Game on December 27, 2024 at 04:58, 1 player
1. 572 pts fatcat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 28 28
2. 12H 78 106
3. O11 27 133
4. N5 85 218
5. J7 64 282
6. 5H 72 354
7. 13M 40 394
8. L1 78 472
9. 15D 94 566
10. 2J 34 600
11. 1G 50 650
12. 1L 40 690
13. O7 56 746
14. 2E 26 772
15. 1A 38 810
16. 3E 31 841
17. 14B 29 870
18. 3K 30 900
19. 6B 81 981
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6306 fatcat 2 12:25 -409 572 1.6306 fatcat 2 12:25 -409 572
On 1st draw, UNMOW(N) H8 28 --- MOW to cut down standing herbage [adj] --- UNMOWN not mown [adj]
Other tops: U(N)MOWN H8 28
Other moves: DW(A)UM H8 26, MOW(E)D H4 26, UNM(E)W H8 26, WOM(A)N H4 26, WOM(E)N H4 26
WOUND H4 26 fatcat
On 2nd draw, WAITERED 12H 78 --- WAITER to work as a male server in a restaurant [v]
Other moves: DETAI(N)ER 13C 70, RETAI(N)ED 13C 70, REMEDIAT 10F 67, DIAMETER 10E 65, DETAINER 9C 63
WADER 12H 18 fatcat
On 3rd draw, ADHAN O11 27 --- ADHAN the Muslim call to prayer [n]
Other tops: TAHA 11J 27
Other moves: DOTH O12 24, AAH 11J 23, AHA 11K 23, HAN 11J 23, HAO 11J 23
DOTH O12 24 fatcat
On 4th draw, GRAECIZE N5 85 --- GRAECIZE to provide with a Greek style [v]
Other moves: GRAECIZE L5 71, ZAIRE M9 48, CEAZI(N)G 13C 47, CRAZI(N)G 13C 47, ZA N14 46
ZA N14 46 fatcat
On 5th draw, SIMONIST J7 64 --- SIMONIST one who practices simony [n]
Other moves: MONISTS I2 63, MOISTENS L7 61, MIEN 8L 27, MIOSES 8J 27, MISSET 8J 27
STEM 8L 21 fatcat
On 6th draw, F(L)OATAGE 5H 72 --- FLOATAGE the act of floating [n]
Other moves: AFTO(S)A 15F 34, E(D)H 13M 34, FE(S)TA 15H 34, E(L)F O6 33, E(R)F O6 33
FEET 8L 33 fatcat
On 7th draw, EDH 13M 40 --- EDH an Old English letter [n]
Other moves: WEED 8L 36, YEED 8L 36, TEEND O4 34, TYNDE O1 33, WAYED I11 33
WEED 8L 36 fatcat
On 8th draw, PRETTIES L1 78 --- PRETTY to make pretty [v]
Other moves: RESPITE 4B 76, PRETTIES L2 72, RESPITE 6B 68, PEERS O4 40, PESTER 15H 38
PRIEST 15F 35 fatcat
On 9th draw, DILDOES 15D 94 --- DILDOE an object used as a penis substitute [n]
Other moves: DILDOES 4D 79, DEEDS O4 38, DOSED 15H 38, DIDOES 15E 35, DILDOS 15E 35
DIES 15G 26 fatcat
On 10th draw, FERREL 2J 34 --- FERREL to fit with a metal cap to prevent splitting [v]
Other moves: EF O7 32, ENFREE O1 32, FERER 2J 32, NEELE O4 28, PELF 1L 27
EF O7 32 fatcat
On 11th draw, JAKE 1G 50 --- JAKE a yokel [n] --- JAKE all right; fine [adj]
Other moves: WAKE 1G 38, KWELA 14B 37, JAKE 14A 33, JAKE 3G 33, SKEW 8L 33
JAKE 1G 50 fatcat
On 12th draw, PUHA 1L 40 --- PUHA sow thistle (Maori) [n]
Other moves: LAH O7 33, AH O7 32, THULIA 2B 31, HUTIA K10 29, AH O8 28
HA 1N 26 fatcat
On 13th draw, AX O7 56 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: PAX 2F 36, POX 2F 36, OXLIP 14A 35, IXIA 6E 32, LAX 2F 30
AX O7 56 fatcat
On 14th draw, RYOT 2E 26 --- RYOT a tenant farmer in India [n]
Other moves: G*YGOY 2F 25, TROY 2E 23, GIGOT 2D 22, GO(N)YS 13F 22, TOY 2F 22
YO 2F 22 fatcat
On 15th draw, BUNCO 1A 38 --- BUNCO to swindle [v]
Other moves: OY 3F 31, OB 3F 27, BUNCO 4D 26, UNCOY 6D 24, YBOUND D10 24
OY 3F 31 fatcat
On 16th draw, BOG 3E 31 --- BOG to impede [v]
Other moves: BOR 3E 27, OB 3F 27, BINGO 4D 24, GLOBI 4D 24, NEB 3K 22
BINGO 11D 16 fatcat
On 17th draw, VOILE 14B 29 --- VOILE a sheer fabric [n]
Other moves: UNWIVE B1 28, UNWOVE B1 28, VOWEL 14A 27, INWOVE(N) 13B 26, WOLVED D10 26
WIVED D11 24 fatcat
On 18th draw, LEPT 3K 30 --- LEAP to spring off the ground [v]
Other moves: LENT 3K 22, LEP 3K 22, NEP 3K 22, ORBITING E1 22, NIP 11J 18
ORBITING E1 22 fatcat
On 19th draw, INQUIRY 6B 81 --- INQUIRY a question [n]
Other moves: QUID D12 28, QUINO 11D 28, QUINO C10 28, QUININ 9C 26, QUIN 15L 23
QUID D12 28 fatcat
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