Game on December 22, 2024 at 19:24, 12 players
1. 325 pts VVVVVV1112
2. 211 pts LongJump22
3. 164 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 64 64 


6F 70 134 


13A 84 218 


14E 52 270 


15E 48 318 


L5 72 390 


10A 73 463 


A3 86 549 


B2 50 599 


14J 47 646 


K9 31 677 


G5 51 728 


A12 30 758 


C3 51 809 


O10 60 869 


D1 49 918 


1D 33 951 


K3 30 981 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
VVVVVV1112 4 6:51 -656 325 1.8813 Pacific 0 3:05 -817 164
LongJump22 2 2:22 -770 211 2.8856 Quincunx 0 0:52 -950 31
Pacific 0 3:05 -817 164 3.8625 Vuincunx 0 1:18 -950 31
Mycophot 2 2:40 -881 100 4.8775 Wuincunx 0 1:45 -950 31
LLLLLL1112 1 1:22 -929 52 5.8835 Xuincunx 0 0:32 -954 27
MMMMMM1112 0 1:21 -947 34 Group: advanced
NNNNNN1112 0 1:51 -947 34 1.7130 VVVVVV1112 4 6:51 -656 325
Quincunx 0 0:52 -950 31 2.7531 Mycophot 2 2:40 -881 100
Vuincunx 0 1:18 -950 31 Group: novice
Wuincunx 0 1:45 -950 31 1.5802 LongJump22 2 2:22 -770 211
Xuincunx 0 0:32 -954 27 2.5619 LLLLLL1112 1 1:22 -929 52
OOOOOO1112 0 0:40 -954 27 3.5527 MMMMMM1112 0 1:21 -947 34
4.5671 NNNNNN1112 0 1:51 -947 34
5.5678 OOOOOO1112 0 0:40 -954 27
On 1st draw, O(T)ARIES H7 64 --- OTARY a big-eared seal [n]
Other tops: ERASIO(N) H2 64, ERASIO(N) H3 64, ERASIO(N) H4 64, ERASIO(N) H7 64, ERASIO(N) H8 64, ISO(B)ARE H2 64, ISO(B)ARE H3 64, ISO(B)ARE H4 64, ISO(B)ARE H6 64, ISO(B)ARE H7 64, ISO(B)ARE H8 64, OARIES(T) H2 64, OARIES(T) H3 64, OARIES(T) H4 64, OARIES(T) H7 64, OARIES(T) H8 64, ORA(C)IES H2 64, ORA(C)IES H3 64, ORA(C)IES H4 64, ORA(C)IES H6 64, ORA(C)IES H7 64, ORA(C)IES H8 64, O(T)ARIES H2 64, O(T)ARIES H4 64, O(T)ARIES H6 64, O(T)ARIES H8 64, O(V)ARIES H2 64, O(V)ARIES H4 64, O(V)ARIES H6 64, O(V)ARIES H7 64, O(V)ARIES H8 64, ROA(D)IES H2 64, ROA(D)IES H3 64, ROA(D)IES H4 64, ROA(D)IES H6 64, ROA(D)IES H7 64, ROA(D)IES H8 64, SOA(P)IER H2 64, SOA(P)IER H3 64, SOA(P)IER H4 64, SOA(P)IER H6 64, SOA(P)IER H7 64, SOA(P)IER H8 64, SORE(D)IA H2 64, SORE(D)IA H3 64, SORE(D)IA H4 64, SORE(D)IA H6 64, SORE(D)IA H7 64, S(C)ORIAE H2 64, S(C)ORIAE H4 64, S(C)ORIAE H6 64, S(C)ORIAE H7 64, S(C)ORIAE H8 64, (C)ARIOSE H2 64, (C)ARIOSE H3 64, (C)ARIOSE H6 64, (C)ARIOSE H7 64, (C)ARIOSE H8 64
Other moves: ERASIO(N) H5 62, ERASIO(N) H6 62, ISO(B)ARE H5 62, OARIES(T) H5 62, OARIES(T) H6 62
ROA(D)IES H3 64 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, LENGING 6F 70 --- LENG to lengthen [v]
Other tops: LENGING 6C 70
Other moves: LENGING G1 67, LONGEING 7G 63, ANGELING 9H 62, GLEANING 9E 62, GEN(T)LING 8E 61
LONGEING 7G 63 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
GLEANING 9E 62 Pacific
On 3rd draw, PORTRAYS 13A 84 --- PORTRAY to represent pictorially [v]
Other moves: PORTRAY 5A 81, PARROTRY 10B 71, PARROTRY 10F 71, PARROTRY 10E 67, TOPIARY 11E 48
