Game on December 21, 2024 at 00:03, 5 players
1. 333 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 226 pts sunshine12
3. 159 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 28 28
2. 10F 32 60
3. K4 102 162
4. 13H 37 199
5. 8K 39 238
6. L1 30 268
7. 8A 83 351
8. 14B 86 437
9. 15A 41 478
10. M2 29 507
11. O8 86 593
12. N1 42 635
13. 6E 89 724
14. A1 89 813
15. N14 46 859
16. N10 31 890
17. 1G 27 917
18. 13C 48 965
19. 5E 26 991
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7044 GLOBEMAN 3 9:36 -658 333 1.7044 GLOBEMAN 3 9:36 -658 333
2.7040 sunshine12 2 6:39 -765 226 2.7040 sunshine12 2 6:39 -765 226
3.7372 roocatcher 2 4:54 -832 159 3.7372 roocatcher 2 4:54 -832 159
4. - chunk88 0 1:26 -950 41 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:56 -959 32 1. - chunk88 0 1:26 -950 41
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:56 -959 32
On 1st draw, SCRAW H8 28 --- SCRAW thin turf [n]
Other moves: CRAWS H4 26, WAURS H4 24, CRAWS H8 22, SCRAW H4 22, CARRS H4 20
On 2nd draw, JORDAN 10F 32 --- JORDAN a type of container [n]
Other moves: JAP G11 29, JARP 10F 29, JAPAN 11E 28, JAPAN 11G 28, JAP 13F 26
On 3rd draw, OVE(R)FINE K4 102 --- OVERFINE too refined [adj]
Other moves: O(L)EFINE K5 36, FIVE(S) L6 28, FOVE(A) 11B 28, (S)IEVE L10 28, FAI(N)E 11G 27
On 4th draw, PAVENS 13H 37 --- PAVEN a slow formal dance [n]
Other moves: FAVEL 8K 36, FAVES 8K 36, PAVENS 13C 35, PAESAN J6 34, FLAPS 8K 33
On 5th draw, FLUMP 8K 39 --- FLUMP to fall or move heavily [v]
Other moves: CAMP L1 34, COMP L1 34, FOCAL 8K 33, CAMPO 11B 31, CALM L1 30
FLUMP 8K 39 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
On 6th draw, GORY L1 30 --- GORY bloody [adj]
Other moves: GOO(S)Y 14E 28, GOR(S)Y 14E 28, GO(B)Y L1 28, GO(E)Y L1 28, GO(R)Y L1 28
On 7th draw, GODETIAS 8A 83 --- GODETIA a showy annual herb [n]
Other moves: GODETIA G2 63, SCRAWPED H8 48, DOGGIE 1J 27, TAGGED 1J 27, TIGGED 1J 27
On 8th draw, LA(N)UGOS 14B 86 --- LANUGO fine, soft hair [n]
Other tops: AL(B)UGOS 14B 86
Other moves: PLUGO(L)AS O8 83, P(L)UGOLAS O8 83, GAL(L)OUS 14B 82, GA(L)LOUS 14B 82, G(E)ALOUS 14B 82
On 9th draw, DAYAN 15A 41 --- DAYAN (Hebrew) a senior rabbi, pl DAYANS or DAYANIM [n]
Other moves: DAYAN 13A 33, YEED M2 31, DENAY 13A 30, NEEDY M2 30, DANNY L11 29
On 10th draw, HEEL M2 29 --- HEEL to supply with a heel (the raised part of a shoe) [v]
Other tops: FEEL M2 29, FEER M2 29
Other moves: FE J6 27, FEE M2 27, HE J6 27, HIE 9M 27, FEH J2 26
On 11th draw, PRERADIO O8 86 --- PRERADIO preceding the development of radio [adj]
Other moves: DOER N1 32, RAD 13C 26, RAD 13A 25, OREAD 7C 24, ROD N1 24
On 12th draw, NOX N1 42 --- NOX short for nitrogen oxide [n]
Other tops: LOX N1 42, LOXING 1G 42
Other moves: OX N2 40, EXING 1H 39, XI N14 38, (R)EX 7K 36, XENON L11 35
XI N14 38 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 13th draw, EROTIZES 6E 89 --- EROTIZE to give a sexual meaning to [v]
Other moves: EROTIZES D2 84, ZORGITES A5 69, RITZ 7D 50, ROZETS 6H 43, ZEES 6J 41
ZEES 6J 41 sunshine12, roocatcher, chunk88
ZEE 6J 32 BadBoyBen
On 14th draw, TWEELING A1 89 --- TWEEL to weave with a twill [v]
Other moves: TWEELING 1E 86, ENMEW N6 35, WEETING 1F 33, WELTING 1F 33, MEW N8 31
WEETING 1F 33 sunshine12
WELTING 1F 33 roocatcher
On 15th draw, QI N14 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QAT 13A 39, QUAIR F2 34, QUITED C3 34, TABU 13C 34, QUA 11D 33
QI N14 46 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 16th draw, HUE N10 31 --- HUE colour [n]
Other moves: LEUCH 5A 30, LURCH 5A 30, RUNCH L11 30, CHE 5D 28, HE N10 28
On 17th draw, BETING 1G 27 --- BETE to improve [v]
Other tops: METING 1G 27
Other moves: BENI 5E 26, BEING 1H 24, EMBAY C11 24, MINCE L11 24, MINCED C3 24
On 18th draw, KAF 13C 48 --- KAF a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: KAB 13C 45, BATIK 5E 42, FAB 13C 41, KAF 13A 41, KAT 13C 39
KAF 2F 29 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 19th draw, MUTI 5E 26 --- MUTI a South African traditional medicine [n]
Other moves: CUM 5C 22, MUT 5E 22, RIMU 5C 22, RUNIC L11 22, TUNIC L11 22
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