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Game on December 26, 2024 at 17:33, 11 players
1. 163 pts LongJump22
2. 131 pts Pacific
3. 123 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehilnu   H4    24    24   hinau
 2. aeefors   G6    26    50   afore
 3. aahrtuu   I5    32    82   tahr
 4. abegort  H10    35   117   rebato
 5. degllot  I10    26   143   glode
 6. aafilno  J13    31   174   of
 7. ?acgnos   J1    82   256   cougans
 8. beeimot   1H    45   301   become
 9. ?aelmsu   N1    83   384   serumal
10. aeklnty   O7    44   428   alkyne
11. eeinpty  N10    31   459   nepit
12. aijorsw   K8    37   496   jowars
13. adelqrw   3I    46   542   quarer
14. eiiinos  15K    26   568   noise
15. giltuwz   L3    26   594   ritz
16. cdeipuy   2D    24   618   dicey
17. ddeiint   1A    31   649   tided
18. iptuvwx   E1    26   675   dixit
19. ginpruw   D4    30   705   puring

Remaining tiles: iluvvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.5507 FileLongJump22  2  2:52  -542  163     1.9002 Pacific     2  4:22  -574  131 
  2.9002 FilePacific     2  4:22  -574  131            Group: advanced
  3.7041 FileArcticFox   1  4:02  -582  123     1.7041 ArcticFox   1  4:02  -582  123 
  4.5408 FileNNNNNN1112  1  2:55  -648   57     2.7498 Mycophot    0  1:03  -668   37 
  5.5745 FileOOOOOO1112  0  2:23  -654   51     3.7682 moonmonkey  0  1:28  -668   37 
  6.5521 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:59  -660   45     4.7839 HollyIvy    0  1:46  -668   37 
  7.7498 FileMycophot    0  1:03  -668   37     5.7700 sicilianc5  0  0:13  -683   22 
  8.7682 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:28  -668   37            Group: novice
  9.7839 FileHollyIvy    0  1:46  -668   37     1.5507 LongJump22  2  2:52  -542  163 
 10.5388 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:46  -670   35     2.5408 NNNNNN1112  1  2:55  -648   57 
 11.7700 Filesicilianc5  0  0:13  -683   22     3.5745 OOOOOO1112  0  2:23  -654   51 
                                             4.5521 MMMMMM1112  1  1:59  -660   45 
                                             5.5388 LLLLLL1112  1  1:46  -670   35 

On 1st draw, HINAU H4 24 --- HINAU (Maori) a New Zealand tree [n]
Other moves: INHALE H3 20, INHALE H4 20, INHALE H7 20, INHALE H8 20, INHAUL H3 20
HINAU H4 24 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, AFORE G6 26 --- AFORE before [adv]
Other moves: SAFER I3 25, SEFER I3 25, SOFAR I3 25, AFRESH 4C 24, FORES G7 24

On 3rd draw, TAHR I5 32 --- TAHR a goatlike mammal [n]
Other moves: AHURU F9 31, THRU I6 31, AHA F9 29, RATH F3 29, RUTH F3 29
AHURU F9 31 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112

On 4th draw, REBATO H10 35 --- REBATO a wide, lace-edged collar [n]
Other moves: BORAGE F10 29, TABER F8 29, TABOR F8 29, BOGART F10 27, TAB F8 27
REBATO H10 35 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112
BEGOT F10 26 ArcticFox

On 5th draw, GLODE I10 26 --- GLODE a past tense of glide [v]
Other moves: TOGED I11 25, GLED I10 23, DOGE I11 22, TOLED I11 21, LODE I11 20

On 6th draw, OF J13 31 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other moves: FA J14 27, FANAL J2 27, FINAL J2 27, FAN G13 26, OF G12 25
FAN G13 26 ArcticFox

On 7th draw, CO(U)GANS J1 82 --- COUGAN (Australian slang) a rowdy heavy drinker [n]
Other moves: ANG(I)COS K7 73, COGNA(C)S K7 73, CO(U)GANS K7 73, GA(R)CONS K7 73, GA(S)CONS K7 73
GA(R)CONS K7 73 LongJump22
(T)ANGOS 15J 26 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, BECOME 1H 45 --- BECOME to be the fate of [v]
Other moves: TOMBIC 1E 36, BETIME F10 35, TOEBIE 15J 33, BIOME F10 30, EMETIC 1E 30
BECOME 1H 45 ArcticFox, Pacific, MMMMMM1112

On 9th draw, SE(R)UMAL N1 83 --- SERUM the watery portion of whole blood [adj] --- SERUMAL pertaining to serum [adj]
Other moves: EMULA(T)ES M1 70, S(K)ELUM N1 39, (F)EMALS 15J 35, SAM(I)EL N1 31, SAM(P)LE N1 31

On 10th draw, ALKYNE O7 44 --- ALKYNE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: LANKY O6 40, TALKY O6 40, TANKY O6 40, YANK O6 40, LAKY O6 37
LANKY O6 40 Pacific
YAK O6 37 Mycophot, moonmonkey, HollyIvy

On 11th draw, NEPIT N10 31 --- NEPIT a unit of computer information [n]
Other moves: EYEN M3 27, EYE M3 23, EYEN M1 23, YIPE N12 23, MEINEY L1 22
PINY N12 22 sicilianc5

On 12th draw, JOWARS K8 37 --- JOWAR durra (an Indian grain crop) [n]
Other moves: JAW M9 33, JAWS K10 33, JOW M9 33, JOWS K10 33, RIOJAS K8 31

On 13th draw, Q(U)ARE(R) 3I 46 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other moves: WADER M11 37, WADE M11 35, WALED M11 35, LAWED L7 33, WALER M11 33
Q(U)ARE(R) 3I 46 Pacific

On 14th draw, NOISE 15K 26 --- NOISE to spread as a rumour or report [v]
Other moves: EOSIN M11 24, ONES L8 24, NISI 15L 23, NOSE 15L 23, NOSE L7 22

On 15th draw, RITZ L3 26 --- RITZ pretentious display [n]
Other moves: LUZ 4M 24, RIZ L3 24, JIZ 8K 20, BOWR 12H 18, WOF J12 18

On 16th draw, DICEY 2D 24 --- DICEY dangerous [adj]
Other moves: PUY 2F 21, DEY L9 20, YE L11 19, DEY 2F 18, PE O4 18

On 17th draw, TIDED 1A 31 --- TIDE to flow like the tide (the rise and fall of the ocean's waters) [v]
Other tops: DINED 1A 31, DITED 1A 31, NIDED 1A 31
Other moves: NITID 1A 28, TEIID 1A 28, TINED 1A 28, DENI 1A 22, DINE 1A 22

On 18th draw, DIXIT E1 26 --- DIXIT a statement [n]
Other moves: TWIXT A1 23, VEX 2M 19, WEX 2M 19, BOWR 12H 18, PI O4 18

On 19th draw, PURING D4 30 --- PUR to utter a low, vibrant sound [v]
Other moves: PURIN D4 26, PING D4 24, PUNG D4 24, PIG D4 22, PIRN D4 22

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