Game on December 18, 2024 at 10:27, 1 player
1. 173 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 28 28
2. 6G 75 103
3. L3 30 133
4. 3I 50 183
5. O4 40 223
6. K8 34 257
7. 14H 33 290
8. 15G 39 329
9. L11 31 360
10. 8A 80 440
11. M10 38 478
12. C6 72 550
13. A1 98 648
14. 2A 30 678
15. 1E 83 761
16. D12 39 800
17. 10C 33 833
18. 13F 35 868
19. 4H 23 891
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7135 Chelsea 2 7:03 -718 173 1.7135 Chelsea 2 7:03 -718 173
On 1st draw, VOICE H4 28 --- VOICE to express or utter [v]
Other tops: VOICE(D) H4 28, VOICE(R) H4 28, VOICE(S) H4 28
Other moves: VICE(D) H4 26, VICE(S) H4 26, VOCE(S) H4 26, VOIC(E) H4 26, VO(I)CE H4 26
On 2nd draw, FIREC(L)AY 6G 75 --- FIRECLAY a heat-resistant clay [n]
Other tops: FERACI(T)Y 6C 75, RE(P)ACIFY 6C 75
Other moves: FE(D)ERACY 8E 69, FE(D)ERACY 8G 66, AF(F)ORCE 5E 44, A(F)FORCE 5E 44, CA(L)OYER 5E 44
On 3rd draw, DEP(L)OY L3 30 --- DEPLOY to position troops for battle [v]
Other tops: POD(L)EY L3 30
Other moves: DEPLOY 9H 29, DOPILY 9H 29, PLOIDY 9D 29, CLYPED K6 28, PLOYED 9C 28
On 4th draw, QINDA(R) 3I 50 --- QINDAR an Albanian currency [n]
Other moves: QAID(S) 3I 48, QI(S) O4 36, Q(U)INE J2 33, Q(U)IN M1 32, NIQA(B) K8 31
On 5th draw, RESEND O4 40 --- RESEND to send again [v] --- SEND to cause or direct to go [v]
Other moves: SENDER O6 37, SEDER O6 34, SERED O6 34, SNEED O6 34, DEENS 9H 31
On 6th draw, FANKLE K8 34 --- FANKLE to entangle [v]
Other tops: KA 2J 34
Other moves: KENAF K8 33, FLAKE K8 32, FLANK K8 32, FAKE K8 30, FANK K8 30
On 7th draw, BAWD 14H 33 --- BAWD a female brothel-keeper [n]
Other moves: DIVA 14K 31, DOAB 14K 29, BOVID 14G 28, AVOID 14G 26, BAWD 9E 26
On 8th draw, LOBO 15G 39 --- LOBO the timber wolf [n]
Other moves: BOLO 15G 37, OBO 15H 36, OBOLI 15D 36, BOLOS 15E 35, LOBOS 15E 35
On 9th draw, AIRS L11 31 --- AIR to expose to the air (the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth) [v]
Other tops: OARS L11 31
Other moves: RESAW 13E 30, RESOW 13E 30, SEROW 13E 30, AROW 13F 29, AR(R)OWY N1 29
On 10th draw, STREIGNE 8A 80 --- STREIGNE to stretch [v]
Other moves: STINGER 9B 71, RENTINGS 10F 69, STERNING 10E 69, GIRTLINES 12G 62, TIRELINGS 12G 62
On 11th draw, JETS M10 38 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other moves: DIETS M9 32, DITES M9 32, DRIES M9 32, JITTERS B6 32, TIDIERS E5 32
On 12th draw, REROLLED C6 72 --- REROLL to roll again [v]
Other moves: REROLLED C8 70, ORIELLED E6 68, REOILED E5 32, ODE N10 30, DOER 9E 26
On 13th draw, PHANTOMS A1 98 --- PHANTOM something existing in appearance only [n]
Other moves: MANIHOT E5 48, MATH D12 37, MOTH D12 37, PA(R)ONYM N1 34, HOMA D12 33
On 14th draw, HIGHER 2A 30 --- HIGH reaching far upward [adj] --- HIGHER to lift [v]
Other moves: HEIR D12 29, HIRE D12 29, HE 2J 28, HI 2J 28, EH B2 25
HE 2J 28 Chelsea
On 15th draw, MANITOU 1E 83 --- MANITOU an Algonquain Indian deity [n]
Other moves: AMOUNT 1D 39, MANITOU E5 36, ANIMA 3A 31, MANITO 1E 30, MANITU 1E 30
AMOUNT 1D 39 Chelsea
On 16th draw, XI D12 39 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: AX D11 38, OX D11 38, AX M6 34, OX 7L 34, WAX B12 34
XI D12 39 Chelsea
On 17th draw, LUTZ 10C 33 --- LUTZ a jump in figure skating [n]
Other moves: ZITI E5 26, EWT 3D 22, ZEA 9I 22, WIZEN 10G 19, WYTE N5 19
ZITI E5 26 Chelsea
On 18th draw, AVOW 13F 35 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other moves: VAW 13G 34, VOW 13G 34, AW 13H 26, OW 13H 26, VAG 13G 26
HAW D2 18 Chelsea
On 19th draw, VITAE 4H 23 --- VITA a brief, autobiographical sketch [n]
Other moves: ATUA 3A 21, EAT 11E 21, EAU 11E 21, EA 11E 19, AGE 3D 18
VITAE 4H 23 Chelsea
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