Game on December 23, 2024 at 22:15, 8 players
1. 346 pts VVVVVV1112
2. 253 pts moonmonkey
3. 240 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 26 26
2. H8 33 59
3. 11E 98 157
4. J7 38 195
5. 15A 83 278
6. 10B 32 310
7. L8 80 390
8. 13B 78 468
9. 14A 59 527
10. 15J 39 566
11. 8L 36 602
12. N10 30 632
13. 7M 28 660
14. 6K 26 686
15. B3 62 748
16. A4 108 856
17. G2 63 919
18. H1 43 962
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7134 VVVVVV1112 2 4:26 -616 346 1.7134 VVVVVV1112 2 4:26 -616 346
2.7682 moonmonkey 3 5:14 -709 253 2.7682 moonmonkey 3 5:14 -709 253
3.5739 LongJump22 4 3:11 -722 240 3.7710 HollyIvy 0 0:56 -810 152
4.7710 HollyIvy 0 0:56 -810 152 Group: novice
5.5495 LLLLLL1112 2 4:28 -855 107 1.5739 LongJump22 4 3:11 -722 240
6.5817 OOOOOO1112 2 5:32 -855 107 2.5495 LLLLLL1112 2 4:28 -855 107
7.5495 MMMMMM1112 1 1:23 -924 38 3.5817 OOOOOO1112 2 5:32 -855 107
8.5584 NNNNNN1112 1 1:46 -924 38 4.5495 MMMMMM1112 1 1:23 -924 38
5.5584 NNNNNN1112 1 1:46 -924 38
On 1st draw, ADDICT H8 26 --- ADDICT to devote or surrender to something habitually or compulsively [v]
Other tops: DIDACT H8 26
Other moves: ADDICT H3 24, DIDACT H4 24, ADDICT H4 22, ADDICT H7 22, DACK H5 22
ADDICT H8 26 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, OOOOOO1112
On 2nd draw, ADDICTE(D) H8 33 --- ADDICT to devote or surrender to something habitually or compulsively [v]
Other moves: TWOFE(R) 13H 30, GOWF(S) 14D 29, WEDGY 10F 29, COGW(A)Y 12H 28, WIFEY 11G 28
ADDICTE(D) H8 33 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, OOOOOO1112
On 3rd draw, PAVIOUR(S) 11E 98 --- PAVIOUR one that paves [n]
Other moves: VAPOUR(E)(D) 15A 86, VAPOURE(D) 14B 78, VAPOURE(R) 14B 78, VAPOU(R)ER 14B 78, VAPOUR(E)D 10A 67
PAVIOUR(S) 11E 98 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 4th draw, PULQUES J7 38 --- PULQUE a fermented Mexican beverage [n]
Other moves: PULQUE J7 37, SQUEG 12B 37, QUEP 14F 35, QUEP J10 35, SEQUEL 14D 35
On 5th draw, OBSIGNE(D) 15A 83 --- OBSIGN to seal [v]
Other moves: BETOSSING 13F 78, BINGOES K2 76, BEGONIAS F5 65, OBSIGNED 9A 64, BINGES 12A 30
OBSIGNE(D) 15A 83 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
OBSIGNE(D) 15A 33 moonmonkey
On 6th draw, GLOOM 10B 32 --- GLOOM to become dark [v]
Other moves: OLEUM 10B 29, LOOM 14A 28, MOOL 14A 28, GEUM 10C 27, GLOM 10C 27
GLOOM 10B 32 moonmonkey
On 7th draw, FRO(S)TIER L8 80 --- FROSTY covered with frost [adj]
Other moves: ROTIFER(S) L4 78, ROTIFER K2 76, RETROFIT 13A 74, FORTE 12A 29, FREIT 12A 29
On 8th draw, FILTRATES 13B 78 --- FILTRATE to filter [v]
Other moves: FALTER 12A 36, FILTER 12A 36, TREIFA M3 31, FIEF 8L 30, FIFE 8L 30
FIFE 8L 30 moonmonkey
On 9th draw, ZINE 14A 59 --- ZINE a magazine for specialist interests, especially a Web-based one [n]
Other tops: ZONE 14A 59
Other moves: ZIN 14A 54, ZO 14A 49, DORIZE 15J 48, WIDE 14A 44, WINE 14A 41
On 10th draw, WORKER 15J 39 --- WORKER one that works [n]
Other moves: WROKE 15K 36, FIKE 8L 33, FINK 8L 33, FIRK 8L 33, FORK 8L 33
WORKER 15J 39 moonmonkey
On 11th draw, FEHM 8L 36 --- FEHM a medieval German criminal court [n]
Other moves: FAHS 8L 30, FASH 8L 30, FEHS 8L 30, EDHS 9C 28, MENSAE N10 28
On 12th draw, CANGUE N10 30 --- CANGUE an ancient Chinese punishing device [n]
Other moves: CANGUE K2 22, ENCAGE M3 22, ENCAGE N10 22, NUANCE M3 22, UNCAGE K2 22
CANGUE N10 30 moonmonkey
On 13th draw, YOU 7M 28 --- YOU something identified with the person addressed [n] --- YOU the 2d person sing. or pl. pronoun [pron]
Other moves: AYU O11 24, NOYADE M3 24, YA 7M 23, YO 7M 23, YU 7M 23
On 14th draw, LIENS 6K 26 --- LIEN a legal right to hold or sell a debtor's property [n]
Other tops: LINNS 6K 26
Other moves: ERNS 6L 25, INNS 6L 25, LENS 6L 25, RENS 6L 25, ENS 6M 24
On 15th draw, IODATING B3 62 --- IODATE to treat with iodine [v]
Other moves: LARD 9J 17, LORD 9J 17, ODA 9D 17, TOAD 5I 17, ADO 9C 16
On 16th draw, JEHAD A4 108 --- JEHAD a Muslim holy war [n]
Other moves: JADES A4 94, HADJ A1 89, HAJES A4 86, SHAWED A1 68, WASHED A1 68
HADJ A1 89 HollyIvy, moonmonkey, VVVVVV1112
On 17th draw, ATEBRIN G2 63 --- ATEBRIN an anti-malaria powder [n]
Other moves: JOINTER 4A 28, BANE C1 26, BANT C1 26, BATE C1 26, BENT C1 26
BANT C1 26 HollyIvy
On 18th draw, WYES H1 43 --- WYE the letter Y [n]
Other moves: WYTES C1 40, WAVEYS 4D 38, YAW F2 37, YEW F2 37, WAVEY 4D 36
YAW F2 37 HollyIvy
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