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Game on December 20, 2024 at 20:19, 7 players
1. 605 pts Muincunx
2. 525 pts ArcticFox
3. 262 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeosstv   H3    78    78   avosets
 2. eginptw   3H    28   106   aweing
 3. ?ceeoru   L1    72   178   renounce
 4. ?demooq   8J    51   229   quemed
 5. alrsttu   N5    62   291   tutelars
 6. aciknrv   O1    55   346   nickar
 7. adilmru  12I    26   372   dualism
 8. aeilnst  11E    87   459   saltine
 9. abehtwx   1G    45   504   baxter
10. aeggnoy  O10    41   545   gemony
11. aadefop  10C    31   576   deaf
12. aehioor  14J    34   610   heroin
13. floortz  15H    46   656   zoot
14. dghinpu   C7    34   690   pudding
15. eilorvw   8A    39   729   louvre
16. aeiinpr   2B    24   753   rapini
17. befijoy   1A    46   799   joy
18. abefhiw   3C    49   848   wife

Remaining tiles: abh

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7756 FileMuincunx   10 14:53  -243  605     1.7756 Muincunx   10 14:53  -243  605 
  2.7092 FileArcticFox   4 17:25  -323  525     2.7092 ArcticFox   4 17:25  -323  525 
  3.5825 FileLongJump22  2  4:29  -586  262            Group: novice
  4.5595 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:05  -797   51     1.5825 LongJump22  2  4:29  -586  262 
  5.5742 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:28  -797   51     2.5595 LLLLLL1112  1  1:05  -797   51 
  6.5749 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:50  -797   51     3.5742 MMMMMM1112  1  1:28  -797   51 
  7.5606 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:20  -818   30     4.5749 NNNNNN1112  1  1:50  -797   51 
                                             5.5606 OOOOOO1112  0  1:20  -818   30 

On 1st draw, AVOSETS H3 78 --- AVOSET a wading bird [n]
Other moves: AVOSETS H2 72, AVOSETS H4 72, AVOSETS H6 72, AVOSETS H7 72, AVOSETS H8 72
AVOSETS H3 78 LongJump22
AVOSETS H3 28 Muincunx
VESTS H4 24 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, AWEING 3H 28 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other tops: WIPE G5 28
Other moves: PEW G5 27, APTING 3H 24, GOWPEN 5G 24, NEW G5 23, TEW G5 23
WIPE G5 28 Muincunx
WESTING 6F 21 ArcticFox

On 3rd draw, RENOU(N)CE L1 72 --- RENOUNCE to disown [v]
Other moves: ENCO(L)URE L2 70, COE(N)URES 6A 63, RECOU(R)ES 9A 63, RECOU(R)SE 6B 63, RESOU(R)CE 6F 63
RECOU(R)ES 6A 61 LongJump22
CON(F)ER L1 20 ArcticFox
CONE(S) L1 18 Muincunx

On 4th draw, Q(U)EMED 8J 51 --- QUEME to please [v]
Other moves: Q(U)OMODO 5B 36, Q(U)OMODO 5D 36, (A)MOOVED 4D 32, Q(I)S 6F 31, S(U)Q 6H 31
Q(U)EMED 8J 51 Muincunx, ArcticFox, LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112

On 5th draw, TUTELARS N5 62 --- TUTELAR one who has the power to protect [n]
Other moves: LUSTRATE 7A 60, RUSA 9L 25, SURA 9L 25, TRAT 9K 23, TSAR 9K 23
SURA 9L 25 Muincunx
TRAT 9K 23 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, NICKAR O1 55 --- NICKAR a clay marble [n]
Other moves: VINCA O1 41, NICKAR 1G 36, CRANK 1K 33, CASK 12L 30, IKAN O12 30
RICK 1L 30 Muincunx, ArcticFox

On 7th draw, DUALISM 12I 26 --- DUALISM a philosophical theory [n]
Other moves: AM 2I 25, DALI 9L 25, DUMA G5 24, MAQUI J6 24, MUDIR 1H 24
AM 2I 25 Muincunx, ArcticFox

On 8th draw, SALTINE 11E 87 --- SALTINE a salted cracker [n]
Other tops: SALIENT 11E 87
Other moves: ELASTIN 13G 82, ELASTINS 9E 82, SLAINTE 11F 75, SALTINE 13C 72, SLAINTE 13C 72
SLAINTE 13C 72 LongJump22
EMITS O11 23 ArcticFox
SLAINTE 13C 22 Muincunx

On 9th draw, BAXTER 1G 45 --- BAXTER a baker [n]
Other tops: WAXER 1H 45
Other moves: AX N1 38, EX N1 38, HATBOX 5D 36, TAXER 1H 36, THAWER 1G 36
WAXER 1H 45 Muincunx, ArcticFox

On 10th draw, GEMONY O10 41 --- GEMONY expressing surprise [interj]
Other moves: AYE 10E 31, EYING K1 31, GOEY 10C 31, OYE 10E 31, GAY 10D 30
GOEY 10C 31 Muincunx
GAY 10D 30 ArcticFox

On 11th draw, DEAF 10C 31 --- DEAF lacking the sense of hearing [adj]
Other moves: DEF 10D 30, DOF 10D 30, OAF 10D 29, EF 10E 28, FA 10F 28
DEAF 10C 31 Muincunx
DOPE 10D 27 ArcticFox

On 12th draw, HEROIN 14J 34 --- HEROIN an addictive narcotic [n]
Other tops: HEROON 14J 34
Other moves: HOODIER C7 32, OHIA G6 28, RHEA 12D 28, HAE G7 25, HAO G7 25
HEROIN 14J 34 Muincunx
HAIR M10 24 ArcticFox

On 13th draw, ZOOT 15H 46 --- ZOOT in zoot suit [adj]
Other moves: ORZO 15G 44, ZOO 15H 41, ORZO 2D 37, ZO 2F 35, ORZOS 6D 34
ZOOT 15H 46 Muincunx, ArcticFox

On 14th draw, PUDDING C7 34 --- PUDDING a thick, soft dessert [n]
Other moves: EHING K1 31, PUH G5 27, SHIP 9H 27, UNHIP 12A 27, PUDDING C8 26
PUDDING C7 34 Muincunx
NIGH 12B 22 ArcticFox

On 15th draw, LOUVRE 8A 39 --- LOUVRE a type of window [n]
Other tops: LOUVER 8A 39
Other moves: ERUV 8A 33, WOLVER D3 33, VOWER D4 31, WIVER D4 31, OLIVER D3 27
LOUVRE 8A 39 Muincunx
OWE G6 23 ArcticFox

On 16th draw, RAPINI 2B 24 --- RAPINI broccoli rabe (a vegetable related to the turnip) [n]
Other tops: PAREV D4 24, PIRNIE 2B 24, RAPINE 2B 24
Other moves: NAPE 12C 23, NIPA 12C 23, AMEN M7 21, PEAN B11 21, PEAR B11 21
NAPE 12C 23 ArcticFox, Muincunx

On 17th draw, JOY 1A 46 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: JOB 1A 42, JOY 14A 42, YEBO 1A 41, BOYF 14A 40, JOY G5 37
JOY 1A 46 Muincunx, ArcticFox

On 18th draw, WIFE 3C 49 --- WIFE a woman married to a man [n] --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: FAH 3A 39, FAW 3A 39, FEH 3A 39, FEW 3A 39, HAW 3A 39
WIFE 3C 49 Muincunx
WINE 12A 22 ArcticFox

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