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Game on December 19, 2024 at 19:55, 2 players
1. 159 pts Pacific
2. 96 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abhorw   H4    32    32   howbe
 2. aaceloy   4D    28    60   leachy
 3. diortux   5C    40   100   tix
 4. acddeil   3I    24   124   alcid
 5. eefiors   4L    29   153   fore
 6. ?aeinpv   E4    90   243   expansive
 7. deeghst  10A    67   310   hedgiest
 8. aamortu   A8    36   346   mahout
 9. efgnosu   2C    71   417   fungoes
10. adekntt  H10    36   453   tanked
11. einpqrz  14B    76   529   prenzie
12. aenotvw   O1    33   562   woven
13. aioqrst  15A    37   599   qi
14. ilnorsu   1A    23   622   roin
15. adeijrs   6J    46   668   jerids
16. eilosty  13H    34   702   kylies
17. abeegil   1F    32   734   alb
18. aaegotu  12J    27   761   agouta
19. aeeimrr  15H    92   853   dreamier

Remaining tiles: ottu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9187 FilePacific     2  2:07  -694  159     1.9187 Pacific     2  2:07  -694  159 
  2.7100 FileArcticFox   1  3:16  -757   96            Group: advanced
                                             1.7100 ArcticFox   1  3:16  -757   96 

On 1st draw, HOWB(E) H4 32 --- HOWBE yet [conj]
Other moves: HAR(R)OW H4 30, HAR(R)OW H7 30, HA(R)ROW H4 30, HA(R)ROW H7 30, WROA(T)H H4 30
WARB(S) H4 26 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, LEACHY 4D 28 --- LEACHY porous [adj]
Other moves: OYE I6 27, CLOYE I2 26, OY I6 25, YALE I7 24, LACEY G1 23

On 3rd draw, TIX 5C 40 --- TIX tickets [n]
Other moves: OX 5D 38, XI 5E 38, OXID 5B 32, WOX 6H 29, DEXTRO E3 28
TIX 5C 40 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, ALCID 3I 24 --- ALCID a diving sea bird [n]
Other moves: ADDLE 3I 22, AIDED 3I 22, CAWED 6F 21, AILED 3I 20, ACED 6A 19

On 5th draw, FORE 4L 29 --- FORE the front part of something [n]
Other tops: FEER 4L 29, FEES 4L 29, FEIS 4L 29, FERE 4L 29, FIER 4L 29, FIRE 4L 29, FIRS 4L 29, FOES 4L 29, SEIF 4L 29, SERF 4L 29
Other moves: FIERE 2F 28, FRISE 2F 28, FEIRIE L1 26, FRISEE L1 26, FEE 4L 25

On 6th draw, EXPAN(S)IVE E4 90 --- EXPANSIVE [adj]
Other moves: REPAVIN(G) N4 70, EXAP(T)IVE E4 38, CAP(T)IVE K3 34, PEAVIE(S) O3 33, PEEVIN(G) O2 33

On 7th draw, HEDGIEST 10A 67 --- HEDGY abounding in hedges [adj]
Other moves: THEGNS 8A 36, HEDGES O3 33, SEETHED O2 33, SEETHED O3 33, SHEETED O1 33
HEDGIEST 10A 67 Pacific
HEDGES 12A 30 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, MAHOUT A8 36 --- MAHOUT the keeper and driver of an elephant [n]
Other moves: MAHUA A8 33, MOHUA A8 33, MOHUR A8 33, AUTHOR A7 30, MARAH A6 30

On 9th draw, FUNGOES 2C 71 --- FUNGO a fly ball hit to a fielder for practice in baseball [n]
Other moves: FONDUES C7 32, FUNG D12 30, GONEFS O1 30, FEGS D12 28, FOGS D12 28

On 10th draw, TANKED H10 36 --- TANK to store in a tank (a container usually for liquids) [v]
Other tops: AKE 1F 36
Other moves: DANK D12 34, KENTED O3 33, CAKED K3 32, KADE 2L 32, KAED 2L 32

On 11th draw, PRENZIE 14B 76 --- PRENZIE princely [adj]
Other moves: PREZ D12 58, PRENZIE O2 54, ZEIN 1A 50, PIZE O1 45, PRENZIE 14F 44

On 12th draw, WOVEN O1 33 --- WOVEN a woven fabric [n]
Other tops: NAVEW O1 33
Other moves: AWE 1F 32, AWN 1F 32, OVEN 1A 32, OW 1G 32, WAVE O1 30

On 13th draw, QI 15A 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 6B 33, QIS 5J 30, QATS 6L 27, QAIDS C7 26, QIS 6M 26

On 14th draw, ROIN 1A 23 --- ROIN to mutter [v]
Other tops: IRON 1A 23, LION 1A 23, LOIN 1A 23, RUIN 1A 23
Other moves: KNURLS 13H 22, LURS C12 20, NURS C12 20, OURS C12 20, IRONS 6K 19

On 15th draw, JERIDS 6J 46 --- JERID a wooden javelin [n]
Other moves: JA 1G 42, JASPE 6B 37, JARS C12 34, JASP 6B 34, JAI B6 30

On 16th draw, KYLIES 13H 34 --- KYLIE a boomerang [n]
Other tops: KYLOES 13H 34
Other moves: OY 1G 32, EDITORS C9 30, KILEYS 13H 28, LEY I11 27, LOY I11 27

On 17th draw, ALB 1F 32 --- ALB a long-sleeved vestment [n]
Other moves: ABELE 12K 28, ALBEE 12J 28, BEIGE 12K 28, ALBE 12J 26, BIGA 12L 26

On 18th draw, AGOUTA 12J 27 --- AGOUTA a rare Haitian mammal that eats insects [n]
Other moves: CAGE K3 22, AGATE F6 20, AUA 15D 20, CATE K3 20, TAO 15D 20

On 19th draw, DREAMIER 15H 92 --- DREAMY full of dreams [adj]
Other moves: CAREME K3 28, BRAME 7H 25, CAME K3 24, CAREER K3 24, REAMER O10 24
DREAMIER 15H 92 Pacific

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