Game on December 28, 2024 at 06:43, 2 players
1. 515 pts fatcat
2. 306 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 20 20
2. 4D 74 94
3. E1 68 162
4. 1D 107 269
5. D7 76 345
6. 2A 34 379
7. 11D 78 457
8. A1 63 520
9. K6 67 587
10. 2I 32 619
11. 8K 30 649
12. L12 34 683
13. 13I 34 717
14. 14H 33 750
15. 15F 47 797
16. J4 63 860
17. N10 68 928
18. C7 31 959
19. O2 66 1025
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6300 fatcat 2 10:22 -510 515 1.7115 Chelsea 5 5:51 -719 306
2.7115 Chelsea 5 5:51 -719 306 Group: intermediate
1.6300 fatcat 2 10:22 -510 515
On 1st draw, GORGIA H4 20 --- GORGIA an improvised passage in 16c singing [n]
Other tops: GROMA H4 20, MOIRA H4 20, MORIA H4 20
Other moves: AMIGO H4 18, AMIGO H8 18, GORGIA H3 18, GORGIA H7 18, GORGIA H8 18
On 2nd draw, STINGILY 4D 74 --- STINGILY in a stingy manner [adv]
Other moves: SALINITY 9G 64, STINGILY 7D 64, TYLOSIN 5E 40, STYLI 10H 25, LYSIN G8 23
On 3rd draw, LENTANDO E1 68 --- LENTANDO becoming slower -- used as a musical direction [adv]
Other moves: NONIDEAL F1 63, NONIDEAL 8E 60, LANDE 3I 24, ODEON 5E 23, ALOED 5K 22
On 4th draw, FLATHEAD 1D 107 --- FLATHEAD a marine food fish [n]
Other moves: FATHEAD G9 78, FATHEAD F8 75, FATHEAD I8 74, FLATHEAD J3 71, HAFTED 3I 53
LEFT 1E 21 fatcat
On 5th draw, AGU(I)SES D7 76 --- AGUISE to adorn [v]
Other moves: GASE(O)US D8 73, GAUSSE(S) D8 73, GAUS(S)ES D8 73, GAU(S)SES D8 73, ASSU(A)GE D7 72
SEA L1 21 fatcat
On 6th draw, ANTEED 2A 34 --- ANTE to put a fixed stake into the pot before the cards are dealt in poker [v]
Other moves: DONATE 2J 32, TEAED 2B 32, ATONED 2I 27, NOTANDA 3A 26, ANDANTE 3A 25
DONATE 2J 32 fatcat
On 7th draw, SU(P)ERLIE 11D 78 --- SUPERLIE to lie above [v]
Other moves: LEI(S)URE 2I 75, (C)ISELEUR 13B 68, (C)ISELURE 13B 68, (F)USILEER 13B 68, LEISURE(D) 13A 66
RAILE(D) A1 18 fatcat
On 8th draw, JAXIES A1 63 --- JAXIE the posterior [n]
Other moves: JAXIE A1 60, EXO 2I 56, JO 1A 56, EXO 10I 55, IBEX C6 54
XIS 2J 54 fatcat
On 9th draw, OVERKEEP K6 67 --- OVERKEEP to keep too long or too much [v]
Other moves: PEKOE 3I 46, KREEP 10J 45, KERVE 10J 42, KEEP 10J 38, EKE 10I 37
PROVE 10J 30 fatcat
On 10th draw, AYE 2I 32 --- AYE an affirmative vote [n]
Other tops: LYE 2I 32, TYE 2I 32
Other moves: TAILYE 2I 31, YALE 2J 31, YATE 2J 31, YELT 2J 31, YETI 2J 31
YALE 2J 31 fatcat
On 11th draw, EMOTE 8K 30 --- EMOTE to express emotion in an exaggerated manner [v]
Other moves: TELOME 8J 27, LOOM L12 26, MEET L12 26, MELT L12 26, METE L12 26
EMOTE 8K 30 fatcat
On 12th draw, FOCI L12 34 --- FOCUS a point at which rays converge or from which they diverge [n]
Other tops: FICO L12 34, FOID L12 34
Other moves: FIDO L12 32, OCTOFID M8 32, FIB L12 30, FOB L12 30, FICO 3K 29
LOB J4 21 fatcat
On 13th draw, POPOVER 13I 34 --- POPOVER a very light egg muffin [n]
Other moves: VIBRIO 15H 33, REBOP H11 30, VIPER 15K 30, PROBER 9J 28, RIVER H11 27
VIPER 15K 30 Chelsea
ROVER H11 27 fatcat
On 14th draw, BAH 14H 33 --- BAH an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other tops: BOH 14H 33
Other moves: BOHEA N10 32, HONER N10 32, NOAH 14G 32, NAH 14H 31, NAH B4 31
BOH 14H 33 Chelsea
OH 14I 30 fatcat
On 15th draw, CROW 15F 47 --- CROW to boast [v]
Other tops: IRONIC 15H 47
Other moves: QI 15G 45, COW 15G 44, WINO 15G 44, CORNI 15D 42, NOW 15G 38
CROW 15F 47 Chelsea
QI 15G 45 fatcat
On 16th draw, LUZ J4 63 --- LUZ a bone [n]
Other moves: ADZ G7 52, MAZED N10 46, MOZED N10 46, ZOEAL G9 46, DIAZO 15K 45
LUZ J4 63 fatcat, Chelsea
On 17th draw, QUIET N10 68 --- QUIET making little or no noise [adj] --- QUIET to cause to be quiet [v]
Other moves: QU(I)N 10B 34, BIDENT N10 30, BIDET N10 28, QUIST 13A 28, BRIN O12 27
QUIET N10 68 Chelsea
QU(I)N 10B 34 fatcat
On 18th draw, WANT C7 31 --- WANT to have a desire for [v]
Other moves: LIBANT C5 29, WAN C7 29, BANT C7 27, WAB 3K 27, WAB 7M 27
WANT C7 31 Chelsea
BINGO 8A 24 fatcat
On 19th draw, IMBOLDEN O2 66 --- IMBOLDEN to instil with courage [v]
Other moves: DRIB O12 34, BEDIM O7 25, IMAGO 8A 24, MIB 3K 24, MILD 3K 24
DRIB O12 34 Chelsea, fatcat
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