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Game on December 23, 2024 at 05:14, 7 players
1. 573 pts fatcat
2. 159 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 105 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. egilors   H4    70    70   glories
 2. adelnrt   9B    63   133   antlered
 3. addeisv   B9    36   169   avised
 4. adeimwy  A11    51   220   mawed
 5. aeefnrt   D7    74   294   fattener
 6. ?aaglpu  15D    29   323   salpa
 7. eikoruy   C2    34   357   yorkie
 8. ?afghin   5E   106   463   fanlight
 9. ceinruv   4A    31   494   curve
10. abdrstu   M3    91   585   bustard
11. aehnoux  10D    57   642   taxes
12. cehiltu   A1    42   684   culchie
13. innostu  14H    70   754   nonsuit
14. agimnot  15L    38   792   moit
15. aegnorw   K7    74   866   wagoners
16. beioptz  J10    71   937   zip
17. bejoqty  11D    39   976   eyot
18. beijooq   N2    26  1002   qi

Remaining tiles: bejoo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6335 Filefatcat      3 14:42  -429  573     1.7122 GLOBEMAN    1  4:24  -843  159 
  2.7122 FileGLOBEMAN    1  4:24  -843  159     2.7033 sunshine12  0  3:16  -897  105 
  3.7033 Filesunshine12  0  3:16  -897  105     3.7415 roocatcher  1  3:02  -905   97 
  4.7415 Fileroocatcher  1  3:02  -905   97     4.7972 bumpkin     0  0:19  -966   36 
  5.7972 Filebumpkin     0  0:19  -966   36     5.7565 lazy.lion   0  1:49  -969   33 
  6.  -  FileSuincunx    0  0:55  -966   36            Group: intermediate
  7.7565 Filelazy.lion   0  1:49  -969   33     1.6335 fatcat      3 14:42  -429  573 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Suincunx    0  0:55  -966   36 

On 1st draw, GLORIES H4 70 --- GLORY to rejoice proudly [v]
Other tops: GLOIRES H4 70
Other moves: GLOIRES H2 68, GLOIRES H3 68, GLOIRES H6 68, GLOIRES H7 68, GLOIRES H8 68
GIRLS H4 16 fatcat

On 2nd draw, ANTLERED 9B 63 --- ANTLER the horn of an animal of the deer family [adj] --- ANTLERED having antlers [adj]
Other moves: ANTLERED 9D 61, ALDERN G7 22, ALDER G7 21, DELTA G6 21, LEAD G6 20
GLARED 4H 16 fatcat

On 3rd draw, AVISED B9 36 --- AVISE to advise [v]
Other tops: DAIDLES E5 36
Other moves: ADVISED B9 32, VAES 8A 31, ADVISE B9 28, IDEA 8A 26, IDES 8A 26
ADVISED B9 32 fatcat

On 4th draw, MAWED A11 51 --- MAW to mow [v]
Other tops: MAYED A11 51
Other moves: MEDIA A11 40, AIMED A11 39, AWED A12 38, SIDEWAY 12B 36, TIDEWAY D9 36
WAY A13 35 fatcat

On 5th draw, FATTENER D7 74 --- FATTENER one that fattens [n]
Other tops: FATTENER D6 74
Other moves: REFLATE 5E 40, FES 10F 29, ENGRAFT 4F 22, FANTEEG 4B 22, FREEGAN 4D 22
FES 10F 29 fatcat

On 6th draw, (S)ALPA 15D 29 --- SALPA a free-swimming small marine animal [n]
Other tops: (S)PAUL 15D 29
Other moves: PALL(I)A E6 26, PALLA(E) E6 25, PALLA(H) E6 25, (C)UPGALL E3 25, PA(E)LLA E5 22
PEG F8 10 fatcat

On 7th draw, YORKIE C2 34 --- YORKIE a dog [n]
Other tops: EUROKY E2 34
Other moves: KYRIE C3 32, YORKIE E2 31, ROKY E4 30, KYRIE E3 29, KEY E5 28
YOKE 14H 26 fatcat

On 8th draw, FANLIGH(T) 5E 106 --- FANLIGHT a type of window [n]
Other moves: HAF(T)ING 14H 97, AFGH(A)NI 14H 86, (A)FGHANI 14H 85, FA(S)HING 14H 81, HANGFI(R)E F2 80
HARING 4A 28 fatcat

On 9th draw, CURVE 4A 31 --- CURVE to deviate from straightness [v]
Other tops: CURVE 4K 31
Other moves: CURE D1 29, CURRIE 4A 29, CIVE 4K 27, CUNEI 4K 25, CURIE 4A 25
CURVE 4A 31 fatcat

On 10th draw, BUSTARD M3 91 --- BUSTARD a game bird [n]
Other moves: BUSTARD 14H 78, ABSURD M3 35, ABURST M1 31, BARDS M1 31, BAUDS M1 31
BURST M2 29 fatcat

On 11th draw, TAXES 10D 57 --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: TAX 10D 53, CHOUX A4 51, HEX E11 47, HOX E11 47, CAXON A4 42
TAX 10D 53 fatcat

On 12th draw, CULCHIE A1 42 --- CULCHIE a rustic [n]
Other moves: CHICLE A1 39, CLICHE A1 39, HYLIC 2B 38, CULCH A1 36, CULCH A4 36
CHUTE A4 30 fatcat

On 13th draw, NONSUIT 14H 70 --- NONSUIT to dismiss the lawsuit of [v]
Other moves: CULCHIES A1 45, NOINTS L7 22, INTRON 8J 21, INTROS 8J 21, INURNS 8J 21
CULCHIES A1 45 fatcat, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 14th draw, MOIT 15L 38 --- MOIT a particle of dust [n]
Other tops: MOAI 15L 38, MOAN 15L 38, MOAT 15L 38
Other moves: INGRAM 8J 33, GIANT 13I 31, AMRIT 8K 30, EMO 11D 30, GNAT 15L 30
MOAT 15L 38 fatcat
GRIM 8L 27 sunshine12

On 15th draw, WAGONERS K7 74 --- WAGONER one who drives a waggon [n]
Other moves: REGROW 8J 36, WREN 8L 33, WOON 6F 32, GREW 8L 30, GROW 8L 30
REGROW 8J 36 fatcat
WREN 8L 33 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, lazy.lion

On 16th draw, ZIP J10 71 --- ZIP to fasten with a metal fastener with teeth [v]
Other tops: ZEP J10 71
Other moves: ZIT J10 67, ZO J10 64, ZIBET 12H 52, ZETA F2 44, POETIZE 12I 38
ZIP J10 71 fatcat, roocatcher
REZ 8M 36 bumpkin, Suincunx

On 17th draw, EYOT 11D 39 --- EYOT a small island [n]
Other moves: JOTA F2 38, TAJ F4 37, JOY N1 33, BOOT 6F 26, JET N2 26
JOT N2 26 roocatcher
JOE N1 24 fatcat

On 18th draw, QI N2 26 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: JOE I13 25, JO I11 24, JOE N1 24, BOO 6F 23, BAJRI 8J 22
JOE N1 24 fatcat

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