Game on December 18, 2024 at 02:05, 5 players
1. 91 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 33 pts sunshine12
3. 27 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 30 30
2. G7 31 61
3. 8C 62 123
4. H10 41 164
5. 11B 94 258
6. C1 80 338
7. 12A 43 381
8. 1B 30 411
9. 13G 38 449
10. 5F 90 539
11. M2 88 627
12. 2B 34 661
13. 6J 28 689
14. 4L 32 721
15. 15B 59 780
16. O1 45 825
17. 14B 28 853
18. 4A 26 879
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7068 GLOBEMAN 0 1:19 -788 91 1.7068 GLOBEMAN 0 1:19 -788 91
2.7085 sunshine12 0 1:35 -846 33 2.7085 sunshine12 0 1:35 -846 33
3.7377 roocatcher 0 1:05 -852 27 3.7377 roocatcher 0 1:05 -852 27
4. - chunk88 0 1:32 -871 8 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:59 -875 4 1. - chunk88 0 1:32 -871 8
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:59 -875 4
On 1st draw, FEVER H4 30 --- FEVER to affect with fever (abnormal elevation of the body temperature) [v]
Other tops: FAVER H4 30
Other moves: FAVER H8 24, FEARE H4 24, FEVER H8 24, FAVER H5 22, FAVER H6 22
On 2nd draw, HAKE G7 31 --- HAKE a marine fish [n]
Other moves: HARKED G7 30, HARKED 5D 28, HARK G7 27, FAKED 4H 26, HADE G7 25
On 3rd draw, GREGARINE 8C 62 --- GREGARINE [n]
Other tops: REGEARING 8C 62
Other moves: GREEING 5E 36, EGGIER H10 32, GREENIE 5E 32, N*GG*RNIGGER H10 32, FEVERING H4 23
On 4th draw, TRYERS H10 41 --- TRYER one who strives to win [n]
Other moves: STEERY L8 33, STEYER L8 33, TRYERS L3 33, REESTY H10 32, STEERY H10 32
On 5th draw, TOX(O)CARA 11B 94 --- TOXOCARA a parasitic worm [n]
Other tops: TOX(O)CARA 14B 94, T(O)XOCARA 11B 94, T(O)XOCARA 14B 94
Other moves: TOX(O)CARA D2 82, T(O)XOCARA D2 82, COTEA(U)X 5E 60, COTEA(U)X E5 60, COTEA(U)X K5 60
On 6th draw, POLLIWOG C1 80 --- POLLIWOG a tadpole [n]
Other moves: POORWILL 14E 67, PILOW 10A 31, PI 12C 30, OXLIP D10 28, LIPO 10A 25
On 7th draw, BASIN 12A 43 --- BASIN a large bowl [n]
Other tops: BASIS 12A 43
Other moves: NABIS 12A 41, SABIN 12A 41, BANI 12A 40, SASIN 12A 35, BANIAS J6 33
BIN 12C 33 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 8th draw, APNOEAL 1B 30 --- APNOEA temporary cessation of breathing [adj] --- APNOEAL pertaining to apnea [adj]
Other tops: PREANAL 1C 30
Other moves: PAROLE 1C 27, PLANAR 1C 27, PLANER 1C 27, PROLAN 1C 27, REPLAN 1A 27
PLANER 1C 27 roocatcher
RE I13 8 chunk88
AR 7K 4 BadBoyBen
On 9th draw, DEFLECT 13G 38 --- DEFLECT to turn aside [v]
Other moves: FLOTE 2F 35, LOOED 2B 35, FLOC 2F 34, FEOD 2F 33, COFFLED 4F 32
On 10th draw, POETIZED 5F 90 --- POETIZE to write poetry [v]
Other tops: POETIZED K2 90
Other moves: BIZE A12 45, POTZER 14C 40, DITZ 2G 39, ZONED J6 39, DOZER 14D 38
On 11th draw, HEAD(S)TAY M2 88 --- HEADSTAY a support for a ship's foremast [n]
Other moves: HEA(D)STAY 15D 67, (W)HEATY 2E 45, HEA(D)Y 2F 43, HEA(P)Y 2F 43, HEA(S)T N10 43
On 12th draw, MOONS 2B 34 --- MOON to wander about listlessly [v]
Other tops: AMMOS N9 34, MAM N2 34, MOANS 2B 34
Other moves: MAMS N1 32, MOMS N1 32, MM N2 30, MAMS 10J 29, MOMS 10J 29
On 13th draw, DAE(S) 6J 28 --- DAE to do [v]
Other moves: URDEE L2 26, AIDE N1 25, DA 6J 25, EARD N1 25, RADE N1 25
On 14th draw, WAID 4L 32 --- WEIGH to determine the weight of [v]
Other moves: VAW 4L 30, VIM N1 30, WADI 4L 30, MIDI N1 29, MODI N1 29
On 15th draw, UNIONISE 15B 59 --- UNIONISE to form into a union [v]
Other moves: NOUNIER 14B 21, NONI N1 20, ONE 13A 19, BEIN A12 18, BENI A12 18
On 16th draw, QUIDS O1 45 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other tops: QUODS O1 45
Other moves: QUID O1 42, QUOD O1 42, SUQ N8 39, SUQ N13 38, QI N1 32
On 17th draw, MIB 14B 28 --- MIB a type of playing marble [n]
Other moves: MUTI 14B 26, MIG 14B 25, MUG 14B 25, GIB 14B 24, GUB 14B 24
On 18th draw, VULGO 4A 26 --- VULGO commonly [adv]
Other moves: GOV N8 23, GUV N8 23, VOLT 4A 22, VULGO 3A 21, VUGH 2J 19
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