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Game on December 29, 2024 at 12:25, 12 players
1. 252 pts LongJump22
2. 249 pts Pacific
3. 134 pts NNNNNN1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeefny   H4    34    34   fayned
 2. ?adkrsu   7E    68   102   stunkard
 3. aijmosy   6J    56   158   jai
 4. eenossy   E5    94   252   essoynes
 5. abiirtv   8A    42   294   bravo
 6. eilrttu   4H    74   368   fruitlet
 7. ?adoovx   O4    39   407   toxoid
 8. begimor   N1    39   446   bireme
 9. eehiimt   1K    42   488   thebe
10. aagiprt   8G    30   518   peart
11. cdeenot   C8    74   592   anecdote
12. aiilnop  15C    36   628   epinaoi
13. aagilms   A4    66   694   mailbags
14. acelorw   D1    32   726   crowea
15. eiooqtu   1D    51   777   coquet
16. egiinno   2D    28   805   reign
17. hilnouw   C3    44   849   howl
18. fgiinuz   B1    45   894   fiz

Remaining tiles: gilnuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.5611 FileLongJump22  4  2:39  -642  252     1.9270 Pacific     5  5:57  -645  249 
  2.9270 FilePacific     5  5:57  -645  249            Group: advanced
  3.5497 FileNNNNNN1112  2  4:04  -760  134     1.7217 VVVVVV1112  3  1:44  -766  128 
  4.7217 FileVVVVVV1112  3  1:44  -766  128            Group: intermediate
  5.6935 FileArcticFox   2  3:46  -782  112     1.6935 ArcticFox   2  3:46  -782  112 
  6.5707 FileOOOOOO1112  2  3:08  -804   90     2.6660 ShotPut22   0  0:59  -850   44 
  7.5692 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:16  -838   56     3.6632 Javelin22   0  1:25  -850   44 
  8.6660 FileShotPut22   0  0:59  -850   44     4.6600 Hammer22    0  1:50  -850   44 
  9.6632 FileJavelin22   0  1:25  -850   44     5.6609 Discus22    1  0:53  -852   42 
 10.6600 FileHammer22    0  1:50  -850   44            Group: novice
 11.6609 FileDiscus22    1  0:53  -852   42     1.5611 LongJump22  4  2:39  -642  252 
 12.5615 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:41  -860   34     2.5497 NNNNNN1112  2  4:04  -760  134 
                                             3.5707 OOOOOO1112  2  3:08  -804   90 
                                             4.5692 MMMMMM1112  1  1:16  -838   56 
                                             5.5615 LLLLLL1112  1  1:41  -860   34 

On 1st draw, FAYNED H4 34 --- FAYNE to feign [v]
Other moves: FAYED H4 32, FENDY H4 32, FENDY H8 32, FEYED H4 32, FAYNE H4 30
FAYNED H4 34 LongJump22, Pacific, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, ArcticFox, LLLLLL1112

On 2nd draw, S(T)UNKARD 7E 68 --- STUNKARD sulky [adj]
Other moves: (P)ADAUKS 5E 44, KARA(M)US 5E 40, KU(M)ARAS 5E 40, RUSA(L)KA 5E 40, UAKAR(I)S 5E 40
S(T)UNKARD 7E 68 LongJump22
F(L)ASK 4H 22 ArcticFox

On 3rd draw, JAI 6J 56 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: JA 6J 52, JO 6J 52, JIAOS 6B 35, MASJID L2 32, ROMAJIS K7 32
JAI 6J 56 LongJump22, ArcticFox, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, Pacific

On 4th draw, ESSOYNES E5 94 --- ESSOYNE an excuse for not appearing in court [n]
Other moves: ESSOYNES E6 72, ESSOYNE G9 69, ESSOYNE I9 69, ESSOYNE E5 40, SARNEYS K5 40
ESSOYNES E5 94 LongJump22
ESSOYNES E5 44 ShotPut22, Javelin22, Hammer22

On 5th draw, BRAVO 8A 42 --- BRAVO a hired killer [n] --- BRAVO to applaud by shouting "bravo" [v]
Other moves: BRAVI 5K 34, BIVIA D11 30, VAIR 5K 30, VIBIST 12A 30, BIVIA D1 28
BRAVO 8A 42 Discus22, Pacific

On 6th draw, FRUITLET 4H 74 --- FRUITLET a small fruit [n]
Other moves: SLUTTIER 12E 68, SURTITLE 12E 68, TARTIER K5 28, TETRI 8K 26, ETUI 8L 20

On 7th draw, TOXO(I)D O4 39 --- TOXOID a type of toxin [n]
Other tops: V(E)XT O1 39
Other moves: VAR(I)X B6 38, TAX(E)D O4 36, OX(H)EAD N1 34, (E)X 9B 34, AXO(I)D F10 33

On 8th draw, BIREME N1 39 --- BIREME an ancient galley with two banks of oars [n]
Other moves: BREME N2 37, EMBOG N6 37, GREEBO N1 37, GREBE N2 35, GAMBIER C7 34

On 9th draw, THEBE 1K 42 --- THEBE a monetary unit of Botswana [n]
Other moves: H*B* 1L 39, MEITH D11 36, MEITH D1 31, HELE M2 28, HEMES 12A 28

On 10th draw, PEART 8G 30 --- PEART lively [adj]
Other moves: PATAGIA C7 28, PEAG 8G 28, PAGRI D11 26, PEAR 8G 26, PITARA D1 26

On 11th draw, ANECDOTE C8 74 --- ANECDOTE a brief story [n]
Other moves: CENTRODE B4 67, ENCODER B2 28, TACNODE C7 28, COEDIT 2J 27, CENOTE D1 26

On 12th draw, EPINAOI 15C 36 --- EPINAOS a rear vestibule [n]
Other moves: OPAL D12 31, DIP 9H 28, ANIL D12 25, INIA D12 25, LIPOID 9J 25

On 13th draw, MAILBAGS A4 66 --- MAILBAG a bag for carrying mail (postal material) [n]
Other moves: AMIGAS N9 33, AMIGAS 14I 32, AGAMIS N9 29, AGAMIS 14I 28, GLAMS 10K 28
MAILBAGS A4 66 Pacific

On 14th draw, CROWEA D1 32 --- CROWEA an Australian shrub with pink flowers [n]
Other moves: CLARO B2 28, COWER D1 28, CLAW B2 27, CLEW B2 27, CLOW B2 27

On 15th draw, COQUET 1D 51 --- COQUET to flirt [v]
Other moves: QUIET B2 42, QUOIT B2 42, TOQUET 14C 40, TOQUE 14H 38, TOQUE N8 38
COQUET 1D 51 Pacific, VVVVVV1112

On 16th draw, REIGN 2D 28 --- REIGN to exercise sovereign power [v]
Other moves: GONE C3 27, NONG C3 26, GREIN 2C 25, GROIN 2C 25, GOIER 3J 23

On 17th draw, HOWL C3 44 --- HOWL to cry like a dog [v]
Other moves: HOW C3 39, HOW D11 39, LOWN C3 32, NOWL C3 32, HIN D11 30

On 18th draw, FIZ B1 45 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other moves: ZIG 14G 29, ZIT 14A 24, IF D12 23, FIZ F11 22, GIF 14E 21
FIZ B1 45 VVVVVV1112

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