Game on December 24, 2024 at 11:53, 13 players
1. 488 pts Chelsea
2. 465 pts ArcticFox
3. 220 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 50 50 


8A 80 130 


B6 52 182 


E8 74 256 


12E 84 340 


14B 84 424 


L6 61 485 


15I 88 573 


15A 55 628 


F10 37 665 


O8 101 766 


4H 30 796 


N2 54 850 


O1 26 876 


C2 34 910 


9G 29 939 


11I 30 969 


2A 32 1001 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 4 13:24 -513 488 1.8856 Quincunx 1 0:58 -947 54
ArcticFox 5 10:13 -536 465 2.8625 Vuincunx 1 1:22 -947 54
LongJump22 3 3:43 -781 220 3.8896 Pacific 0 0:53 -947 54
4. -
Wuincunx 3 6:01 -864 137 4.8835 Xuincunx 1 0:25 -975 26
OOOOOO1112 2 3:04 -914 87 5.8833 Zuincunx 1 0:51 -975 26
NNNNNN1112 1 1:55 -946 55 Group: advanced
Quincunx 1 0:58 -947 54 1.7146 Chelsea 4 13:24 -513 488
Vuincunx 1 1:22 -947 54 2.7139 ArcticFox 5 10:13 -536 465
Pacific 0 0:53 -947 54 Group: novice
MMMMMM1112 0 0:44 -950 51 1.5739 LongJump22 3 3:43 -781 220
LLLLLL1112 0 1:11 -950 51 2.5817 OOOOOO1112 2 3:04 -914 87
Xuincunx 1 0:25 -975 26 3.5584 NNNNNN1112 1 1:55 -946 55
Zuincunx 1 0:51 -975 26 4.5495 MMMMMM1112 0 0:44 -950 51
5.5495 LLLLLL1112 0 1:11 -950 51
Group: not rated
1. - Wuincunx 3 6:01 -864 137
On 1st draw, Q(U)EME H4 50 --- QUEME to please [v]
Other moves: Q(U)EME H8 32, Q(U)EME H5 30, Q(U)EME H6 30, Q(U)EME H7 30, EMBLE(M) H3 24
On 2nd draw, GANTLINE 8A 80 --- GANTLINE a rope on a ship [n]
Other moves: TANLING G6 69, TANLING I6 69, GANTLINE 6A 63, LATENING 6E 63, MANTLING 7H 63
GLINT I2 21 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, KWANZA B6 52 --- KWANZA a monetary unit of Angola [n]
Other moves: KAIZEN C3 40, KAIZEN B7 39, AZINE I2 38, KAZI I1 38, WANZE G6 38
AZINE I2 38 Chelsea
On 4th draw, LEADENLY E8 74 --- LEADEN oppressively heavy [adv] --- LEADEN to make dull or sluggish [adv] --- LEADENLY in a leaden manner [adv]
Other tops: ENTAYLED D6 74, LEADENLY E2 74
Other moves: DYNEL A11 42, ADENYL C10 34, ALEYED C10 33, DEELY A11 33, DELAY A11 33
AYE C10 22 Chelsea
On 5th draw, EXURBIA(S) 12E 84 --- EXURBIA a residential area beyond the suburbs in a city [n]
Other moves: BRAXY 15A 75, BR(A)XY 15A 72, B(R)AXY 15A 72, EXURBIA(S) 6H 70, (B)RAXY 15A 66
XI(S) F10 54 Chelsea, Pacific, ArcticFox
On 6th draw, JOLLIERS 14B 84 --- JOLLIER one who puts others in a good humor [n]
Other moves: JOLLIERS 14C 69, JOLES A11 48, JOLES 11K 43, SJOE 11J 43, JOES 11K 41
JOLES A11 48 Chelsea
JORS 11K 41 ArcticFox
On 7th draw, VENTLE(S)S L6 61 --- VENTLESS having no vent [adj]
Other tops: VENTLES(S) L5 61
Other moves: VEN(U)LES 5E 36, SVELTE 9H 30, EST 12A 27, STEVEN 9H 27, ENES 9E 26
SVELTE 9H 30 ArcticFox
SENT 9H 21 Chelsea
On 8th draw, TOWERED 15I 88 --- TOWER to rise to a great height [v]
Other moves: TROWELED 10G 74, WEX F10 37, WOX F10 37, DOW 15A 35, YODE 15E 35
WEX F10 37 ArcticFox
On 9th draw, FORAYS 15A 55 --- FORAY to raid [v]
Other moves: FORAY 15A 50, FORANE N10 34, OAF 15A 32, *F*YSOFAYS 15B 31, FAN 15A 29
FORAYS 15A 55 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, NNNNNN1112
FAN 15A 29 ArcticFox, Chelsea
On 10th draw, HOX F10 37 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other moves: FEHM 11K 34, QUOTH 4H 34, HEFT 11K 30, THEM 11J 30, FEH 11K 28
QUOTH 4H 34 LongJump22, ArcticFox, Chelsea
On 11th draw, IMBATHED O8 101 --- IMBATHE to bathe [v]
Other moves: EMBATHE N9 40, IMBATHE N9 40, EATHE 11H 34, MEATHE N10 34, HENBIT 8J 33
IMBATHED O8 101 LongJump22
HEM 11K 26 ArcticFox
HIM I3 26 Chelsea
On 12th draw, QUOTER 4H 30 --- QUOTER one that quotes [n]
Other moves: QUOTE 4H 28, GETUP 5K 27, OPTER 11I 26, P(U)TURE 5G 25, REPOT 5K 25
QUOTER 4H 30 ArcticFox, Chelsea, LongJump22
On 13th draw, FUSTY N2 54 --- FUSTY musty [adj]
Other moves: SCYE N12 37, FAYS N1 36, CAYS N1 34, CYST N2 34, FUSC N2 34
FUSTY N2 54 ArcticFox, Quincunx, Vuincunx
FAST N2 30 Chelsea
On 14th draw, CAG O1 26 --- CAG short for cagoule, a light anorak [n]
Other moves: CAN 13C 23, OGRE M2 23, GUACO C2 22, AGEE 11I 21, CEE N13 21
CAG O1 26 Xuincunx, Chelsea, ArcticFox, Zuincunx, Wuincunx
On 15th draw, VAURIEN C2 34 --- VAURIEN a good-for-nothing [n]
Other moves: VAUNTER D4 28, VAN 13C 27, ANISE 13I 23, NAEVI C2 22, NEAR C8 21
VAURIEN C2 34 Wuincunx
VAN 13C 27 Chelsea
RIVA C3 20 ArcticFox
On 16th draw, ODIC 9G 29 --- ODIC pertaining to an ode [adj]
Other moves: ODIC N10 27, ADO 9G 26, AVOID 2B 26, DIACT 9H 26, DICOT 9H 26
DOC 9H 24 Wuincunx
COUP 4A 22 ArcticFox
PED 11K 20 Chelsea
On 17th draw, OOPED 11I 30 --- OOP to bind with thread [v]
Other tops: DOVING 2A 30
Other moves: GOOP N8 26, OVOID 2B 26, POOD N8 26, GOOD N8 24, OPED 11J 24
DOVING 2A 30 Chelsea, Wuincunx, ArcticFox
On 18th draw, PAVING 2A 32 --- PAVING a pavement [n]
Other moves: APE N13 23, APE 14M 20, PAVIN 2A 20, GAN 13C 19, GAUP 4A 18
PAVING 2A 32 Chelsea, ArcticFox, OOOOOO1112
APE N13 23 Wuincunx
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