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Game on December 19, 2024 at 12:17, 8 players
1. 487 pts ArcticFox
2. 427 pts Chelsea
3. 182 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdiipr   H7    28    28   adipic
 2. abegnss  11E    40    68   besings
 3. ?aemorr   8A    83   151   carromed
 4. kosttuw   C3    92   243   tutworks
 5. aabhinr   A4    65   308   branchia
 6. aeelnrw   K4    72   380   renewals
 7. ?elopxy  12A    57   437   epoxy
 8. ?eehiiv   8K    42   479   wheel
 9. ainortu   I1    62   541   rainout
10. aeeimno  13B    41   582   amie
11. efrstuu   O6    61   643   sulfuret
12. adegloz   M2    56   699   deglaze
13. aefiilo   1D    39   738   foliar
14. eeilnty   L1    35   773   yite
15. cdelnoo   O6    39   812   sulfureted
16. dijnnot   G1    87   899   injointed
17. cgilovv   I9    25   924   vin
18. cglooqv   N3    25   949   cool

Remaining tiles: gqv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7104 FileArcticFox   1 11:51  -462  487     1.7104 ArcticFox   1 11:51  -462  487 
  2.7168 FileChelsea     1 11:20  -522  427     2.7168 Chelsea     1 11:20  -522  427 
  3.5604 FileLongJump22  3  3:20  -767  182     3.7535 VVVVVV1112  1  1:38  -866   83 
  4.7535 FileVVVVVV1112  1  1:38  -866   83            Group: novice
  5.5534 FileOOOOOO1112  2  2:57  -881   68     1.5604 LongJump22  3  3:20  -767  182 
  6.5608 FileLLLLLL1112  1  2:59  -888   61     2.5534 OOOOOO1112  2  2:57  -881   68 
  7.5691 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:52  -918   31     3.5608 LLLLLL1112  1  2:59  -888   61 
  8.5731 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:46  -922   27     4.5691 NNNNNN1112  0  1:52  -918   31 
                                             5.5731 MMMMMM1112  0  1:46  -922   27 

On 1st draw, ADIPIC H7 28 --- ADIPIC relating to animal fat [adj] --- ADIPOSE animal fat [adj]
Other tops: CAPRID H4 28
Other moves: ADIPIC H3 26, CAPRID H7 26, ADIPIC H4 24, ADIPIC H8 24, CAPRID H3 24
CAPRID H4 28 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112

On 2nd draw, BESINGS 11E 40 --- BESING to celebrate in song [v]
Other moves: SABINES 11E 36, AGNISES 11E 32, BANES I7 30, BASES I7 30, BANE I7 27
BESINGS 11E 40 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112

On 3rd draw, (C)ARROMED 8A 83 --- CARROM to collide with and rebound [v]
Other tops: ARMO(U)RED 8A 83, MARRO(W)ED 8A 83
Other moves: MOR(T)ARED 8A 80, ORRAME(N) I3 73, EAR(W)ORM G1 69, EAR(W)ORM I1 69, O(V)ERARM G1 69
ARMO(U)RED 8A 83 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 4th draw, TUTWORKS C3 92 --- TUTWORK piece-work [n]
Other moves: TUTWORKS D3 80, TUTWORK C3 40, KOW 10D 35, STOW 10C 32, SOW 10D 31
W*P 10F 31 ArcticFox
KET G7 27 MMMMMM1112

On 5th draw, BRAN(C)HIA A4 65 --- BRANCHIA a respiratory organ of aquatic animals [n]
Other moves: BANIA B2 31, HAP 10F 31, HIP 10F 31, AH 10E 30, BAH D2 28
HAP 10F 31 LongJump22, Chelsea
HIP 10F 31 ArcticFox, NNNNNN1112

On 6th draw, RENEWALS K4 72 --- RENEWAL the act of renewing [n]
Other tops: TREELAWN 5C 72
Other moves: TREELAWN 3C 66, RENEWAL I1 65, LEANER 12A 34, SLAW 10C 32, SNAW 10C 32
SLAW 10C 32 ArcticFox
SNAW 10C 32 Chelsea

