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Game on December 19, 2024 at 16:51, 11 players
1. 221 pts Pacific
2. 194 pts LongJump22
3. 157 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?efinor   H4    76    76   fermion
 2. eegirrt   5E    32   108   greeter
 3. dinrstu   9C    62   170   sturnoid
 4. ceioosu   8A    26   196   ices
 5. aahiosu   L1    33   229   huias
 6. ?aaltux   F7    82   311   curtalax
 7. aejlmrt  15E    48   359   jeat
 8. abehnou   2J    32   391   bhuna
 9. deiimnw   1L    29   420   hide
10. ainortu   8J    24   444   aroint
11. delmnoo   A3    62   506   melodion
12. aacdest   C1    78   584   estacades
13. beenopr   1A    39   623   beeper
14. efgknoo  E11    39   662   kef
15. imoowyy   D1    32   694   pioy
16. aimopqy   7M    44   738   qi
17. egillmw   6N    27   765   we
18. gimnoyz  10J    79   844   zingy
19. agmoouw  D11    25   869   om
20. aloopvw   B6    35   904   vac
21. loopuvw   1H    22   926   woo

Remaining tiles: gllpuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9311 FilePacific     3  4:22  -705  221     1.9311 Pacific     3  4:22  -705  221 
  2.5604 FileLongJump22  3  4:35  -732  194            Group: advanced
  3.7103 FileArcticFox   1  4:18  -769  157     1.7103 ArcticFox   1  4:18  -769  157 
  4.7625 FileVVVVVV1112  1  2:42  -799  127     2.7625 VVVVVV1112  1  2:42  -799  127 
  5.7493 FileMycophot    1  2:33  -848   78     3.7493 Mycophot    1  2:33  -848   78 
  6.5731 FileMMMMMM1112  1  2:08  -865   61     4.7619 sicilianc5  0  0:31  -897   29 
  7.7619 Filesicilianc5  0  0:31  -897   29     5.7687 HollyIvy    0  0:52  -897   29 
  8.5691 FileNNNNNN1112  0  0:42  -897   29            Group: novice
  9.7687 FileHollyIvy    0  0:52  -897   29     1.5604 LongJump22  3  4:35  -732  194 
 10.5534 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:03  -897   29     2.5731 MMMMMM1112  1  2:08  -865   61 
 11.5608 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:26  -897   29     3.5691 NNNNNN1112  0  0:42  -897   29 
                                             4.5534 OOOOOO1112  0  1:03  -897   29 
                                             5.5608 LLLLLL1112  0  1:26  -897   29 

On 1st draw, FER(M)ION H4 76 --- FERMION a type of atomic particle [n]
Other tops: FOREI(G)N H4 76, FOR(P)INE H4 76, INFER(N)O H2 76, INFOR(C)E H2 76, I(N)FERNO H2 76, (C)OINFER H8 76, (C)ONIFER H8 76
Other moves: FER(M)ION H2 70, FER(M)ION H3 70, FER(M)ION H6 70, FER(M)ION H7 70, FER(M)ION H8 70
FOREI(G)N H4 76 Pacific
(C)ONIFER H8 76 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, GREETER 5E 32 --- GREETER one that greets [n]
Other moves: GRIEFER 4D 22, FERRITE 4H 20, FERRET 4H 18, GRIEF 4D 18, FERER 4H 16
GREETER 5E 32 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112

On 3rd draw, STURNOID 9C 62 --- STURNOID resembling a sturnus [adj]
Other tops: TURDIONS 9C 62
Other moves: DINTS L1 25, DIRTS L1 25, DUITS L1 25, DUNTS L1 25, DURNS L1 25
TURDIONS 9C 62 LongJump22

On 4th draw, ICES 8A 26 --- ICE to cover with ice (frozen water) [v]
Other tops: COOS 8A 26, CUES 8A 26, ECOS 8A 26, ECUS 8A 26
Other moves: CESIOUS C7 24, SOUCE 11H 24, COSIE L3 23, COOS 11E 22, COSIE 6B 22
SOUCE 11H 24 LongJump22

