Game on December 28, 2024 at 17:24, 11 players
1. 261 pts LongJump22
2. 169 pts ArcticFox
3. 146 pts VVVVVV1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 20 20 


8H 95 115 


5E 86 201 


M3 32 233 


6A 60 293 


A6 42 335 


D6 70 405 


N8 30 435 


O12 58 493 


B10 33 526 


C2 45 571 


3E 74 645 


O1 86 731 


4A 46 777 


M12 29 806 


A1 39 845 


N1 31 876 


F2 31 907 


2J 33 940 


15H 27 967 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
LongJump22 4 2:35 -706 261 1.7208 VVVVVV1112 2 1:51 -821 146
ArcticFox 3 5:23 -798 169 Group: intermediate
VVVVVV1112 2 1:51 -821 146 1.6967 ArcticFox 3 5:23 -798 169
OOOOOO1112 1 2:51 -862 105 2.6632 Javelin22 1 0:39 -936 31
LLLLLL1112 1 2:54 -880 87 3.6609 Discus22 1 1:00 -936 31
NNNNNN1112 1 0:36 -925 42 4.6600 Hammer22 1 1:18 -936 31
MMMMMM1112 0 1:38 -931 36 5.6660 ShotPut22 1 1:37 -936 31
Javelin22 1 0:39 -936 31 Group: novice
Discus22 1 1:00 -936 31 1.5630 LongJump22 4 2:35 -706 261
Hammer22 1 1:18 -936 31 2.5666 OOOOOO1112 1 2:51 -862 105
ShotPut22 1 1:37 -936 31 3.5415 LLLLLL1112 1 2:54 -880 87
4.5398 NNNNNN1112 1 0:36 -925 42
5.5586 MMMMMM1112 0 1:38 -931 36
On 1st draw, MESES H4 20 --- MESE the middle string on the lyre [n]
Other tops: MOOSE H4 20, MOSES H4 20, MOSSO H4 20
Other moves: OSMOSE H3 18, OSMOSE H4 18, OSMOSE H7 18, OSMOSE H8 18, MESES H8 16
MOSSO H4 20 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, SE(D)UCIVE 8H 95 --- SEDUCE to lead astray [adj] --- SEDUCIVE able to seduce [adj]
Other moves: E(X)CUSIVE 6D 76, SE(D)UCIVE 6H 70, E(X)CUSIVE 8D 63, (D)ECEIVE 5E 44, (R)ECEIVE 5E 44
SE(D)UCIVE 8H 95 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, LO(V)EBITE 5E 86 --- LOVEBITE a mark inflicted by a lover [n]
Other moves: BETOIL(S) 3G 82, LO(V)EBITE O1 80, T(R)ILOBE 3B 80, BI(B)ELOT 3B 76, (B)IBELOT 3B 76
LO(V)EBITE 5E 86 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 4th draw, ABSTAIN M3 32 --- ABSTAIN to refrain voluntarily [v]
Other moves: BANTS 4J 24, BANTS M1 24, SNAB 6C 24, STAB 6C 24, TABS 4J 24
On 5th draw, PRETAX 6A 60 --- PRETAX existing before provision for taxes [adj]
Other moves: RETAX 6B 57, PAX 6D 55, POX 6D 55, TEABOX 4J 54, RAX 6D 53
PRETAX 6A 60 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, OOOOOO1112
On 6th draw, PEAVEY A6 42 --- PEAVEY a lever used to move logs [n]
Other moves: DAVY 7C 39, PEAVY A6 39, PAVEED A6 36, NAVY 7C 35, VENAE L1 34
On 7th draw, TANDOORI D6 70 --- TANDOOR a clay oven [n] --- TANDOORI a type of Indian cooking [n]
Other moves: DANIO B10 32, DONOR B10 32, DOONA B10 32, DOORN B10 32, IRONED 7D 30
On 8th draw, VOLPINO N8 30 --- VOLPINO an Italian dog [n]
Other moves: OPERON 7F 28, LOOP C10 26, NOOP C10 26, POLIO C11 24, POOL C10 24
On 9th draw, FAWS O12 58 --- FAW a gypsy [n]
Other tops: FAHS O12 58
Other moves: HAUFS B10 56, FASH 15L 55, FASH O12 55, WASH 15L 55, FUSC 15L 52
On 10th draw, HUER B10 33 --- HUER a pilchard fishermen's lookout man [n]
Other tops: HEIL B10 33, HEIR B10 33, HERL B10 33, HERN B10 33, HULE B10 33, HURL B10 33
Other moves: HEN B10 32, HER B10 32, HUE B10 32, HUI B10 32, HUN B10 32
On 11th draw, DINKEY C2 45 --- DINKEY a small locomotive [n]
Other tops: KIDNEY C2 45
Other moves: D*K*YDIKEY C3 43, KEYED C3 35, YIKED C3 35, NYED E10 33, DITTY 6J 32
On 12th draw, AIRTHED 3E 74 --- AIRTH to guide [v]
Other moves: DEATHIER I7 71, DEATHIER O2 66, DAH M12 36, HADE D1 34, HIDE D1 34
On 13th draw, ORDNANCE O1 86 --- ORDNANCE artillery; a cannon [n]
Other moves: ORAD M11 33, DARN M12 29, RAND M12 28, DAN M12 27, RAD M12 27
On 14th draw, ZINE 4A 46 --- ZINE a magazine for specialist interests, especially a Web-based one [n]
Other tops: ZONE 4A 46
Other moves: ZO N1 37, COZIE L8 35, MEZE I7 35, MIZUNA 13J 34, OUZEL 10D 34
ZONE 4A 46 ArcticFox
On 15th draw, GALE M12 29 --- GALE a strong wind [n]
Other tops: GATE M12 29
Other moves: GADGET 2A 28, GAL M12 27, GAT M12 27, COGGLE L8 23, OGEE 7F 21
On 16th draw, RITZ A1 39 --- RITZ pretentious display [n]
Other moves: OMIT 2I 30, MOTILE 15H 27, OM 2I 25, MIL 2J 24, MIR 2J 24
OMIT 2I 30 ArcticFox
On 17th draw, JO N1 31 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: DOJO 2C 27, (D)OJO J8 26, JO 2E 24, JET 7G 22, JO D1 20
JO N1 31 Javelin22, Discus22, ArcticFox, Hammer22, ShotPut22
On 18th draw, QI F2 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: MIG 2J 25, MOG 2J 25, OM 2I 25, UM 2I 25, MIL 2J 24
QI F2 31 ArcticFox
On 19th draw, WOF 2J 33 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: FITT 6J 32, FIG 2J 31, FOG 2J 31, OF 2I 31, OW 2I 31
FIG 2J 31 ArcticFox
On 20th draw, MUTULE 15H 27 --- MUTULE an ornamental block used in classical Greek architecture [n]
Other moves: MIG 9I 20, GEM 7G 18, MEG I7 18, UM E10 18, MELT I7 17
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