On 7th draw, EPOXY 12A 57 --- EPOXY to glue with epoxy (a type of resin) [v]
Other moves: EP(O)XY 12A 55, PYXIE 9E 54, PYXI(E) 9E 52, PYXI(S) 9E 52, E(P)OXY 12A 51
YEX G7 51 Chelsea, ArcticFox

On 8th draw, WHEE(L) 8K 42 --- WHEEL to convey on wheels (circular frames designed to turn on an axis) [v]
Other tops: WHEE(N) 8K 42, WHEE(P) 8K 42, WHE(R)E 8K 42, WHI(L)E 8K 42, WHI(N)E 8K 42, WHI(T)E 8K 42
Other moves: HIE 13C 39, HIE(D) 13C 39, HIE(S) 13C 39, HI(E) 13C 36, HI(S) 13C 36
WHI(L)E 8K 42 ArcticFox
HIVE(R) L1 33 Chelsea

On 9th draw, RAINOUT I1 62 --- RAINOUT atomic fallout occurring in precipitation [n]
Other moves: ROTAN J5 28, TORAN J5 28, TIPUNA B10 27, NOTA J5 25, ORPIN B10 25
ANI 13B 23 Chelsea
NU 13C 17 ArcticFox

On 10th draw, AMIE 13B 41 --- AMIE a female friend [n]
Other moves: MIEN 13C 37, ANOMIE D1 35, MEANIE D1 35, INSEAM 10A 34, MAINER 1D 33
MIEN 13C 37 ArcticFox
MOANER 1D 33 Chelsea

On 11th draw, SU(L)FURET O6 61 --- SULFURET to treat with sulfur [v]
Other tops: FRUSTU(L)E O2 61
Other moves: FUREURS 1D 42, FUREUR 1D 39, AFTERS 2I 34, FUREURS 1G 33, RETURFS 1I 33
EFT H1 31 Chelsea
FUTURES 1E 30 ArcticFox

On 12th draw, DEGLAZE M2 56 --- DEGLAZE to remove the glaze from [v]
Other moves: AZO H1 55, GLAZER 1D 54, GRAZED 1H 54, DRAZEL 1H 51, GRAZE 1H 48
AZO H1 55 Chelsea
GLAZER 1D 54 ArcticFox

On 13th draw, FOLIAR 1D 39 --- FOLIAR pertaining to a leaf [adj]
Other moves: LIFE L1 32, FAP 10F 31, FOP 10F 31, FERIAL 1G 30, LOAFER 1D 30
FOP 10F 31 ArcticFox
FILER 1E 24 Chelsea

On 14th draw, YITE L1 35 --- YITE (Scots) the yellowhammer [n]
Other tops: YETI L1 35
Other moves: TYPAL B10 34, YETI N10 34, YIPE 10F 34, YEN N10 31, YEP 10F 31
YEN N10 31 Chelsea
YEP 10F 31 ArcticFox

On 15th draw, SU(L)FURETED O6 39 --- SULFURET to treat with sulfur [v]
Other moves: DEF 9M 33, DECO N1 32, ECO N2 28, DELO N1 26, COOL N3 25
SU(L)FURETED O6 39 Chelsea
DEF 9M 33 ArcticFox

On 16th draw, INJOINTED G1 87 --- INJOINT to join [v]
Other moves: JOINTED G3 35, AID 9K 33, DONJON E4 28, TAJ 2H 28, JOINED G4 26
AID 9K 33 ArcticFox
JOINT 13K 24 Chelsea

On 17th draw, VIN I9 25 --- VIN wine [n]
Other tops: COIL N3 25
Other moves: FLOG D1 24, VOLVE 14K 22, GIO D4 21, CLOVE 14K 20, VIVE 12L 20
VIVE 14L 20 Chelsea
VOICE 14K 20 ArcticFox

On 18th draw, COOL N3 25 --- COOL moderately cold [adj] --- COOL to lower the temperature of [v]
Other moves: FLOG D1 24, GOOL N3 23, GOO D4 21, CLOVE 14K 20, GOO N10 19
VOLE 12L 14 ArcticFox

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