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Game on December 21, 2024 at 10:46, 7 players
1. 345 pts Chelsea
2. 201 pts sicilianc5
3. 168 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?afgnno   H4    26    26   fango
 2. celopst   5C    74   100   polecats
 3. abeorsv   9B    74   174   bravoes
 4. ?cdiiou   J5    68   242   sciuroid
 5. ?eellnt  11E    78   320   beltline
 6. ahiinrt   7A    64   384   airthing
 7. abmorst   L5    80   464   bromates
 8. eehiopt   6B    39   503   hip
 9. adelmot   M7    30   533   dame
10. aelsvxy   N8    64   597   laxes
11. eefinou   O5    39   636   feni
12. aeoorwy  H11    45   681   twyer
13. deijorv   N2    52   733   jived
14. adekoqr  O11    38   771   roked
15. aeggntz  12A    49   820   zante
16. ginoqtu  14J    70   890   quinte
17. agooruy  A12    51   941   zyga
18. aegiouw   A6    33   974   wag
19. aeiooru   O1    20   994   roo

Remaining tiles: aeiuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7177 FileChelsea     2  6:26  -649  345     1.7177 Chelsea     2  6:26  -649  345 
  2.7700 Filesicilianc5  3  3:12  -793  201     2.7700 sicilianc5  3  3:12  -793  201 
  3.5930 FileLongJump22  3  2:35  -826  168            Group: novice
  4.5679 FileMMMMMM1112  1  2:29  -916   78     1.5930 LongJump22  3  2:35  -826  168 
  5.5743 FileNNNNNN1112  1  3:08  -916   78     2.5679 MMMMMM1112  1  2:29  -916   78 
  6.5587 FileLLLLLL1112  1  0:51  -942   52     3.5743 NNNNNN1112  1  3:08  -916   78 
  7.5599 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:37  -955   39     4.5587 LLLLLL1112  1  0:51  -942   52 
                                             5.5599 OOOOOO1112  0  1:37  -955   39 

On 1st draw, FANGO H4 26 --- FANGO a medicinal mud from thermal springs [n]
Other tops: FANGO(S) H4 26, FOG(M)AN H4 26, F(I)NGAN H4 26, F(L)AGON H4 26, GANOF H8 26, GANOF(S) H8 26
Other moves: FAGO(T) H4 24, FAG(I)N H4 24, FANG(A) H4 24, FANG(O) H4 24, FANG(S) H4 24

On 2nd draw, POLECATS 5C 74 --- POLECAT a carnivorous mammal [n]
Other moves: ESCALOP 5E 44, LOCATES 5E 36, COPSE 9E 23, SCOPE G2 23, CAPLETS 5G 22

On 3rd draw, BRAVOES 9B 74 --- BRAVO a hired killer [n]
Other moves: BRAVOES G8 68, BRAVOES I8 68, ABSOLVER E1 63, BRAVOES D1 30, BROSE 4A 30

On 4th draw, SCIU(R)OID J5 68 --- SCIUROID resembling a squirrel [adj]
Other moves: DIOICOU(S) F7 62, CO(E)D 8A 34, COUD(E) 4A 31, (F)OUD 8A 29, (L)OUD 8A 29

On 5th draw, (B)ELTLINE 11E 78 --- BELTLINE the waistline [n]
Other moves: LAN(C)ELET D8 68, LENTI(C)EL 11F 64, LENTI(C)LE 11F 64, TEN(A)ILLE 11F 64, (D)ENTELLE G8 59

On 6th draw, AIRTHING 7A 64 --- AIRTH to guide [v]
Other moves: UNHAIR 8J 39, NAH 6D 31, RAH 6D 31, AH 6E 28, INEARTH L9 28
NAH 6D 31 Chelsea

On 7th draw, BROMATES L5 80 --- BROMATE to combine with bromine [v]
Other moves: ABOMAS A3 39, UMBRAS 8J 39, BOMAS A4 36, SAMBAR A3 33, ABRAM A4 30
BASTO M9 28 Chelsea

On 8th draw, HIP 6B 39 --- HIP aware of the most current styles and trends [adj] --- HIP to build a type of roof [v]
Other tops: HEP 6B 39
Other moves: PHI 6A 38, THIO 6A 38, THETE H11 36, PEH M7 35, POH M7 35
POH M7 35 Chelsea

On 9th draw, DAME M7 30 --- DAME a matron [n]
Other tops: DEMO M7 30, DOME M7 30, MADE M7 30, MODE M7 30
Other moves: MALTED 12A 28, MOATED 12A 28, MOLTED 12A 28, ALOED M3 27, DAM M7 27
DAME M7 30 Chelsea

On 10th draw, LAXES N8 64 --- LAX a vowel articulated with relatively relaxed muscles [n]
Other moves: SAXE N8 63, LAX N8 62, SAX N8 62, AXELS N9 59, AXLES N9 59
SAX N8 62 Chelsea

On 11th draw, FENI O5 39 --- FENI an alcoholic spirit made from coconuts [n]
Other tops: FINE O5 39, FONE O5 39, NIFE O5 39
Other moves: FEE O6 36, FIE O6 36, FOE O6 36, FE O7 33, EINE O5 30
FINE O5 39 Chelsea, LongJump22, NNNNNN1112

On 12th draw, TWYER H11 45 --- TWYER a pipe through which air is forced into a blast furnace [n]
Other moves: AWAY A5 42, WAY A6 39, YEW 10B 39, TWOER H11 36, WEY N4 35
YEW 10B 39 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
YOW N4 35 Chelsea

On 13th draw, JIVED N2 52 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: JERID N2 46, JIVER N2 43, RIVED N2 38, ROVED N2 38, VIRED N2 38
JIVED N2 52 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112
JIVER N2 43 Chelsea

On 14th draw, ROKED O11 38 --- ROKE to smoke [v]
Other moves: LAKE G11 34, LOKE G11 34, BARKED B9 30, BOAKED B9 30, BORKED B9 30
ROKED O11 38 LongJump22, sicilianc5

On 15th draw, ZANTE 12A 49 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other moves: ZA O1 42, BEZANT B9 38, GEEZ 14G 34, TEAZE 14G 34, ZEE 14F 32
ZA O1 42 Chelsea, sicilianc5

On 16th draw, QUINTE 14J 70 --- QUINTE an attacking fencing position [n]
Other moves: TORQUING 15F 69, TOZING A10 48, ZING A12 42, QUEINT 14F 37, TOQUE 14D 34
QUINTE 14J 70 sicilianc5

On 17th draw, ZYGA A12 51 --- ZYGON a H shaped fissure of the brain [n]
Other tops: AZURY A11 51
Other moves: ARY 13A 35, AYU 13A 32, YOGA 13C 31, YAG 13C 29, AY 10A 28
ZYGA A12 51 sicilianc5

On 18th draw, WAG A6 33 --- WAG to move briskly up and down or to and fro [v]
Other moves: WAE A6 30, WAI A6 30, WE 10F 30, YGOE 13A 25, EARWIG 15F 24

On 19th draw, ROO O1 20 --- ROO a kangaroo [n]
Other tops: ILEA I10 20, OLEA I10 20, OLEO I10 20
Other moves: IRE 10E 19, AIR 10D 18, GIAOUR 14A 18, GOOIER 14A 18, GOORIE 14A 18

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