Game on December 27, 2024 at 07:16, 1 player
1. 210 pts fatcat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H6 70 70
2. 11F 36 106
3. G5 29 135
4. L8 91 226
5. J6 66 292
6. F3 27 319
7. 12C 31 350
8. 13A 46 396
9. A12 39 435
10. 14A 51 486
11. 15E 46 532
12. M3 22 554
13. 8L 27 581
14. 3A 74 655
15. A3 30 685
16. B6 35 720
17. E5 32 752
18. L1 37 789
19. H1 39 828
20. 1L 24 852
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6298 fatcat 0 4:58 -642 210 1.6298 fatcat 0 4:58 -642 210
On 1st draw, SNOUTED H6 70 --- SNOUT to provide with a nozzle [v]
Other tops: DEUTONS H4 70
Other moves: DEUTONS H2 68, DEUTONS H3 68, DEUTONS H6 68, DEUTONS H7 68, DEUTONS H8 68
STONED H7 18 fatcat
On 2nd draw, SHEQEL 11F 36 --- SHEQEL an ancient unit of weight and money [n]
Other tops: SHEQEL 11D 36
Other moves: QIS 6F 32, HELIOS I9 30, HOLIES I9 30, HELIO I9 29, HELOS I9 29
QIS 6F 32 fatcat
On 3rd draw, ROILY G5 29 --- ROILY muddy [adj]
Other moves: OILY G6 28, OYER I6 28, YE 10J 28, GLORIED 12B 25, YEH G9 24
YE 10J 28 fatcat
On 4th draw, PE(N)STER L8 91 --- PENSTER a writer [n]
Other tops: PRESET(S) L8 91, PRESE(N)T L8 91, PRESTE(D) L8 91, PRESTE(R) L8 91, P(R)ESTER L8 91
Other moves: PRE(S)ETS L8 90, PERTES(T) L6 87, PERT(U)SE L6 87, PER(T)EST L6 87, PEST(I)ER L9 87
PESTER L9 35 fatcat
On 5th draw, APOGAE(I)C J6 66 --- APOGAEIC at the furthest point of an orbit [adj]
Other moves: (T)APACOLO 8A 36, CA(R)AP F2 33, COPP(R)A 8J 33, PAPAC(Y) 8J 33, CAPA(S) 15H 32
POP(S) 8L 21 fatcat
On 6th draw, CREM F3 27 --- CREM a crematorium [n]
Other moves: CRIME K3 26, CRIME M6 25, RIEM F3 25, ORPINE 8J 24, PERM 8L 24
PRIM 8L 24 fatcat
On 7th draw, BAYTED 12C 31 --- BAYT to diminish [v]
Other moves: INBYE K3 29, ABYE K4 27, BAYE K4 27, PATY 8L 27, PINY 8L 27
PANT 8L 18 fatcat
On 8th draw, AZIDO 13A 46 --- AZIDE a type of chemical compound [adj] --- AZIDO relating to azide [adj]
Other moves: AZIDO K3 37, AZIDO M6 37, IZAR 13A 36, ZODIAC 3A 36, DZO 13A 34
DZO 13A 34 fatcat
On 9th draw, WAME A12 39 --- WAME the belly [n]
Other moves: ULTIMA A8 33, WAIL A12 33, WAIT A12 33, WALE A12 33, WALI A12 33
On 10th draw, MASON 14A 51 --- MASON to build with stone or brick [v]
Other tops: MANOS 14A 51
Other moves: JAILS 15H 49, JIAOS 15H 49, JOINS 15H 49, SIJO 15L 46, SOJA 15L 46
On 11th draw, IBEX 15E 46 --- IBEX a wild goat [n]
Other moves: IBEX M6 45, IXTLE 15E 43, ILEX M6 41, ULEX M6 41, ILEX 15E 40
On 12th draw, GORGIA M3 22 --- GORGIA an improvised passage in 16c singing [n]
Other tops: AGIO K5 22, GORGIA K2 22
Other moves: PRIG 8L 21, PROG 8L 21, AGGRI K3 20, AGGRO K3 20, AGOGIC 3A 20
On 13th draw, PAVE 8L 27 --- PAVE to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface [v]
Other tops: VADE L2 27
Other moves: DRAVE N7 25, DAVEN N8 23, VADE K4 23, VANE L2 23, DEV M13 22
On 14th draw, LATTICED 3A 74 --- LATTICE to form a structure consisting of interlaced strips of material [v]
Other moves: VITTLED N8 26, EDICTAL 3C 24, DIALECT 3A 22, DEAL L1 21, DIAL L1 21
On 15th draw, LAWINE A3 30 --- LAWINE an avalanche [n]
Other tops: AWEE 4A 30, WALLIE A1 30, WELLIE A1 30
Other moves: WEAL L1 29, WEAN L1 29, AWDL H1 27, AWE L3 27, WADE H1 27
On 16th draw, FURAL B6 35 --- FURAL a liquid obtained from bran and acid [n]
Other moves: FAD B6 33, FARD B6 33, FUD B6 33, FARL B6 32, FURL B6 32
On 17th draw, HENT E5 32 --- HENT to grasp [v]
Other moves: HEN E5 30, HET E5 30, HE E5 28, HIDE H1 27, HIE 2B 26
On 18th draw, DOUK L1 37 --- DOUK to bathe [v]
Other moves: KUDO H1 30, KUDU H1 30, KUDO L2 29, KUDU L2 29, OUK L2 29
On 19th draw, JUDO H1 39 --- JUDO a form of jujitsu [n]
Other moves: DJIN 1L 36, JUD H1 33, GJU 6M 27, JAI B2 22, JAR B2 22
On 20th draw, DIVI 1L 24 --- DIVI short for dividend [n]
Other moves: IF M12 22, IF 11C 19, FIAR B1 16, ICIER 13I 16, FAN B2 14
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