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Game on December 19, 2024 at 23:41, 1 player
1. 57 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeiluv   H7    76    76   elusive
 2. ?aeimpr  11D    94   170   impairer
 3. abdilny  13G    84   254   deniably
 4. aeghnrs   D7    76   330   hearings
 5. aacikor   C5    36   366   croak
 6. adeeorw   B9    83   449   oarweed
 7. aehottv  10J    36   485   hovea
 8. fimnost   O5    45   530   motifs
 9. degnoot   8F    61   591   goldtone
10. aaefils  14J    36   627   flea
11. ainrstz   N4    70   697   nazi
12. abdgttu   M3    49   746   tubage
13. eennops  15L    32   778   epos
14. cdeintw   L1    34   812   weid
15. eioqrux   G8    34   846   ox
16. iioqsty  15H    42   888   qis
17. ennortu   5A    70   958   nocturne
18. ijlrtuy   1L    30   988   wily
19. cijrttu   H1    51  1039   juice

Remaining tiles: rtt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7065 FileGLOBEMAN    1  2:14  -982   57     1.7065 GLOBEMAN    1  2:14  -982   57 

On 1st draw, ELU(S)IVE H7 76 --- ELUSIVE tending to elude [adj]
Other tops: VEI(N)ULE H4 76
Other moves: ELU(S)IVE H2 70, ELU(S)IVE H3 70, ELU(S)IVE H4 70, ELU(S)IVE H6 70, ELU(S)IVE H8 70

On 2nd draw, IMPAI(R)ER 11D 94 --- IMPAIRER one that impairs [n]
Other tops: IMPAIRE(D) 11D 94, IMPAIRE(R) 11D 94
Other moves: PRIME(V)AL 8A 92, IMPER(I)AL 8A 86, LEMPIRA(S) 8H 86, PR(O)EMIAL 8A 86, (I)MPERIAL 8A 86

On 3rd draw, DENIABLY 13G 84 --- DENIABLE capable of being denied [adv] --- DENIABLY in a deniable manner [adv]
Other moves: DENIABLY 7G 68, DELU(S)IVELY H6 48, ELU(S)IVELY H7 42, BALDY 12A 41, BANDY 12A 41

On 4th draw, HEARINGS D7 76 --- HEARING a preliminary examination [n]
Other tops: HEARSING D6 76, SHEARING D6 76
Other moves: HANGERS L5 75, REHANGS L5 74, REHANGS I1 69, SHAGREEN 7B 68, GNASHER G1 66

On 5th draw, CROAK C5 36 --- CROAK to utter a low, hoarse sound [v]
Other moves: CARK C6 35, CORK C6 35, ACKER 8A 33, ICKER 8A 33, OAK 12L 33

On 6th draw, OARWEED B9 83 --- OARWEED a type of seaweed [n]
Other moves: OARWEED G1 69, OARWEED I1 69, WARED 10J 36, WEARED 10J 35, WADER 10J 34

On 7th draw, HOVEA 10J 36 --- HOVEA an Australian shrub with purple flowers [n]
Other tops: THAE A8 36
Other moves: HAE A13 34, HAO A13 34, HOA A13 34, HOE A13 34, THE A13 34

On 8th draw, MOTIFS O5 45 --- MOTIF a recurring thematic element in an artistic work [n]
Other moves: INFO C12 37, FINOS O6 36, FOINS O6 36, FOIST O7 36, FONTS O6 36

On 9th draw, GOLDTONE 8F 61 --- GOLDTONE made to resemble gold [adj]
Other moves: TONGED N1 35, ONTO A12 34, TOGED N2 33, NOTED N2 31, TONED N2 31

On 10th draw, FLEA 14J 36 --- FLEA a parasitic insect [n]
Other moves: FAA A13 34, FAE A13 34, FAA 14J 33, FAE 14J 33, FIE 14J 33

On 11th draw, NAZI N4 70 --- NAZI a type of fascist [n]
Other moves: SAZ N4 67, ZA N6 64, SAZ 15J 55, NAZIRS 15E 51, ZEAS 7G 51

On 12th draw, TUBAGE M3 49 --- TUBAGE the insertion of a tube [n]
Other moves: TUBATE M3 43, BADE M5 34, BUDA M3 34, TUBA M3 33, GADE M5 32

On 13th draw, EPOS 15L 32 --- EPOS an epic poem [n]
Other moves: OPE A13 30, PEE A13 30, PENNES 15E 30, PEONES 15E 30, NYS N12 28

On 14th draw, WEID L1 34 --- WEID a sudden illness [n]
Other moves: INDEW 6F 30, WIDEN 6F 30, WE A14 29, WIDE 6F 27, DEI A13 26

On 15th draw, OX G8 34 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: CIRQUE 5C 34, QI 14F 34, ROQUE 2H 34, XU 9G 34
Other moves: SUQ 14D 32, COXIER 5C 30, QUIRED I3 30, XI 14F 28, EXIT J5 27

On 16th draw, QIS 15H 42 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 14F 34, QIS E5 30, YO A14 29, TOYS 15G 27, OYS 15H 24

On 17th draw, NOCTURNE 5A 70 --- NOCTURNE a musical composition [n]
Other moves: NEWTON 1J 27, RENOWN 1H 27, UNWONT 1J 27, UNWORN 1J 27, OWNER 1K 24

On 18th draw, WILY 1L 30 --- WILY crafty [adj]
Other tops: WIRY 1L 30
Other moves: ULYIE H1 27, UNITY A4 27, JUT J6 26, TWIRL 1K 24, JILT D2 22

On 19th draw, JUICE H1 51 --- JUICE to extract the juice (the liquid part of a fruit or vegetable) from [v]
Other moves: TRICE H1 30, TRUCE H1 30, JUCO B2 26, JUCO K5 26, JUT J6 26

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