Game on December 21, 2024 at 11:32, 7 players
1. 294 pts Chelsea
2. 202 pts LongJump22
3. 137 pts NNNNNN1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 46 46
2. G7 28 74
3. 12G 34 108
4. K5 94 202
5. 8J 33 235
6. 13A 85 320
7. B10 36 356
8. O4 77 433
9. 14D 64 497
10. 15E 52 549
11. M11 34 583
12. 14J 34 617
13. 12A 53 670
14. J2 44 714
15. A5 32 746
16. 4L 26 772
17. 4C 76 848
18. C3 28 876
19. N6 56 932
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7173 Chelsea 2 9:07 -638 294 1.7173 Chelsea 2 9:07 -638 294
2.5930 LongJump22 4 3:48 -730 202 2.7172 VVVVVV1112 1 1:23 -838 94
3.5743 NNNNNN1112 2 4:59 -795 137 Group: novice
4.7172 VVVVVV1112 1 1:23 -838 94 1.5930 LongJump22 4 3:48 -730 202
5.5599 OOOOOO1112 2 3:10 -852 80 2.5743 NNNNNN1112 2 4:59 -795 137
6.5587 LLLLLL1112 1 1:53 -886 46 3.5599 OOOOOO1112 2 3:10 -852 80
7.5679 MMMMMM1112 0 1:55 -888 44 4.5587 LLLLLL1112 1 1:53 -886 46
5.5679 MMMMMM1112 0 1:55 -888 44
On 1st draw, (T)ALAQ H8 46 --- TALAQ a form of divorce [n]
Other tops: QANA(T) H4 46, (T)RANQ H8 46
Other moves: QANA(T) H5 26, QANA(T) H6 26, QANA(T) H7 26, QANA(T) H8 26, (T)ALAQ H4 26
(T)ALAQ H8 46 LongJump22
QANA(T) H4 46 NNNNNN1112, LLLLLL1112
(T)RANQ H8 46 OOOOOO1112
On 2nd draw, CAFE G7 28 --- CAFE a small restaurant [n]
Other moves: GARI I9 27, FILACER 10F 26, GIF I11 25, RAGI I9 25, CALIF 10F 24
CAFE G7 28 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, EQUIPE 12G 34 --- EQUIPE a motor-racing team [n]
Other moves: GLEI I9 32, GEEP I6 24, GIP I11 23, LEEP I6 23, LEP I7 22
EQUIPE 12G 34 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
On 4th draw, TEARDROP K5 94 --- TEARDROP a tear [n]
Other moves: ADROITER J8 63, DOATER 11J 27, DORTER 11J 27, ROARED 13I 27, ROATED 13I 27
TEARDROP K5 94 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
DOTER 11J 25 Chelsea
On 5th draw, ORBITA 8J 33 --- ORBITA the hollow in which the eyeball rests [n]
Other moves: RABIC 8K 30, CRATON 8J 27, CRIANT 8J 27, BANCO L1 26, CATION L1 26
CAB J4 25 Chelsea
On 6th draw, MIAOWED 13A 85 --- MIAOW to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: MOWDIE L1 34, WAMED J2 32, WEAMB L4 32, DEAW J3 31, MAW J4 31
MAW J4 31 Chelsea
On 7th draw, FLUIDS B10 36 --- FLUID a liquid or gas that tends to flow freely [n]
Other moves: FLUID B10 34, SAMFU A11 33, ALFS 12A 32, FINALS M7 32, FUSIL B10 32
SAD M12 26 Chelsea
On 8th draw, ZEALANTS O4 77 --- ZEALANT a fanatic [n]
Other moves: ZEALANTS O6 68, ZA F10 63, ZANTES L1 54, STANZES 15B 51, STANZE A5 50
ZA 12D 49 Chelsea
On 9th draw, WEX 14D 64 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other moves: DEX 14D 60, EX 14E 55, DEWAX L2 43, ASKEW 15A 39, KEX L4 39
WEX 14D 64 Chelsea
On 10th draw, YOGH 15E 52 --- YOGH a Middle English letter [n]
Other moves: HUNT 12A 47, HONEY J2 42, TONEY 15E 40, YONT 15E 40, TOEY 15E 37
TONEY 15E 40 Chelsea
On 11th draw, ASDIC M11 34 --- ASDIC sonar [n]
Other tops: CASED M10 34
Other moves: DISC M10 32, EASIED M10 32, SCAD M12 32, CADEE A7 31, CADIE A7 31
CASED M10 34 Chelsea
On 12th draw, VENIRE 14J 34 --- VENIRE a type of judicial writ [n]
Other moves: OVERNEA(T) 8A 33, OEUVRE A5 32, UNROVE A5 32, NERVE A6 29, REVUE A6 29
On 13th draw, MUNTS 12A 53 --- MUNT a black African [n]
Other tops: MUTTS 12A 53
Other moves: AUNTS 12A 41, MUNS 12A 41, MUNT 12A 41, MUTS 12A 41, MUTT 12A 41
On 14th draw, KI(L)EY J2 44 --- KILEY a boomerang [n]
Other moves: Y(A)NKIE A5 41, KYNE A7 38, KYN(D)E A6 38, KY(L)IE A6 38, KY(R)IE A6 38
On 15th draw, UPGONE A5 32 --- UPGO to go up [v]
Other moves: PUTZ 4L 30, PENGO A6 29, PENT I3 26, PUNTO A6 26, TONGUE A5 26
On 16th draw, RITZ 4L 26 --- RITZ pretentious display [n]
Other moves: BIOTIN 3I 22, INTRO B2 22, NITRO B2 22, OB N5 22, BI F10 21
On 17th draw, OVERBIL(L) 4C 76 --- OVERBILL to bill too much [v]
Other moves: BETOIL N6 37, BEVOR I3 34, VIREO 3I 30, LIBERO B1 28, LIVRE B2 28
On 18th draw, HOOTING C3 28 --- HOOT to cry like an owl [v]
Other tops: HOUTING C3 28, KNIGHT 2J 28, NOUGHT C3 28
Other moves: KIGHT 2J 26, TOUGH C3 26, HOOTING C2 24, THOUING C2 24, UGH 3A 24
On 19th draw, JATO N6 56 --- JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n]
Other moves: TAJ N4 53, JUNIOR H1 39, ROJI H1 33, KANJI 2J 32, JEU O13 30
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