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Game on December 20, 2024 at 00:28, 5 players
1. 263 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 39 pts sunshine12
3. 22 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abgnoop   H4    24    24   boonga
 2. ?aeefht   G9    79   103   feather
 3. aelnort  12G    68   171   tetronal
 4. aelnuuv   N9    34   205   uvulae
 5. adlnosz   O4    80   285   zondas
 6. aeiistu  O12    29   314   seta
 7. acimoru   7F    67   381   conarium
 8. ?anouwy  15G    45   426   runway
 9. eeeprrs   L2    72   498   reperuse
10. ?diiosv  10A    83   581   ovicides
11. egiilpt   2J    28   609   periti
12. abdhilw   1M    45   654   bah
13. efjnorw   1G    42   696   rejon
14. egiilnt   2A    72   768   lignite
15. egkmoqr  M11    36   804   mak
16. cddfioq   M1    39   843   bifid
17. cdgilor   A1    27   870   clog
18. deiltwx   A7    48   918   extold

Remaining tiles: ilqrwy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7065 FileGLOBEMAN    0  7:41  -655  263     1.7065 GLOBEMAN    0  7:41  -655  263 
  2.7071 Filesunshine12  0  1:31  -879   39     2.7071 sunshine12  0  1:31  -879   39 
  3.7372 Fileroocatcher  0  0:23  -896   22     3.7372 roocatcher  0  0:23  -896   22 
  4.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:56  -904   14            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:23  -908   10     1.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:56  -904   14 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  1:23  -908   10 

On 1st draw, BOONGA H4 24 --- BOONGA (New Zealand) offensive word for a Pacific Islander [n]
Other moves: BOGAN H4 22, BONGO H4 22, BOONG H4 22, BOONGA H8 22, GABOON H4 22

On 2nd draw, FEATHE(R) G9 79 --- FEATHER to cover with feathers (horny structures that form the principal covering of birds) [v]
Other moves: TE(R)EFAH G9 70, TE(R)EFAH I9 70, (S)HEAF G5 36, HA(A)F G6 33, HA(U)F G6 33

On 3rd draw, TETRONAL 12G 68 --- TETRONAL a toxic drug [n]
Other tops: TETRONAL 12E 68, TOLERANT 12G 68
Other moves: ROATE H11 33, ORTOLAN 5E 28, ANETHOL 13C 22, ANOTHER 13C 22, HORNLET 13G 22

On 4th draw, UVULAE N9 34 --- UVULA the pendent, fleshy portion of the soft palate [n]
Other moves: VALUE N10 32, VENULA(R) 15A 30, UN(R)AVEL 15E 27, UVULAE M8 26, NE(R)VAL 15E 24

On 5th draw, ZONDAS O4 80 --- ZONDA a hot, dry, dusty wind [n]
Other moves: AZAN M12 50, AZLONS O4 50, AZO 11J 50, AZON M12 50, SAZ 11I 50

On 6th draw, SETA O12 29 --- SETA a coarse, stiff hair [n]
Other tops: SATE O12 29, SATI O12 29, SEAT O12 29, SITE O12 29
Other moves: TEASE H11 27, SITZ 4L 26, EASE H12 22, SAUTE I6 22, SUITE I6 22

On 7th draw, CONARIUM 7F 67 --- CONARIUM the pineal gland [n]
Other moves: COUMARIN L5 65, COUMARIN 7A 64, CAR(R)OM 15D 36, MAC(R)O 15D 33, MIC(R)A 15D 33

On 8th draw, (R)UNWAY 15G 45 --- RUNWAY a landing and takeoff strip for aircraft [n]
Other tops: NAYWO(R)(D) 15B 45, UNW(E)A(R)Y 15B 45, WAY(W)O(R)N 15B 45, (R)UNWAY(S) 15G 45, (W)AYWO(R)N 15B 45
Other moves: AYWO(R)(D) 15C 42, YA(R)(R)OW 15D 42, (R)UNW(A)Y 15G 42, (R)U(N)WAY 15G 42, (R)(U)NWAY 15G 42
WO(R)(R)Y 15D 39 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 9th draw, REPERUSE L2 72 --- REPERUSE to peruse again [v]
Other moves: REPOSER 5E 36, PREZ 4L 30, PRETEEN I9 24, PE F10 22, PERTS I9 22
PE F10 22 roocatcher
PE N5 14 BadBoyBen
PE 14F 10 chunk88

On 10th draw, OVI(C)IDES 10A 83 --- OVICIDE an agent that kills eggs [n]
Other moves: DIVISOR(S) 2F 67, DIVISOR(S) J1 65, DIVI(S)ORS 2F 65, DIVI(S)ORS J1 65, VES(P)OID 10F 42

On 11th draw, PERITI 2J 28 --- PERITUS a type of theological expert [n]
Other moves: EPILOG A6 27, PIOLET A8 27, PERIL 2J 26, PLIGHT 13C 26, PIGLET C9 24

On 12th draw, BAH 1M 45 --- BAH an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other moves: DAH 1M 41, HALED 3I 38, WALED 3I 38, WILED 3I 38, HAD 1M 37

On 13th draw, REJON 1G 42 --- REJON a bullfighting lance [n]
Other moves: FROW 1H 39, JEON 1H 39, WOOFER A8 39, JO 11K 38, FROWN A8 36

On 14th draw, LIGNITE 2A 72 --- LIGNITE a type of coal [n]
Other moves: GENTILI(C) D3 68, ELOIGN A8 27, GENE 3K 27, GENT 3K 27, LENTIGO A4 27

On 15th draw, MAK M11 36 --- MAK to make [v]
Other tops: QORMA I3 36
Other moves: KEG 3K 35, GROOM A8 33, QORMA K11 32, GLOM A1 30, MOKO A7 30

On 16th draw, BIFID M1 39 --- BIFID divided into two parts [adj]
Other moves: FLIC A1 36, FLOC A1 36, FED 3K 32, OF F13 31, CLOD A1 27

On 17th draw, CLOG A1 27 --- CLOG to block up or obstruct [v]
Other tops: CLOD A1 27, DROOG A8 27, GOOLD A8 27
Other moves: ODIC 3D 25, CID 10J 24, COD 10J 24, COLOG A7 24, CROODLED 5F 24

On 18th draw, EXTOLD A7 48 --- EXTOL to praise highly [v]
Other moves: DEX 3E 42, TEX 3E 40, TIX 3E 40, DETOX A7 39, EX 3F 37

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