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Game on December 18, 2024 at 18:56, 8 players
1. 253 pts LongJump22
2. 231 pts moonmonkey
3. 175 pts VVVVVV1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efgoruy   H8    32    32   fogey
 2. ?aglorv  11D    94   126   travelog
 3. aeiorst  13C    81   207   oariest
 4. ?ceopqu  14I    46   253   opaque
 5. aimntuw  15K    47   300   witan
 6. aeiopss   L5    74   374   soapies
 7. dejnotz  12A    52   426   zone
 8. denootu   5E    86   512   duotones
 9. aefimnr  15C    92   604   fireman
10. adeilmr  A10    51   655   mazier
11. dehilsv   H1    36   691   veldts
12. acilnrt   2B    74   765   clarinet
13. abcegln   4A    27   792   cable
14. abeghik   A4    42   834   cheka
15. degjnru   1D    41   875   jud
16. beiirtu  12J    41   916   biter
17. dhinuwx   B6    56   972   xi
18. dhintuw   M6    40  1012   whid

Remaining tiles: gntuy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5569 FileLongJump22  4  2:36  -759  253     1.7643 moonmonkey  3  4:21  -781  231 
  2.7643 Filemoonmonkey  3  4:21  -781  231     2.7633 VVVVVV1112  2  1:53  -837  175 
  3.7633 FileVVVVVV1112  2  1:53  -837  175     3.7509 Mycophot    2  2:51  -865  147 
  4.7509 FileMycophot    2  2:51  -865  147            Group: novice
  5.5629 FileNNNNNN1112  2  4:07  -890  122     1.5569 LongJump22  4  2:36  -759  253 
  6.5506 FileOOOOOO1112  2  4:22  -903  109     2.5629 NNNNNN1112  2  4:07  -890  122 
  7.5514 FileLLLLLL1112  1  0:55  -965   47     3.5506 OOOOOO1112  2  4:22  -903  109 
  8.5580 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:17  -965   47     4.5514 LLLLLL1112  1  0:55  -965   47 
                                             5.5580 MMMMMM1112  1  1:17  -965   47 

On 1st draw, FOGEY H8 32 --- FOGEY a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other tops: FOGEY H4 32
Other moves: FOYER H4 30, FORGE H4 26, GROUF H8 26, ROGUY H8 26, FOGEY H5 24
FOGEY H8 32 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112

On 2nd draw, (T)RAVELOG 11D 94 --- TRAVELOG a lecture or film on travelling [n]
Other moves: OVERGAL(L) 11F 72, OVERGA(L)L 11F 72, OVERGLA(D) 11F 72, VORLAGE(S) 11B 72, VORLAG(E) G2 67
(T)RAVELOG 11D 94 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 3rd draw, OARIEST 13C 81 --- OARY like oars [adj]
Other moves: OTARIES 13B 79, OARIEST L6 78, OTARIES L5 70, OTARIES G3 68, OTARIES I3 68
OARIEST 13C 81 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 4th draw, OP(A)QUE 14I 46 --- OPAQUE impervious to light [adj] --- OPAQUE to make opaque [v]
Other tops: QUO(T)(H)A D8 46
Other moves: QOP(H) B10 41, EQU(I)P 14I 37, P(I)QUE 12J 36, CO(N)QUER E5 34, EPULOT(I)C I8 34
OP(A)QUE 14I 46 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, moonmonkey

On 5th draw, WITAN 15K 47 --- WITAN the members of a national council in Anglo-Saxon England [n]
Other moves: UNWIT 15G 35, MATIN 15I 32, TAMIN 15I 32, TWIN 15H 32, WITAN 15G 32
WITAN 15K 47 moonmonkey, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112

On 6th draw, SOAPIES L5 74 --- SOAPIE a serial melodrama on radio or television [n]
Other moves: SOAPIES G3 70, SOAPIES I3 70, SOAPIES(T) D4 70, POSSIE 15D 36, PAISE L8 32
POSSIE 15D 36 moonmonkey

On 7th draw, ZONE 12A 52 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: ZONED 14B 51, TOZED 15E 49, ZONED 15E 49, DOZEN 15E 48, TOZE 12L 48

On 8th draw, DUOTONES 5E 86 --- DUOTONE an illustration in two tones [n]
Other moves: DUOTONE 15C 80, OUTDONE 15C 80, DUOTONE M2 79, DUOTONE M1 75, OUTDONE M1 75

On 9th draw, FIREMAN 15C 92 --- FIREMAN a man employed to extinguish fires [n]
Other moves: MAZIER A10 51, FAMINE 15D 48, FIRMAN 15D 48, ZARF A12 48, AZINE A11 42

On 10th draw, MAZIER A10 51 --- MAZY full of confusing turns and passages [adj]
Other tops: MEZAIL A10 51
Other moves: LAZIED A10 48, LIZARD A10 48, AZIDE A11 45, IZARD A11 45, LAZIER A10 45
MEZAIL A10 51 moonmonkey

On 11th draw, VELDTS H1 36 --- VELDT a grassland in southern Africa [n]
Other tops: HEID 6F 36, HIED 6F 36
Other moves: HIDE M7 34, HIES 6F 34, SHED M6 34, VELDT H1 33, EHS 6E 32
PISH 8L 27 moonmonkey

On 12th draw, CLARINET 2B 74 --- CLARINET a woodwind instrument [n]
Other moves: TALC 12L 38, NIT 12J 31, RIT 12J 31, ARTICLE 2B 30, CAPLIN 8J 30
PACT 8L 24 moonmonkey

On 13th draw, CABLE 4A 27 --- CABLE to fasten with a cable (a heavy rope) [v]
Other moves: BANE M7 26, BAEL 10J 25, BELGA 4A 25, CAB I7 25, CAGES 6D 24

On 14th draw, CHEKA A4 42 --- CHEKA Russian secret police [n]
Other moves: KAE 10J 36, KAB 1D 31, KEB 1D 31, HAE 10J 30, PAIK 8L 30
CHEKA A4 42 Mycophot

On 15th draw, JUD 1D 41 --- JUD a mass of coal holed ready for removal [n]
Other tops: JUG 1D 41
Other moves: REJON J8 28, JEU I7 27, JOG J10 27, JUD K7 27, JUG K7 27
JUG 1D 41 Mycophot

On 16th draw, BITER 12J 41 --- BITER that which bites [n]
Other moves: BITE 12J 39, BUTE 12J 39, BIT 12J 37, BUT 12J 37, UTERI 12K 35
BITE M7 26 Mycophot

On 17th draw, XI B6 56 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: WHID M6 40, DUX F4 38, XI M7 38, HID B6 37, HIND B6 37
XI M7 38 Mycophot

On 18th draw, WHID M6 40 --- WHID to move quickly and quietly [v]
Other moves: WHIN M6 36, WHIT M6 36, WITH M7 36, HIND M7 32, HISN 6F 32

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