1L 64, BETH 1L 64, BAKE 1L 62
On 10th draw, ZEE 2B 53 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other tops: ZEA 2B 53, ZOA 2B 53
Other moves: ZERO D12 52, ZOEA D12 52, AZO 2A 51, ZO 2B 49, ZEA D12 48
On 11th draw, SOOTE H11 24 --- SOOTE a sweet person [n]
Other tops: SUITE H11 24
Other moves: OTIOSE 1E 23, EST 4A 22, ETUIS 1D 22, SOOTE 1D 22, SUITE 1D 22
On 12th draw, BOGLE 1D 41 --- BOGLE a goblin [n]
Other moves: GLEBE 1D 36, GLOBE 1D 36, GLEBE 8A 33, GLOBE 8A 33, BLOG D12 28
On 13th draw, WEAVE 8A 45 --- WEAVE to form by interlacing threads [v]
Other moves: NAEVE 8A 36, NERVE 8A 36, REAVE 8A 36, WAVE D12 34, VAW D12 30
On 14th draw, QAID 4J 41 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other tops: QADI 4J 41
Other moves: FAND D12 32, FIND D12 32, FIND 6J 31, FID 6J 30, FIN 6J 29
On 15th draw, GROW D12 32 --- GROW to cultivate [v]
Other moves: WIGS D12 30, W*GSWOGS D12 30, SOW N4 29, SWIG D12 26, WIG D12 26
On 16th draw, TARNATION O1 80 --- TARNATION [n]
Other moves: REANOINT B7 70, REANOINT 15G 59, ANOW 15A 21, AROW 15A 21, TROW 15A 21
On 17th draw, TENURIAL 14H 70 --- TENURE the holding of something [adj] --- TENURIAL of or pertaining to tenure (the status of holding one's position on a permanent basis) [adj]
Other moves: ALEW 15A 21, ANEW 15A 21, AREW 15A 21, URAEI C10 21, ULNARE N6 20
On 18th draw, BULL O12 27 --- BULL to talk rubbish [v]
Other tops: BILL O12 27
Other moves: BILLS O11 24, BIRLS O11 24, BRILL O11 24, BULLS O11 24, BURLS O11 24
On 19th draw, SURFS 10K 26 --- SURF to ride breaking waves on a long, narrow board [v]
Other moves: RIFS 10L 25, IFS 10M 24, FUSS N5 22, SURF L12 22, FER I13 21
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