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Game on December 21, 2024 at 05:21, 1 player
1. 261 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?beeent   H4    72    72   between
 2. ehloory   5E    52   124   holeyer
 3. aegnnru   8H    80   204   enraunge
 4. aiosttx   6D    56   260   tax
 5. ?begipr   K7    74   334   bagpiper
 6. ceiosty   M2    80   414   cytosine
 7. deillnr  L11    29   443   diner
 8. illpstu   4C    30   473   lisp
 9. akmnrtu   2J    30   503   amuck
10. acdelnv   O8    95   598   enclaved
11. aadflno   1G    34   632   fonda
12. aorsstv   O1    35   667   assort
13. ahiortu   9B    70   737   thiourea
14. eefilvw   B9    40   777   twelve
15. dfijowz   J4    35   812   fez
16. aijmotw   2F    39   851   jaw
17. adgiiot  M12    24   875   ago
18. deiiimo  10D    27   902   dim
19. eiioqtu   C1    28   930   quilt

Remaining tiles: eiioo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7147 FileChelsea     4  9:25  -669  261     1.7147 Chelsea     4  9:25  -669  261 

On 1st draw, BET(W)EEN H4 72 --- BETWEEN a needle of middling size [n] --- BETWEEN in the space that separates [prep]
Other moves: BET(W)EEN H2 68, BET(W)EEN H3 68, BET(W)EEN H6 68, BET(W)EEN H7 68, BET(W)EEN H8 68

On 2nd draw, HOLEYER 5E 52 --- HOLEY full of holes [adj]
Other moves: HOOLEY I5 33, HOLEY G9 30, HOLEY I9 30, HOOEY G9 30, HOOEY I9 30

On 3rd draw, ENRAUNGE 8H 80 --- ENRAUNGE to arrange [v]
Other tops: ENRAUNGE 8A 80
Other moves: ENRAUNGE J5 63, ENRAUNGE 9A 62, ENRAUNGE 9H 61, NATURE 6F 27, GENUA 4A 21

On 4th draw, TAX 6D 56 --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other tops: SAX 6D 56, SIX 6D 56, SOX 6D 56, TAX 6H 56, TIX 6D 56
Other moves: AX 6E 55, OX 6E 55, EXTRAITS J5 33, TAXIS 11D 33, EXTRAIT J5 32

On 5th draw, BAG(P)IPER K7 74 --- BAGPIPER one who plays the bagpipes [n]
Other tops: BAGPI(P)ER K7 74
Other moves: BEB(O)P 4F 32, B(A)P 4D 29, GR(A)B 4C 29, BE(E)PING M3 28, BR(A)G 4C 28

On 6th draw, CYTOSINE M2 80 --- CYTOSINE a component of DNA and RNA [n]
Other moves: CYTOSINE 10B 71, COYEST 15G 49, CYTES 15G 43, COTISE 15G 40, COYS 15H 40

On 7th draw, DINER L11 29 --- DINER one that dines [n]
Other moves: IRED L12 26, DINE L11 25, DIRE L11 25, NIDE L11 25, DRICE 2J 24

On 8th draw, LISP 4C 30 --- LISP to pronounce the letters S and Z imperfectly [v]
Other moves: UPREST 14I 28, PHALLIST E4 26, PILLS 4A 26, PILUS 4A 26, PREST 14J 26

On 9th draw, AMUCK 2J 30 --- AMUCK a murderous frenzy [n]
Other tops: UNTRACK 2H 30
Other moves: MAK 3B 28, TRANKUM D6 28, UNTACK 2I 28, KAM 3B 26, MANRENT 13G 26
UNTRACK 2H 30 Chelsea

On 10th draw, ENCLAVED O8 95 --- ENCLAVE to enclose within a foreign territory [v]
Other moves: CALVED 1E 39, CAVED 1F 36, CANDLE 1F 33, CLEAN 1H 33, CALVE 1F 32
CAVED 1F 36 Chelsea

On 11th draw, FONDA 1G 34 --- FONDA a tavern [n]
Other moves: FADO 1H 31, FANTAD 4J 31, FANTOD 4J 31, AFALD 1F 30, ALFA 1H 30
FOND 1G 27 Chelsea

On 12th draw, ASSORT O1 35 --- ASSORT to distribute into groups according to kind or class [v]
Other moves: ASSOT O1 32, TSARS O1 32, OSAR O1 29, OSSA O1 29, TSAR O1 29

On 13th draw, THIOUREA 9B 70 --- THIOUREA a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: THORIA 2B 27, HAURIENT 13F 26, KOHA N2 26, HOURI G9 24, HUTIA G9 24
HA N14 23 Chelsea

On 14th draw, TWELVE B9 40 --- TWELVE a number [n]
Other moves: FEEL 8A 34, WEEL 8A 34, WIEL 8A 34, TEF 6H 32, WIFIE D8 30
TEF 6H 32 Chelsea

On 15th draw, FEZ J4 35 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: DZO 8D 33, JOW 7C 33, FUJI F8 30, ZOOID E8 30, FIZ J13 28

On 16th draw, JAW 2F 39 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other moves: JAM 2F 37, JAI 2F 33, JAW 7C 33, JOW 7C 33, JAM 3B 32
JAW 2F 39 Chelsea

On 17th draw, AGO M12 24 --- AGO in the past [adv]
Other tops: ADO M12 24
Other moves: AGIO 8C 21, DIG 10D 21, DOG 10D 21, AD M12 19, AG M12 19
GOAD 3A 19 Chelsea

On 18th draw, DIM 10D 27 --- DIM obscure [adj] --- DIM to reduce the light of [v]
Other tops: DOM 10D 27
Other moves: OMEN 10E 26, MEN 10F 23, EM 10E 22, EMO 8C 22, IDEM 3A 22
DIM 10D 27 Chelsea

On 19th draw, QUILT C1 28 --- QUILT to stitch together with padding in between [v]
Other moves: QUIET 7A 24, QUOIT 7A 24, QI 7C 23, QUIT 7B 23, FETT 4J 16
QUILT C1 28 Chelsea

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