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Game on December 20, 2024 at 08:54, 6 players
1. 225 pts LongJump22
2. 74 pts VVVVVV1112
3. 69 pts MMMMMM1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ghnoruy   H7    34    34   hungry
 2. aefrsuw   6F    35    69   swarf
 3. ?abenpu   K6    81   150   subpena
 4. ?aaorsv  12A    84   234   vavasory
 5. adejlos  A10    48   282   javels
 6. akosttu   E7    74   356   outtasks
 7. adehino   L7    46   402   hained
 8. aelrtwy   D1    83   485   trawley
 9. abceinq  J10    33   518   bac
10. eiimort   C3    29   547   moer
11. eilootz   8K    48   595   bazoo
12. dfginop   B6    38   633   pingo
13. deinoux   A7    42   675   xi
14. egilnou   C9    27   702   ogive
15. ceeilnt   N2    74   776   election
16. eefilqu   1A    42   818   quite
17. deinort   4H    74   892   oriented
18. efiilmt   2G    65   957   lifetime

Remaining tiles: ddev

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5609 FileLongJump22  3  2:22  -732  225     1.7172 VVVVVV1112  1  1:49  -883   74 
  2.7172 FileVVVVVV1112  1  1:49  -883   74            Group: novice
  3.5731 FileMMMMMM1112  1  2:31  -888   69     1.5609 LongJump22  3  2:22  -732  225 
  4.5684 FileNNNNNN1112  1  3:19  -888   69     2.5731 MMMMMM1112  1  2:31  -888   69 
  5.5554 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:00  -933   24     3.5684 NNNNNN1112  1  3:19  -888   69 
  6.5595 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:25  -933   24     4.5554 OOOOOO1112  0  1:00  -933   24 
                                             5.5595 LLLLLL1112  0  1:25  -933   24 

On 1st draw, HUNGRY H7 34 --- HUNGRY having a craving desire [adj]
Other tops: HUNGRY H4 34, ROUGHY H7 34, ROUGHY H8 34
Other moves: HORNY H4 30, HORNY H8 30, HUNGRY H3 28, HUNGRY H8 28, ROUGHY H3 28

On 2nd draw, SWARF 6F 35 --- SWARF material removed by a cutting tool [n] --- SWARF to faint [v]
Other moves: FEARS 6F 32, FRAUS 6F 32, WEARS 6F 32, SWEAR 6E 30, WAFERY 12C 30

On 3rd draw, (S)UBPENA K6 81 --- SUBPENA to summon with a type of judicial writ [v]
Other moves: PENU(M)BRA 11B 72, PRUNAB(L)E 11G 72, SUBPANE(L) F6 63, SUBPENA(S) F6 63, SUBP(O)ENA F6 61

On 4th draw, VA(V)ASORY 12A 84 --- VAVASORY lands of a vavasor [n]
Other moves: (V)AVASORY 12A 76, SA(M)OVARS F6 68, VA(V)ASORS F2 68, VA(V)ASSOR F2 68, (V)AVASOUR 8B 64

On 5th draw, JAVELS A10 48 --- JAVEL a worthless fellow [n]
Other moves: SLOJD 13K 37, JOL 11D 35, SALVOED A9 33, SJOE 13K 33, SOJA 13K 33

On 6th draw, OUTTASKS E7 74 --- OUTTASK to surpass in tasking [v]
Other moves: OUTTASKS F1 64, BAUKS 8K 36, BOAKS 8K 36, BOUKS 8K 36, ATOK L12 30

On 7th draw, HAINED L7 46 --- HAIN to save [v]
Other moves: HOIDEN L7 45, HOAED J10 38, HONED J10 38, OHED J9 38, HONIED J10 37

On 8th draw, TRAWLEY D1 83 --- TRAWLEY a small truck or car for conveying material [n]
Other moves: WALTY J10 48, WARTY J10 48, WETLY J10 48, WATERY J10 43, YAWL J10 42

On 9th draw, BAC J10 33 --- BAC baccalaureate, a university degree [n]
Other moves: CARIBE 2B 32, NIQAB 3A 32, QIBLA 5A 32, BARIC 2B 30, CEIBA B6 28

On 10th draw, MOER C3 29 --- MOER to attack (South African slang) [v]
Other moves: RETRIM 2A 28, MOTTIER 1A 27, MOTTIER 1B 27, OMITTER 1A 27, METRO B6 26

On 11th draw, BAZOO 8K 48 --- BAZOO the mouth [n]
Other tops: BAIZE 8K 48
Other moves: TOZIE 1D 42, ZLOTE 1A 42, ZOOT 1A 39, ROZET 2D 34, ROZIT 2D 34

On 12th draw, PINGO B6 38 --- PINGO a low mound of earth formed by expansion of underlying frost [n]
Other moves: TOPING 1D 27, GONAD B9 25, GIFT 1A 24, PING B6 24, POND B6 24

On 13th draw, XI A7 42 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: TUXEDO 1D 42, XU A7 42
Other moves: TOXINE 1D 39, TOXIN 1D 36, EXIT 1A 33, NEXT 1A 33, EXODUS F1 30

On 14th draw, OGI(V)E C9 27 --- OGIVE a pointed arch [n]
Other moves: GEL E3 26, ELUTING 1A 24, LENTIGO 1A 24, LOUTING 1A 24, OLI(V)E C9 24

On 15th draw, ELECTION N2 74 --- ELECTION the act of electing [n]
Other tops: COTELINE N7 74
Other moves: COTELINE O7 61, ELECTION O2 61, CEL E3 29, CENTILE 1A 27, ZEE M8 25
ELECTION N2 74 LongJump22

On 16th draw, QUITE 1A 42 --- QUITE to depart from or stop [v] --- QUITE to the fullest extent [adv]
Other moves: QUIFF J2 40, QUIT 1A 39, ELF E3 35, FIQUE 4J 34, QUIRE I3 31
QUITE 1A 42 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112

On 17th draw, ORIENTED 4H 74 --- ORIENT to acquaint with details of a situation [v]
Other moves: ORIENTED 2H 61, TROD O1 30, END E3 27, NED E3 27, RED E3 27
ORIENTED 4H 74 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 18th draw, LIFETIME 2G 65 --- LIFETIME the period of living existence [n]
Other moves: ELF E3 35, TEF E3 35, ELM E3 31, MEL E3 29, MET E3 29
TEF E3 35 LongJump22

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