Game on December 18, 2024 at 06:02, 1 player
1. 227 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 66 66
2. 10B 68 134
3. E4 78 212
4. D2 86 298
5. 8A 39 337
6. 7C 43 380
7. I6 85 465
8. 2A 36 501
9. A1 42 543
10. 13F 30 573
11. 14B 27 600
12. 15B 99 699
13. 1E 47 746
14. K8 66 812
15. 8K 39 851
16. 2J 55 906
17. 7M 44 950
18. 6N 27 977
19. 5J 35 1012
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7104 Chelsea 4 5:57 -785 227 1.7104 Chelsea 4 5:57 -785 227
On 1st draw, SEALINE H7 66 --- SEALINE a coastline [n]
Other tops: SEALINE H2 66, SEALINE H3 66, SEALINE H4 66, SEALINE H6 66, SEALINE H8 66
Other moves: SEALINE H5 64, ALIENS H3 14, ALIENS H4 14, ALIENS H7 14, ALIENS H8 14
On 2nd draw, UNSUBTLE 10B 68 --- SUBTLE so slight as to be difficult to detect [adj] --- UNSUBTLE not subtle [adj]
Other moves: SUBNET G6 24, UNBE G7 24, BUTENES 13C 22, SUBNET 14H 22, SUBTEEN 13C 22
On 3rd draw, ROULEAU(S) E4 78 --- ROULEAU a roll of coins wrapped in paper [n]
Other tops: ROULEAU(X) E4 78
Other moves: ALEURO(N)E 8A 74, AUREOL(A)E 8A 74, (A)UREOLAE 8A 74, ALEURO(N)E 13F 68, OU(T)LEARN C3 68
On 4th draw, PROI(N)ED D2 86 --- PROINE to prune [v]
Other moves: PIO(N)EERED 8A 83, PERIOD(S) 14B 79, PERIDO(T)E 13G 78, PERIODE(D) 13G 78, PERIO(D)ED 13G 78
On 5th draw, EXODE 8A 39 --- EXODE a farce [n]
Other moves: OXER I12 38, EXO I12 37, EX I12 36, KNOWER C9 36, OX I12 36
On 6th draw, ZEL 7C 43 --- ZEL an Oriental cymbal [n]
Other tops: ZO C7 43
Other moves: ZAX B6 39, ZUPAN 2B 36, ZIT F2 35, ZUPA 2B 30, ZAP 2B 28
On 7th draw, FIDGETER I6 85 --- FIDGETER one that fidgets [n]
Other moves: FIDGETER 13B 80, GRIFTED G2 70, FIDGETER 13D 66, FIDGETER A2 65, FETIDER 13G 32
On 8th draw, HIPPED 2A 36 --- HIP to build a type of roof [v]
Other moves: PERISHED 13G 34, SHIPPED 2A 34, HIPPED 2B 32, HIPPIES 2A 32, HIPPIES 2B 32
On 9th draw, CHAM A1 42 --- CHAM an Asian ruler [n]
Other tops: CHROMA A1 42
Other moves: CHARM A1 39, CHOLLA A1 36, CHORAL A1 36, MACRO 1E 34, CHOLA A1 33
CHAM A1 42 Chelsea
On 10th draw, OVERNEAR 13F 30 --- OVERNEAR too near [adj]
Other moves: NOVAE 1E 29, RAVEN 1E 29, ROVEN 1E 29, NAVE 1E 26, NOVA 1E 26
RAVEN 1E 29 Chelsea
On 11th draw, ALOUD 14B 27 --- ALOUD audibly [adv]
Other tops: TAULD 14B 27
Other moves: ADULT 12K 24, ALOUD 12K 24, DATTO 1E 24, DAULT 1E 24, DOTAL 1E 24
ALOUD 14B 27 Chelsea
On 12th draw, MONGERS 15B 99 --- MONGER to peddle [v]
Other tops: MORGENS 15B 99
Other moves: MONGERS 1E 87, MORGENS 1E 87, MONGERS J2 82, MORGENS J2 82, EMONG 15A 39
On 13th draw, YANKIE 1E 47 --- YANKIE an impudent woman [n]
Other moves: YANK 12L 44, TANKY 1E 41, YANK 1E 41, YIKE 1E 41, TAKY 1E 38
On 14th draw, LAIRIEST K8 66 --- LAIRY flashy [adj]
Other moves: SALT 14I 28, SARI 14I 28, SATI 14I 28, SAL 14I 25, SAR 14I 25
On 15th draw, LYING 8K 39 --- LYING the act of telling lies [n]
Other tops: TYING 15K 39
Other moves: GAY J4 31, TINY J3 31, ANY J4 30, LINGY 8K 30, NAY J4 30
TANGY 15K 30 Chelsea
On 16th draw, FECHT 2J 55 --- FECHT to fight [v]
Other tops: FETCH 2J 55
Other moves: FETWA 2J 51, FACET 2J 49, THEFT 15K 45, THECA 15K 42, THETA 15K 36
FETCH 2J 55 Chelsea
On 17th draw, QI 7M 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: HAJI M2 28, HAJ M2 26, JIN N6 26, QAT J5 24, WITTY L4 22
QI 7M 44 Chelsea
On 18th draw, WO 6N 27 --- WO woe [n]
Other moves: TABOO 15K 24, WAB J5 22, WHATA M1 22, WHOOT M1 22, BA 6N 21
On 19th draw, JABOT 5J 35 --- JABOT a decoration on a shirt [n]
Other moves: HAJ M2 26, JAB J5 26, PAV C2 26, JATO 5L 20, JOTA 3H 20
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