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Game on December 26, 2024 at 04:41, 1 player
1. 383 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ahlostv   H3    26    26   shalot
 2. aeiloru   5E    28    54   olearia
 3. ?aeertu   L3    71   125   austere
 4. deorruw   K7    29   154   reword
 5. aeikmot   F1    68   222   moatlike
 6. ?eefgtz   J8    79   301   faze
 7. adegipt   1F    48   349   medigap
 8. aabeort   E8    70   419   aerobat
 9. cdeinst  13A    78   497   distance
10. aehiloq  D11    36   533   lotah
11. ennqruy  H10    57   590   queeny
12. deeijno   A8    45   635   joined
13. egirstw  15A    43   678   withs
14. eginpxy   M6    37   715   ex
15. afgimpr   B8    38   753   arf
16. dgimnou   N1    36   789   doming
17. bcinpsu   C7    38   827   pics
18. gilnuvv   O6    27   854   guv
19. bilnuvy  L12    32   886   inby

Remaining tiles: lnuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6314 Filefatcat      2  7:58  -503  383     1.6314 fatcat      2  7:58  -503  383 

On 1st draw, SHALOT H3 26 --- SHALOT an onion like plant [n]
Other tops: LOTAHS H8 26
Other moves: HALOS H4 24, HALTS H4 24, HOAST H4 24, HOLTS H4 24, HOSTA H4 24

On 2nd draw, OLEARIA 5E 28 --- OLEARIA an Australian daisy-tree [n]
Other moves: HAULIER 4H 20, HAILER 4H 18, HALERU 4H 18, HAULER 4H 18, HOLIER 4H 18

On 3rd draw, AU(S)TERE L3 71 --- AUSTERE grave in disposition or appearance [adj]
Other moves: AUSTERE(R) 3F 68, AUSTE(R)ER 3F 68, RESA(L)UTE 3F 68, AU(S)TERE 9F 67, E(P)URATES 3A 66

On 4th draw, REWORD K7 29 --- REWORD to state again in different wording [v]
Other moves: DOWER K7 28, ROWED I5 28, DOWER M9 27, ROWED K7 27, REWORDS 3B 26

On 5th draw, MOATLIKE F1 68 --- MOATLIKE suggestive of a moat [adj]
Other moves: AKE J9 41, KAIM J10 41, MATOKE M9 41, OKA J9 41, OKE J9 41

On 6th draw, F(A)ZE J8 79 --- FAZE to disturb the composure of [v]
Other moves: FEZ J8 78, F(E)Z J8 76, (F)EZ J8 70, (S)EZ J8 70, ZEE J10 68

On 7th draw, MEDIGAP 1F 48 --- MEDIGAP a supplemental health insurance [n]
Other moves: GIDDAP 12H 43, GIMPED 1D 42, GEDDIT 12H 39, PIGMEAT 1C 39, APED M6 38

On 8th draw, AEROBAT E8 70 --- AEROBAT one that performs feats in an aircraft [n]
Other moves: AEROBAT G8 64, AEROBE 8A 27, BERATE 8A 27, BORATE 8A 27, FERRET 8J 27
BARE 3K 12 fatcat

On 9th draw, DISTANCE 13A 78 --- DISTANCE to move far from a particular point [v]
Other moves: CISTED 15C 40, EDICTS M8 38, ICED M6 38, CEDIS 15A 37, CEDIS M7 37
DICES 15A 37 fatcat

On 10th draw, LOTAH D11 36 --- LOTAH a small water vessel used in India [n]
Other moves: HAILED A8 33, HALOED A8 33, HALOID A8 33, HEAL H12 33, HEEL H12 33
HEAL H12 33 fatcat

On 11th draw, QUEENY H10 57 --- QUEENY camp or effeminate [adj]
Other moves: QUERY H11 54, QUEYN H11 54, QUEEN H11 45, QUEER H11 45, QUERN H11 45
QUEENY H10 57 fatcat

On 12th draw, JOINED A8 45 --- JOIN to unite [v]
Other moves: IDEE M6 30, DEE I13 28, DEEN M7 28, DOE I13 28, JEANED 3J 28
JOINED A8 45 fatcat

On 13th draw, WITHS 15A 43 --- WITH a partition between chimney flues [n]
Other moves: SWIG M1 37, SEW M1 36, WEST M7 36, WISH 15A 30, WITH 15A 30
SEW M1 36 fatcat

On 14th draw, EX M6 37 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: NIXY L11 37
Other moves: EX M2 36, EXING M9 35, GENIP L11 32, GYP M2 32, NIXE L11 31
EX M2 36 fatcat

On 15th draw, ARF B8 38 --- ARF a barking sound [n]
Other moves: FARM L11 30, FIRM L11 30, FRAP B6 30, GIF N4 29, ARF N4 28
FA B10 28 fatcat

On 16th draw, DOMING N1 36 --- DOME to cover with a dome (a rounded roof) [v]
Other moves: DOMING C3 33, DOMING M9 33, GONIUM C3 32, MOUND N2 32, DOING N2 30
MOUND N2 32 fatcat

On 17th draw, PICS C7 38 --- PIC a photograph [n]
Other moves: PUBIC C5 35, NIBS C7 34, SP*C C6 32, PIC C7 31, SCUP O6 29
SNIP O6 23 fatcat

On 18th draw, GUV O6 27 --- GUV a governor [n]
Other moves: GIN M2 24, VULVA 3B 22, LIN M2 21, VINALS 3C 20, VIVA 3C 20
VIVA 3C 20 fatcat

On 19th draw, INBY L12 32 --- INBY inward [adv]
Other moves: YIN M2 30, INLY L12 28, BIN M2 27, INLAYS 3C 26, UNLAYS 3C 26
IVY L12 24 fatcat

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