On 5th draw, HUIAS L1 33 --- HUIA a New Zealand bird [n]
Other moves: RAH 6H 29, OHIAS L1 27, HUIAS 11D 26, OHIAS 11D 26, AAHS 11E 24
RAH 6H 29 MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112

On 6th draw, (C)URTALAX F7 82 --- CURTALAX a short broadsword [n]
Other moves: RAX 6H 53, R(A)X 6H 51, R(E)X 6H 51, LAT(E)XES C3 42, U(N)TAXES C3 42
RAX 6H 53 Pacific, ArcticFox
R(E)X 6H 51 VVVVVV1112

On 7th draw, JEAT 15E 48 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other tops: JAM E11 48
Other moves: JET E11 42, TREMA 15D 39, JA E11 38, ARMLET 8J 36, METAL 15E 36
JAM E11 48 ArcticFox, Pacific

On 8th draw, BHUNA 2J 32 --- BHUNA (Urdu) an Indian sauce [n]
Other moves: BAH E11 31, BESHONE C7 30, BHUNA 1K 30, HOHA 1L 30, HUNH 1L 30
REH 6H 29 sicilianc5
RAH 6H 29 HollyIvy, Mycophot
HE 6J 28 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, HIDE 1L 29 --- HIDE to conceal [v] --- HIDE to flog [v]
Other moves: HEND 1L 28, HIED 1L 28, HIND 1L 28, MILDEW 12D 26, RIME 6H 26
HIED 1L 28 ArcticFox

On 10th draw, AROINT 8J 24 --- AROINT to frighten away [v]
Other tops: OUTRAN 8J 24
Other moves: NORIA G11 22, NUTRIA 1E 22, TAJ E13 21, ARIA G12 19, ATUA G12 19
NUTRIA 1E 22 Mycophot

On 11th draw, MELODION A3 62 --- MELODION a small reed organ [n]
Other moves: DOMINE 3I 43, MINED 3K 33, MIND 3K 32, DROME 6G 31, MINE 3K 29

On 12th draw, ESTACADES C1 78 --- ESTACADE a riverbed barrier of piles to thwart the enemy [n]
Other moves: ECADS 11D 26, ACETA 1F 25, CESTA 1F 25, ACATES B10 24, ACTED B10 24

On 13th draw, BEEPER 1A 39 --- BEEPER a signaling device [n]
Other moves: BEEP 1A 33, BOEP 1A 33, BEER B1 28, PEER B1 28, ENROBE 1C 27

On 14th draw, KEF E11 39 --- KEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: OINK 3K 35, GONK 7J 34, GOOK 7J 34, EIK 3K 33, OIK 3K 33

On 15th draw, PIOY D1 32 --- PIOY a home-made firework [n]
Other moves: YOW B10 30, MY G12 29, YOM B10 29, YO B10 26, OM D11 25

On 16th draw, QI 7M 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: YOMP 7J 34, IMP G11 33, YOMP B10 32, MY G12 29, YAM B10 29
QI 7M 44 Pacific

On 17th draw, WE 6N 27 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other moves: RIME 6H 26, REM 6H 23, RIM 6H 23, ME 6J 22, MEWING N4 20
WE 6N 27 Mycophot

On 18th draw, ZINGY 10J 79 --- ZINGY enjoyably exciting [adj]
Other moves: ZYGON 10J 73, ZING 10J 67, ZIG 10J 66, ZIN 10J 65, ZO 10J 64

On 19th draw, OM D11 25 --- OM a mantra used in contemplation of ultimate reality [n]
Other tops: AM D11 25
Other moves: RAM 6H 23, ROM 6H 23, WOO 1H 22, AG D11 21, AUA G13 20

On 20th draw, VAC B6 35 --- VAC a vacuum cleaner [n] --- VAC to clean with a vacuum cleaner [v]
Other moves: AW G12 28, AVO 1H 22, OVA 1H 22, WOO 1H 22, GAWP M10 20

On 21th draw, WOO 1H 22 --- WOO to seek the affection of [v]
Other moves: POO 1H 19, UPO 1H 19, LOST D6 17, PUG E3 17, GLOOP M10 16

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