Game on December 18, 2024 at 22:40, 5 players
1. 60 pts LongJump22
2. 40 pts OOOOOO1112
3. 40 pts LLLLLL1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 66 66
2. 13B 80 146
3. B10 74 220
4. 15B 98 318
5. 11E 40 358
6. I2 70 428
7. 14I 34 462
8. 15L 37 499
9. 2I 40 539
10. 1K 44 583
11. 12K 48 631
12. O8 39 670
13. 3K 34 704
14. 9G 25 729
15. 3C 38 767
16. 10D 62 829
17. 4A 40 869
18. 5C 21 890
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
1.5580 LongJump22 1 2:24 -830 60 1.5580 LongJump22 1 2:24 -830 60
2.5561 OOOOOO1112 1 1:04 -850 40 2.5561 OOOOOO1112 1 1:04 -850 40
3.5569 LLLLLL1112 1 1:23 -850 40 3.5569 LLLLLL1112 1 1:23 -850 40
4.5664 MMMMMM1112 1 1:44 -850 40 4.5664 MMMMMM1112 1 1:44 -850 40
5.5693 NNNNNN1112 0 0:34 -873 17 5.5693 NNNNNN1112 0 0:34 -873 17
On 1st draw, ARISTAS H7 66 --- ARISTA a bristlelike structure or appendage [n]
Other moves: ARISTAS H5 64, TARSIAS H5 64, AARTIS H3 14, AARTIS H4 14, AARTIS H7 14
On 2nd draw, A(S)TONISH 13B 80 --- ASTONISH to fill with sudden wonder or surprise [v]
Other moves: (M)ANIHOT G3 78, ASTONI(S)H 13G 74, T(R)AHISON 13C 74, (C)HITOSAN 13C 74, ANTHO(D)IA 12A 72
On 3rd draw, ZOCALO B10 74 --- ZOCALO the public square in a Mexican city or town [n]
Other moves: ZOCAL(O) B10 72, ZOCA(L)O B10 72, Z(O)CALO B10 72, ZO(C)ALO B10 68, ZO(E)AL B10 66
On 4th draw, OBV(O)LUTE 15B 98 --- OBVOLUTE rolled or turned in [adj]
Other moves: LOUVE(R) 15A 36, LOUV(R)E 15A 36, LOVEBU(G) 15A 36, VOLUB(L)E 15A 36, VO(L)UBLE 15A 36
On 5th draw, FATTIER 11E 40 --- FATTY greasy or oily [adj]
Other moves: AERIFY 14I 34, AERIFY 12H 29, FAY C9 29, FAERY G3 28, FAERY I3 28
On 6th draw, CROWDIE I2 70 --- CROWDIE porridge [n]
Other moves: CROWDIE G1 68, CROWDIE I1 68, WEIRDO 10J 37, WEIRD 10J 36, CROWED I4 34
On 7th draw, ABORNE 14I 34 --- ABEAR to bear [v]
Other moves: BASON 10F 33, BOONER J4 30, ROBES 10D 30, BEANO J4 29, OBAS 10E 29
On 8th draw, EYED 15L 37 --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other moves: ESPY 10G 36, EYES 10E 35, DEY 10D 33, GEY 10D 33, SPY 10H 33
On 9th draw, CHEDER 2I 40 --- CHEDER a Jewish school [n]
Other tops: CHIDER 2I 40
Other moves: HERE J2 39, EHED J1 36, HEIRED 10J 35, HERIED 10J 35, HEDER 10J 34
On 10th draw, PAPES 1K 44 --- PAPE a pope [n]
Other tops: PAPAS 1K 44
Other moves: PEAGS 13K 39, PAPA 13L 38, PAPE 13L 38, PAPS 13L 38, GASP 13K 37
On 11th draw, ENFIX 12K 48 --- ENFIX to fix in [v]
Other moves: FOXING 10J 42, FOXING 4H 42, EXIT G8 41, GONEF 3K 41, FOXIE 10J 40
On 12th draw, GALAX O8 39 --- GALAX an evergreen herb [n]
Other moves: GORAL 3K 35, GORAS 3K 35, GOAS 3K 33, GORA 3K 33, REALGARS 8H 33
On 13th draw, TOGA 3K 34 --- TOGA an outer garment worn in ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: GORA 3K 33, ROTA 3K 30, TORA 3K 30, TOG 3K 29, GOA 3K 28
On 14th draw, DISTIL 9G 25 --- DISTIL to extract by vaporization and condensation [v]
Other moves: DISTIL 10J 23, ULITIS 9D 23, DIS 9G 22, LIST 9G 21, TUIS 9F 21
On 15th draw, INVOKER 3C 38 --- INVOKER one that invokes [n]
Other tops: EIK 10D 38, NEK 10D 38, OIK 10D 38
Other moves: KIS 10F 37, KOS 10F 37, INVOKED G3 36, OINKED G4 31, INKED G5 30
On 16th draw, ROJIS 10D 62 --- ROJI a Japanese garden design [n]
Other moves: JUNIOR D1 42, JUD G7 40, JORUM F2 36, JOR C9 31, JOMO F2 29
On 17th draw, WINY 4A 40 --- WINY having the taste or qualities of wine [adj]
Other moves: WINGY D1 32, YU 10J 31, WENNY D1 30, WINEY D1 30, VIEWY E3 28
WINY 4A 40 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112
On 18th draw, NEUM 5C 21 --- NEUM a sign used in musical notation [n]
Other moves: UNMEW 5E 20, MOM 4H 17, EM J6 16, EMU 5D 16, WEM 5I 16
UNMEW 5E 20 LongJump22
MOM 4H 17 NNNNNN1112
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