Game on December 20, 2024 at 18:45, 7 players
1. 226 pts HollyIvy
2. 226 pts sicilianc5
3. 171 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 72 72
2. 14B 28 100
3. 13A 32 132
4. A8 27 159
5. 15A 39 198
6. 8H 77 275
7. O1 92 367
8. K5 90 457
9. J10 32 489
10. J4 68 557
11. L12 44 601
12. B6 34 635
13. 2J 34 669
14. 3M 24 693
15. L1 51 744
16. C2 34 778
17. L6 35 813
18. 2A 74 887
19. 15J 48 935
20. H1 39 974
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7687 HollyIvy 3 4:11 -748 226 1.7687 HollyIvy 3 4:11 -748 226
2.7685 sicilianc5 3 4:59 -748 226 2.7685 sicilianc5 3 4:59 -748 226
3.5825 LongJump22 4 4:39 -803 171 Group: novice
4.5749 NNNNNN1112 2 2:43 -915 59 1.5825 LongJump22 4 4:39 -803 171
5.5606 OOOOOO1112 2 3:32 -915 59 2.5749 NNNNNN1112 2 2:43 -915 59
6.5595 LLLLLL1112 1 1:08 -935 39 3.5606 OOOOOO1112 2 3:32 -915 59
7.5742 MMMMMM1112 1 1:31 -935 39 4.5595 LLLLLL1112 1 1:08 -935 39
5.5742 MMMMMM1112 1 1:31 -935 39
On 1st draw, ENROB(E)S H8 72 --- ENROBE to dress [v]
Other tops: BON(D)ERS H4 72, BON(K)ERS H4 72, BORE(E)NS H4 72, BOR(A)NES H4 72, BOR(E)ENS H4 72, BO(O)NERS H4 72, BO(U)RNES H4 72, BRE(H)ONS H4 72, BRE(T)ONS H4 72, BRON(Z)ES H4 72, B(O)ONERS H4 72, (E)NROBES H8 72, (U)NROBES H8 72, (U)NSOBER H8 72
Other moves: BON(D)ERS H2 68, BON(D)ERS H3 68, BON(D)ERS H6 68, BON(D)ERS H7 68, BON(D)ERS H8 68
BRON(Z)ES H4 72 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, BOVINES 14B 28 --- BOVINE an animal of the cattle family [n]
Other moves: BEANO G8 23, NABE G11 23, BOVINE 11G 22, BOVINE 12H 22, BOVIN(E) 13C 22
BOVINES 14B 28 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, DAK 13A 32 --- DAK transportation by relays of men and horses [n]
Other moves: KED 15A 31, KID 15A 31, OAK 13A 30, KAE 15A 27, KAI 15A 27
DAK 13A 32 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
On 4th draw, ELUDED A8 27 --- ELUDE to evade [v]
Other tops: DOUTED A8 27, DUELED A8 27, DUETED A8 27
Other moves: ELUTED A8 24, LOUTED A8 24, OUTLED A8 24, BOULTED 12H 20, BELTED 12H 18
On 5th draw, PYA 15A 39 --- PYA a copper coin of Burma [n]
Other moves: YAP 15A 38, RYA 15A 33, PAYER I7 32, PAYEE G11 30, PAYER G11 30
PYA 15A 39 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112
On 6th draw, ETAERIOS 8H 77 --- ETAERIO an aggregated fruit like a blackberry [n]
Other moves: OARIEST B2 70, OTARIES B2 70, SABOTIER 12F 70, OTARIES G5 68, (E)TAERIOS 13H 66
On 7th draw, HAYRI(D)ES O1 92 --- HAYRIDE a wagon ride [n]
Other moves: HAY(W)IRES O1 89, HAYRI(D)E B2 80, HAY(W)IRE B2 80, HY(D)RIAE B2 80, Y*HRz**TYAHR(Z)EIT I1 68
HAYRI(D)ES O1 42 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 8th draw, TAMENESS K5 90 --- TAMENESS the state of being tame [n]
Other moves: STAMENS B2 74, TAM(E)NESS 13E 74, SARMENTS L6 70, SMARTENS L5 70, TAMENESS K3 70
TAMENESS K5 40 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 9th draw, WAIT J10 32 --- WAIT to stay in expectation of [v]
Other tops: CAPITA 2J 32
Other moves: WAI J10 31, TIPI B8 29, WAP J4 26, CAP J4 25, PIA J10 25
WAIT J10 32 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 10th draw, FEZ J4 68 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: ZEA J6 67, L*ZLEZ J4 65, ZA N2 49, WANZE L1 44, FAZE L2 34
FEZ J4 68 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 11th draw, HUMF L12 44 --- HUMF to carry something awkward [v]
Other moves: HOUF L12 40, OHM N1 38, FOH B8 37, HOLM L12 36, MHO L10 36
HUMF L12 44 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 12th draw, QAT B6 34 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: FACE 15L 27, FACT 15L 27, FICE 15L 27, QI N5 27, QI I3 26
On 13th draw, CROWEA 2J 34 --- CROWEA an Australian shrub with pink flowers [n]
Other moves: GORED L6 33, CROWDIE M3 32, ERGODIC M3 32, FROW 15L 30, DOWER G11 28
On 14th draw, ONY 3M 24 --- ONY any (Scots) [adj]
Other moves: FLOE 15L 21, FOEN 15L 21, FONE 15L 21, FOOL 15L 21, ELM 14J 17
On 15th draw, JOCO L1 51 --- JOCO cheerful [adj]
Other moves: JEDI C3 35, PORED L6 35, COPE L1 31, POCO L1 31, DOCO L1 27
On 16th draw, RELAID C2 34 --- RELAY to put down new flooring [v]
Other tops: LAROID C2 34
Other moves: AROID C3 32, DERAIL C2 30, REFOLD 15J 30, RIFLED 15J 30, ROADIE C2 30
On 17th draw, PURED L6 35 --- PUR to utter a low, vibrant sound [v]
Other moves: PURGED 2A 28, PLUNGED 4B 26, PURE L6 26, PURLED 2A 26, DUPE B1 24
On 18th draw, GAROTING 2A 74 --- GAROTE to execute by strangling [v]
Other moves: TANGOING F8 62, FANG 15L 24, FIGO 15L 24, GORING 2A 24, GRINGA 2B 24
On 19th draw, INFLUX 15J 48 --- INFLUX a flowing in [n]
Other moves: FLIX 15L 42, FLUX 15L 42, MUX 7K 37, XI M7 37, OXO D2 33
On 20th draw, OGIVE H1 39 --- OGIVE a pointed arch [n]
Other tops: OGIVE A1 39
Other moves: OLIVER D7 24, OLIVET D7 24, VILER 4A 24, VOLET 4A 24, VOLTE 4A 24
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