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Game on December 18, 2024 at 08:59, 8 players
1. 379 pts Chelsea
2. 283 pts LongJump22
3. 244 pts VVVVVV1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aehill   H3    76    76   challie
 2. aceeitv   4E    82   158   atchieve
 3. aaaenpr   K2    22   180   pavane
 4. elnosuy   8K    39   219   soyle
 5. ?egmosu   O8    86   305   embogues
 6. defgorr   9B    68   373   reforged
 7. bdertux  14I    62   435   extrude
 8. bdiikmt   M2    34   469   kid
 9. aainort   C8    66   535   aeration
10. acinoor  15G    34   569   conia
11. adhirsy  D11    55   624   dishy
12. abeiptu  15A    30   654   bunya
13. ablnrtu   N1    24   678   ban
14. eimostw   F7    71   749   wormiest
15. egijnrt   5A    32   781   rejig
16. enoprtz   B1    70   851   entrez
17. lnooptu   1A    30   881   peloton
18. efiquvw   8A    50   931   quai

Remaining tiles: efvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7126 FileChelsea     2 12:10  -552  379     1.7126 Chelsea     2 12:10  -552  379 
  2.5569 FileLongJump22  4  3:25  -648  283     2.7537 VVVVVV1112  3  3:41  -687  244 
  3.7537 FileVVVVVV1112  3  3:41  -687  244     3.7509 Mycophot    1  3:27  -777  154 
  4.7509 FileMycophot    1  3:27  -777  154            Group: novice
  5.5506 FileOOOOOO1112  1  3:39  -877   54     1.5569 LongJump22  4  3:25  -648  283 
  6.5514 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:28  -892   39     2.5506 OOOOOO1112  1  3:39  -877   54 
  7.5580 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:50  -892   39     3.5514 LLLLLL1112  1  1:28  -892   39 
  8.5629 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:44  -895   36     4.5580 MMMMMM1112  1  1:50  -892   39 
                                             5.5629 NNNNNN1112  0  1:44  -895   36 

On 1st draw, (C)HALLIE H3 76 --- CHALLIE a light fabric [n]
Other tops: HELI(C)AL H4 76
Other moves: HELI(C)AL H2 70, HELI(C)AL H3 70, HELI(C)AL H6 70, HELI(C)AL H7 70, (C)HALLIE H2 70
HELI(C)AL H4 76 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 2nd draw, ATCHIEVE 4E 82 --- ATCHIEVE to achieve [v]
Other moves: ACHIEVE 4F 30, CHEVET 4G 28, VETCH 4D 26, HICATEE 4H 24, TEACHIE 4D 24
ATCHIEVE 4E 82 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 3rd draw, PAVANE K2 22 --- PAVANE a slow formal dance [n]
Other moves: APNEA 5B 20, AREPA 3B 20, PARAE 5B 20, PARVE K1 20, PAVAN K2 20

On 4th draw, SOYLE 8K 39 --- SOYLE body or prey (Spens) [n]
Other tops: SONLY 8K 39
Other moves: LOUSY M1 33, NOSEY M2 33, YOUSE M1 33, ENSOUL M2 31, LEYS M1 31
SOYLE 8K 39 LongJump22

On 5th draw, EM(B)OGUES O8 86 --- EMBOGUE to flow out from a river mouth [v]
Other moves: G(R)UESOME O1 83, ELOG(I)UMS N7 78, MO(R)GUES 10B 77, MU(N)GOES 10B 77, GU(M)MOSE 10C 75
EM(B)OGUES O8 86 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
MEGS M1 31 Chelsea

On 6th draw, REFORGED 9B 68 --- REFORGE to forge again [v]
Other moves: FEOD M1 34, FORD M1 34, FED M2 32, ORDER M2 30, DOGEY M4 29
FORD M1 34 Chelsea
FEOD M1 34 Mycophot

On 7th draw, EXTRUDE 14I 62 --- EXTRUDE to force, thrust, or push out [v]
Other moves: BRUX 5B 44, REDUX 5A 44, REDUX M2 44, DRUXY M4 42, TUBED 8A 42
BRUX 5B 44 Mycophot
DEX 5C 40 Chelsea

On 8th draw, KID M2 34 --- KID to tease [v]
Other moves: BIDI 15G 33, MIDI 15G 33, BIDI M2 32, IMID M1 32, MIDI M2 32
KID M2 34 Mycophot, Chelsea

On 9th draw, AERATION C8 66 --- AERATION exposure to the action of air [n]
Other moves: NOTARIAL 6A 62, RATIONAL 6A 62, NOTARIAL 7A 60, RATIONAL 7A 60, ATONIA 15F 31
RATIO 8A 30 Chelsea

On 10th draw, CONIA 15G 34 --- CONIA a liquid [n]
Other tops: CORIA 15G 34
Other moves: CORNI 15F 32, CONI 15G 29, NORIA 15G 28, CAN N1 24, CANON 15A 24
CONIA 15G 34 Chelsea

On 11th draw, DISHY D11 55 --- DISHY attractive [adj]
Other tops: DASHY D11 55
Other moves: ASHY D12 48, RADISH B9 45, ADRY D12 42, ASHY 1L 42, HANDY 15A 42
HANDY 15A 42 Mycophot, Chelsea

On 12th draw, BUNYA 15A 30 --- BUNYA an evergreen tree [n]
Other tops: BA B14 30, PA B14 30
Other moves: AB B13 27, PINY 15A 27, PUNY 15A 27, PEBA 5C 26, PUBE 5C 26
PINY 15A 27 Chelsea

On 13th draw, BAN N1 24 --- BAN a monetary unit of Romania [n] --- BAN to prohibit [v]
Other tops: BAT N1 24
Other moves: TUBA 5C 22, BEAUT J3 21, BELAR J3 21, RUBEL J1 21, BA N1 20

On 14th draw, WORMIEST F7 71 --- WORMY infested with worms [adj]
Other moves: OWSE O1 49, EMS O1 39, OMS O1 39, OW O1 37, STOMA E11 36
OW O1 37 Chelsea

On 15th draw, REJIG 5A 32 --- REJIG to re-equip [v]
Other moves: EEJIT J3 31, JETE J3 28, JIG 5C 28, JET F2 26, JINGO 11K 26
ET O1 25 Chelsea

On 16th draw, ENTREZ B1 70 --- ENTREZ imperative come in [imperative]
Other moves: ZONER A1 45, PREZ 3B 43, NERTZ 3A 41, POZ 3C 41, TOZE 3C 41
ZONER A1 45 Chelsea

On 17th draw, PELOTON 1A 30 --- PELOTON the main body of riders in a bicycle race [n]
Other moves: TUPELO J1 28, LEPTON 1A 27, PENULT 1A 27, PO A1 26, LETUP 1A 24

On 18th draw, QUAI 8A 50 --- QUAI a wharf [n]
Other moves: WIFE 2D 40, QUA 8A 38, EF O1 37, FEW 2D 37, IF O1 37

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