Game on December 23, 2024 at 16:54, 11 players
1. 370 pts Pacific
2. 196 pts LongJump22
3. 156 pts VVVVVV1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H2 74 74
2. 5D 82 156
3. 8A 98 254
4. B8 74 328
5. 3G 80 408
6. 15A 57 465
7. 10B 62 527
8. 14F 45 572
9. 13I 82 654
10. 11G 81 735
11. 2J 64 799
12. 13A 32 831
13. 2J 38 869
14. 6J 62 931
15. O11 30 961
16. 6B 45 1006
17. O8 36 1042
18. L1 32 1074
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8767 Pacific 4 7:07 -704 370 1.8767 Pacific 4 7:07 -704 370
2.5758 LongJump22 2 2:18 -878 196 Group: advanced
3.7117 VVVVVV1112 2 2:01 -918 156 1.7117 VVVVVV1112 2 2:01 -918 156
4.7108 ArcticFox 0 6:03 -947 127 2.7108 ArcticFox 0 6:03 -947 127
5.5818 OOOOOO1112 0 4:05 -964 110 3.7709 moonmonkey 0 0:50 -1034 40
6.5665 LLLLLL1112 0 3:28 -973 101 4.7508 Mycophot 0 1:54 -1034 40
7.7709 moonmonkey 0 0:50 -1034 40 5.7710 HollyIvy 0 1:31 -1049 25
8.7508 Mycophot 0 1:54 -1034 40 Group: novice
9.7710 HollyIvy 0 1:31 -1049 25 1.5758 LongJump22 2 2:18 -878 196
10.5641 MMMMMM1112 0 1:23 -1051 23 2.5818 OOOOOO1112 0 4:05 -964 110
11.5677 NNNNNN1112 0 1:52 -1051 23 3.5665 LLLLLL1112 0 3:28 -973 101
4.5641 MMMMMM1112 0 1:23 -1051 23
5.5677 NNNNNN1112 0 1:52 -1051 23
On 1st draw, INBR(E)ED H2 74 --- INBREED to breed closely related stock [v]
Other tops: BENDI(E)R H4 74, BINDER(S) H4 74, BINDER(Y) H4 74, BIRD(M)EN H4 74, BREDIN(G) H4 74, BRINDE(D) H4 74, BRIND(L)E H4 74, BRIN(D)ED H4 74, BR(A)INED H4 74, B(A)NDIER H4 74, B(E)NDIER H4 74, B(L)INDER H4 74, INBRED(S) H2 74, INBRE(E)D H2 74, IN(O)RBED H8 74, REBIND(S) H2 74
Other moves: BRINDE(D) H8 72, BRIND(L)E H8 72, BRIN(D)ED H6 72, BR(A)INED H6 72, B(L)INDER H8 72
BINDER(S) H4 74 LongJump22
BR(A)INED H4 74 Pacific
On 2nd draw, GLAIRIE(R) 5D 82 --- GLAIRY resembling egg white [adj]
Other moves: DI(P)LEGIA 8H 80, ALIE(N)ING 3B 72, E(M)AILING 3B 72, GLIA(D)INE 3B 70, GAI(N)LIER 5A 66
GLAIRIE(R) 5D 82 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 3rd draw, PROBATED 8A 98 --- PROBATE to establish the validity of a will [v]
Other moves: PEBA 4A 28, PORAE 4A 28, POTAE 4A 28, POTAGER D1 26, BEPAT G7 25
PROBATED 8A 98 Pacific
On 4th draw, ROLAMITE B8 74 --- ROLAMITE a nearly frictionless mechanical device [n]
Other moves: (R)OLAMITE K5 68, AMITROLE B4 64, AMIT(R)OLE K1 59, METAL 9C 29, METOL 9C 29
On 5th draw, UNMARRED 3G 80 --- MAR to detract from the perfection or wholeness of [adj] --- UNMARRED not marred [adj]
Other moves: UNDERARM 3G 78, MARAUDER 11A 72, MARAUDER E7 72, MAUD A12 52, DEMUR A11 47
MARAUDER 11A 72 Pacific
MAUD A12 52 LLLLLL1112, OOOOOO1112
On 6th draw, PEAVEYS 15A 57 --- PEAVEY a lever used to move logs [n]
Other moves: PEAVEY 15A 54, PEAVY 15A 51, EASY A12 48, PAY A13 45, PEACES 15A 39
On 7th draw, LOCATION 10B 62 --- LOCATION the place where something is at a given moment [n]
Other moves: ATONIA C10 26, ACTION 6A 25, ODONTIC N2 24, ATOC 2L 22, OTIC 2L 22
LOCATION 10B 62 Pacific
On 8th draw, FAERY 14F 45 --- FAERY a fairy [n]
Other moves: HAUF 2J 40, YEAH 2J 40, FAYER 14F 39, FAYRE 14F 39, HYE 11D 37
YEAH 2J 40 moonmonkey, LongJump22, Mycophot
On 9th draw, UNDRAWN 13I 82 --- UNDRAW to draw open [v]
Other moves: UNDRAWN 11I 74, UNDRAWN 9I 66, UNDRAW 15J 41, UNDRAWN N1 38, AWN(E)D 6E 36
On 10th draw, SHOOGLE 11G 81 --- SHOOGLE to shake [v]
Other moves: DOGHOLES N3 73, SEGHOL 15J 42, SHOOLE 15J 36, HELOS 6J 32, OOH 6D 32
On 11th draw, ZO 2J 64 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZERO L1 46, ZO 7C 46, ZONES O11 45, TOWZES N6 34, TOZE 7C 34
ZO 2J 64 Pacific
On 12th draw, JIVED 13A 32 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: JIVE 13A 28, JEED N8 27, ENDEW N9 24, JINNE 13A 24, DEE 14M 23
On 13th draw, ZOEAE 2J 38 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: UNDEAF N1 36, FARE L1 34, WARE L1 34, WARN L1 34, ENEW 4L 31
WARN L1 34 ArcticFox
On 14th draw, XENIC 6J 62 --- XENIC of a culture medium, growing with unknown other microbiota [adj]
Other moves: XENIC O11 45, OX 9B 35, OXO C8 35, NIX O13 30, EXEC J5 29
OXO C8 35 ArcticFox
On 15th draw, WINGS O11 30 --- WING to travel by means of wings (organs of flight) [v]
Other moves: SUQ 15J 28, WIG 12D 27, WINNS O11 27, QIS N9 26, QUENAS M9 25
On 16th draw, QUOIT 6B 45 --- QUOIT to play a throwing game similar to ringtoss [v]
Other tops: QUOIN 6B 45
Other moves: OUTSWINGS O7 39, INSWINGS O8 36, OUTWINGS O8 36, STOWINGS O8 36, QUOIN G2 30
STOWINGS O8 36 ArcticFox
QUENAS M9 25 HollyIvy
On 17th draw, INSWINGS O8 36 --- INSWING an inward swing [n]
Other moves: FLU 1M 28, FIL 12D 25, FIN 12D 25, FIT 12D 25, SONNY J10 23
FERN L1 22 ArcticFox
On 18th draw, KERF L1 32 --- KERF to make an incision with a cutting tool [v]
Other moves: BUCKLE D8 28, FLU 1M 28, FEH 7G 26, FETISH G7 26, HERL L1 22
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