PORTRAYS 13A 84 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 4th draw, EX 14E 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: XYSTOI B9 48, PYX A13 45, SYPED A11 45, TYPED A11 45, DESOXY B10 42
EX 14E 52 VVVVVV1112, LLLLLL1112, Mycophot
TAXI F12 27 OOOOOO1112
On 5th draw, PERTLY 15E 48 --- PERT impudent [adv] --- PERTLY in a pert manner [adv]
Other tops: PELTRY 15E 48
Other moves: PURPLY A10 42, PELTRY D10 40, PERTLY D10 40, PRETTY D10 40, PETTY D11 38
PERTLY 15E 48 Mycophot, VVVVVV1112
On 6th draw, AGATISED L5 72 --- AGATISE to cause to resemble agate [v]
Other moves: RADIATES 10H 65, AIRDATES 10F 63, DATARIES 10D 63, AS(T)ATIDE 8F 60, ASTA(T)IDE 8D 59
AY J14 7 VVVVVV1112
On 7th draw, LOW(L)IFER 10A 73 --- LOWLIFER a despicable person [n]
Other tops: LIFEWOR(K) 10B 73, (L)OWLIFER 10A 73
Other moves: WOLFLI(K)E F2 71, LIFEWOR(K) C7 68, (L)OWLIFER C6 65, LOW(L)IFER C6 64, LOWLIFE(R) F3 63
OY J14 7 VVVVVV1112
On 8th draw, REMEDIAL A3 86 --- REMEDIAL intended to correct something [adj]
Other moves: REMEDIA(T) 8A 83, REMEDIA(L) D3 72, REMAILED F1 63, DIAME(T)ER 8C 61, MEDIAE 14J 43
On 9th draw, VENOM B2 50 --- VENOM to inject with venom (a poisonous secretion of certain animals) [v]
Other moves: MENTO 14J 39, MONTE 14J 39, MOTEN 14J 39, ENMOVE 14I 35, EMOVE K10 33
On 10th draw, BOVID 14J 47 --- BOVID an animal of the cattle family [n]
Other moves: BORIC 14J 43, DORIC M9 32, BORIC K9 31, DORIC K9 28, BIRD 14J 26
On 11th draw, TUFA K9 31 --- TUFA a porous limestone [n]
Other moves: FELTY G9 28, FANO K11 27, AUF K9 26, FAN 15M 26, FAT 15M 26
On 12th draw, RESIZE G5 51 --- RESIZE to size again [v] --- SIZE to arrange according to size (physical proportions) [v]
Other moves: SPAZ A12 48, ZORIS M11 47, ZEA G9 45, ZORI M11 45, REZ G5 43
ZEA G9 45 Pacific
On 13th draw, OPAH A12 30 --- OPAH a marine fish [n]
Other moves: (L)OATH D10 27, HAN M7 26, HAT M7 26, HON M7 26, HOT M7 26
On 14th draw, DEBUNK C3 51 --- DEBUNK to expose the sham or falseness of [v]
Other moves: BEDU C3 38, BANED M7 35, BEAU C3 35, KAB 13M 33, KEB 13M 33
On 15th draw, QUEEST O10 60 --- QUEEST a pigeon [n]
Other moves: QUEST O11 57, EWEST O11 48, EWES D3 47, WEST O12 45, QUATE 5J 43
QUEST O11 57 Pacific
On 16th draw, CHOW D1 49 --- CHOW to eat [v]
Other moves: HOW D2 37, ANOW D1 35, COW D2 35, HIC M7 34, HOC M7 34
WINCH M1 31 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 17th draw, COLITIC 1D 33 --- COLITIC pertaining to the colitis [adj] --- COLITIS inflammation of the colon [adj]
Other moves: ACCOIL 1C 30, CALICO 1D 30, CLITIC 1D 30, OCICAT 1C 30, CACTI 1D 27
COLIC 1D 27 Xuincunx
On 18th draw, JNANA K3 30 --- JNANA knowledge acquired through meditation [n]
Other moves: AJUGA M1 28, GANJA M1 28, JANN K4 28, JAGA M2 26, JANN K3 26
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