Game on December 27, 2024 at 09:32, 7 players
1. 168 pts Chelsea
2. 129 pts LongJump22
3. 123 pts LLLLLL1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 28 28
2. 5E 102 130
3. 4K 33 163
4. N1 112 275
5. I8 64 339
6. 8L 66 405
7. 15D 53 458
8. F5 66 524
9. O1 37 561
10. 14C 41 602
11. 1H 30 632
12. B11 36 668
13. M7 81 749
14. A8 48 797
15. N10 31 828
16. O11 34 862
17. H12 49 911
18. 2C 74 985
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7090 Chelsea 1 5:54 -817 168 1.7090 Chelsea 1 5:54 -817 168
2.5557 LongJump22 2 1:33 -856 129 Group: novice
3.5390 LLLLLL1112 2 3:18 -862 123 1.5557 LongJump22 2 1:33 -856 129
4. - OOOOOO1144 1 1:57 -936 49 2.5390 LLLLLL1112 2 3:18 -862 123
5.5640 MMMMMM1112 1 1:12 -937 48 3.5640 MMMMMM1112 1 1:12 -937 48
6.5375 NNNNNN1112 1 1:35 -937 48 4.5375 NNNNNN1112 1 1:35 -937 48
7.5739 OOOOOO1112 1 1:56 -937 48 5.5739 OOOOOO1112 1 1:56 -937 48
Group: not rated
1. - OOOOOO1144 1 1:57 -936 49
On 1st draw, MECCA H4 28 --- MECCA a place visited by many people [n]
Other tops: ACMIC H8 28
Other moves: ACCITE H3 26, ACETIC H3 26, ACETIC H7 26, ACMITE H3 26, MICATE H4 26
On 2nd draw, SPREETHE 5E 102 --- SPREETHE to chap [v]
Other tops: SPREETHE 5D 102
Other moves: HEPSTER I7 83, SPERTHE 9H 81, THREEPS 9B 81, HEPSTER 9E 78, PETHERS 9B 76
On 3rd draw, EARTH 4K 33 --- EARTH to cover with earth (soil) [v]
Other moves: CHEATER 6H 32, AETHER 4J 31, EARTH 6J 29, CHEAT 6H 28, CHEER 6H 28
On 4th draw, EPIT(A)XE(S) N1 112 --- EPITAXES
Other moves: PHE(N)IXE(S) O3 104, EXPI(R)E(S) 9B 84, EXTI(R)PE(D) N2 80, SIXPE(N)(C)E E5 80, EP(O)XIE(S) 9B 79
On 5th draw, LAUWINE I8 64 --- LAUWINE an avalanche [n]
Other tops: LAUWINE G8 64
Other moves: AWEEL 1K 36, UNWI(S)E 8J 36, LAUWINE 1H 33, WEEL 1L 33, WEEN 1L 33
On 6th draw, ZE(S)T 8L 66 --- ZEST to fill with zest (invigorating excitement) [v]
Other moves: TOUZE O8 48, TOZIE O8 48, TOUZE O7 47, TOZIE O7 47, TOZE O7 44
On 7th draw, FIORDS 15D 53 --- FIORD a narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs [n]
Other moves: FISH O1 51, DIFS H12 42, DROIDS 15D 41, DISH O1 39, DOSH O1 39
On 8th draw, PANBROIL F5 66 --- PANBROIL to fry in a pan with little or no fat [v]
Other moves: NOBLER 1J 33, ABLER 1K 30, OBELIA M6 28, ZONAL L8 28, ZORIL L8 28
On 9th draw, SITHE O1 37 --- SITHE to cut with a single-bladed cutting implement [v]
Other moves: EISH O1 33, NESH O1 33, NISH O1 33, NOSH O1 33, SINH O1 33
On 10th draw, LEAK 14C 41 --- LEAK to permit the escape of something through a breach or flaw [v]
Other moves: ELK 14D 40, FANKLED 13G 38, AKE 14E 37, FAKED 14A 34, FIKED 12H 34
On 11th draw, EUGARIES 1H 30 --- EUGARIE Queensland name for the pipi shellfish [n]
Other tops: VINEGAR 13G 30, VIRGULE 12A 30
Other moves: VAGUE 4A 28, VIRGA 4A 28, VIRGE 4A 28, ZAIRE L8 28, VAIRE 4A 26
On 12th draw, DOAB B11 36 --- DOAB land between two rivers [n]
Other moves: DAB B12 34, DOB B12 34, *B*ABO B13 32, ALB B12 32, LAB B12 32
On 13th draw, DENOTING M7 81 --- DENOTE to indicate [v]
Other moves: ZONING L8 32, DENTING M7 29, TIGON J8 29, INGOT A8 27, TIGON A8 27
DENOTING M7 81 LongJump22
ZONING L8 32 Chelsea
On 14th draw, JADES A8 48 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: RAJES A8 45, JADE L10 43, JADE A8 39, JOES 12A 38, JORS 12A 38
JADES A8 48 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112, Chelsea, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
On 15th draw, WOO N10 31 --- WOO to seek the affection of [v]
Other moves: MOO J10 28, WO N10 28, MOAI L12 27, AIM J8 26, AVOW B6 26
MOO N10 25 Chelsea
On 16th draw, ONLAY O11 34 --- ONLAY something laid over something else [n]
Other moves: YUAN B6 26, EULOGY 14I 24, INLAY B5 24, ONLAY B5 24, UNLAY B5 24
NAIL O12 19 Chelsea
On 17th draw, QUOD H12 49 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: QI H12 44, QUIM 11D 30, YOM H10 28, MO J10 25, MOY 2I 24
QUOD H12 49 LLLLLL1112, OOOOOO1144
QI H12 44 Chelsea
On 18th draw, TURFING 2C 74 --- TURF to cover with thick grass [v] --- TURFING the act of turfing [n]
Other moves: FUNGI 2F 29, FUNGI 4A 28, FIG J8 26, FR*GFRIG 2H 25, FRUG 2H 25
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