Game on December 30, 2024 at 20:26, 7 players
1. 594 pts Muincunx
2. 511 pts ArcticFox
3. 224 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 34 34
2. 11E 94 128
3. 13C 93 221
4. 12J 26 247
5. N10 42 289
6. O4 82 371
7. 15I 42 413
8. I2 63 476
9. 14I 39 515
10. 5E 94 609
11. 2H 36 645
12. 8A 89 734
13. 1B 77 811
14. 10D 38 849
15. 6H 36 885
16. B1 28 913
17. 1N 44 957
18. 4D 36 993
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7730 Muincunx 6 15:53 -399 594 1.7730 Muincunx 6 15:53 -399 594
2.6985 ArcticFox 2 22:02 -482 511 Group: intermediate
3.5553 LongJump22 4 4:38 -769 224 1.6985 ArcticFox 2 22:02 -482 511
4.5696 MMMMMM1112 1 3:11 -912 81 Group: novice
5.5717 LLLLLL1112 0 1:20 -969 24 1.5553 LongJump22 4 4:38 -769 224
6.5458 NNNNNN1112 0 1:51 -969 24 2.5696 MMMMMM1112 1 3:11 -912 81
7.5765 OOOOOO1112 0 1:21 -970 23 3.5717 LLLLLL1112 0 1:20 -969 24
4.5458 NNNNNN1112 0 1:51 -969 24
5.5765 OOOOOO1112 0 1:21 -970 23
On 1st draw, EXURB H8 34 --- EXURB a residential area lying beyond the suburbs of a city [n]
Other tops: BOXER H4 34
Other moves: BOXER H8 30, EXURB H4 30, BOXER H5 28, BOXER H6 28, BOXER H7 28
EXURB H8 34 Muincunx
BOXER H4 34 ArcticFox
On 2nd draw, F(E)RRIAGE 11E 94 --- FERRIAGE the fare paid for ferrying [n]
Other tops: FAIRG(O)ER 11E 94, FERRIAG(E) 11E 94
Other moves: FE(R)RIAGE 8A 86, FI(L)AGREE 8A 86, FER(R)IAGE 8A 83, RIF(F)AGE G5 81, RI(F)FAGE G5 81
FARRI(N)G 11E 40 Muincunx
FAXI(N)G 9F 18 ArcticFox
On 3rd draw, ENCHASE 13C 93 --- ENCHASE to place in an ornamental setting [v]
Other moves: ACHENES 13B 91, ACHENES M5 79, ENCHASE M6 79, ACHENES I2 68, ENCHAFES E6 66
NACHES 13C 39 Muincunx, MMMMMM1112
CHASE M8 26 ArcticFox
On 4th draw, DITONE 12J 26 --- DITONE an old musical scale interval [n]
Other moves: INDOOR G6 24, INTOED 10A 24, OINTED 10A 24, IDENT 12K 23, NOTED 10B 23
NOTED 10B 23 Muincunx, OOOOOO1112
AIDE J11 21 ArcticFox
On 5th draw, WINKLE N10 42 --- WINKLE to displace, extract, or evict from a position [v]
Other tops: WINKER N10 42
Other moves: KEWLER O8 39, KREWE O8 36, WEEKE O11 36, WEEKE O8 36, WELKE O11 36
WINKLE N10 42 Muincunx
WINKER N10 42 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112
KEELER O10 30 ArcticFox
On 6th draw, RADULAE O4 82 --- RADULA a tonguelike organ of molluscs [n]
Other moves: RADULAE G3 73, RADULAE G2 62, RADULAE I2 62, DARK 13K 30, RADULAE 15H 27
RADDLE J10 26 ArcticFox
LAUDER 15J 24 Muincunx, LLLLLL1112, NNNNNN1112
On 7th draw, HOMAGER 15I 42 --- HOMAGER a feudal vassal [n]
Other tops: ROUGH 10F 42
Other moves: HAEM 15L 39, HOGGER 15J 39, OHM 14D 36, HOKA 13L 34, HOMA 12A 34
ROUGH 10F 42 Muincunx, LongJump22
HAEM 15L 39 ArcticFox
On 8th draw, ASTROID I2 63 --- ASTROID a four cusped geometrical figure [n]
Other tops: ASTROID G2 63
Other moves: ASTEROID 8E 61, DARKS 13K 34, DARK 13K 30, DAUTS 10F 28, DOUAR 10F 28
ASTROID I2 63 LongJump22
DADS J10 23 ArcticFox
DOT 14J 21 Muincunx
On 9th draw, DYE 14I 39 --- DYE to treat with a dye (a coloring matter) [v]
Other moves: YAD 14J 35, DREY 10C 33, YAE 14J 33, YAUD 10F 33, YEA 14J 33
DYE 14I 39 Muincunx
DEY 10D 32 ArcticFox
On 10th draw, SONORITY 5E 94 --- SONORITY the quality or state of being sonorous [n]
Other moves: TOUSY 10F 40, NOYOUS 10D 38, YOS J6 33, NOY 10D 31, SOY 10D 31
YOS J6 33 Muincunx
TOY 10D 31 ArcticFox
On 11th draw, TAVERNA 2H 36 --- TAVERNA a cafe in Greece [n]
Other moves: CARVEN 4A 32, CARVY L1 32, CRAVEN 4A 32, ACATER 2I 28, CARVE 4A 28
CRAVEN 4A 32 Muincunx
VAE H1 22 ArcticFox
On 12th draw, UNPLAITED 8A 89 --- UNPLAIT to undo the plaits of [v]
Other moves: TULIPANT 4B 83, PILAU 1D 36, PINTA 1D 36, PAINT 1K 35, TIPULA 1C 33
PINTA 1D 36 ArcticFox
PAINT 1K 35 Muincunx
On 13th draw, (M)ATINEE 1B 77 --- MATINEE a daytime performance [n]
Other tops: A(R)ENITE 1B 77, ETA(M)INE 1B 77, NAI(V)ETE 1B 77, TAENI(A)E 1B 77, T(A)ENIAE 1B 77, T(R)AINEE 1B 77, (B)ETAINE 1B 77, (L)INEATE 1B 77, (R)ETINAE 1B 77
Other moves: A(R)ENITE 4A 70, ETA(M)INE 4A 70, NAI(V)ETE 4A 70, A(R)ENITES 3B 68, ETA(M)INE 6A 68
T(R)AINEE 1B 77 LongJump22
T(R)AINEE 1B 27 Muincunx
(P)AINT 1K 23 ArcticFox
On 14th draw, JOW 10D 38 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other tops: J*WJEW 10D 38
Other moves: WIFE 12A 37, FROWY L1 36, JO 1N 36, JOW 6D 36, JIVE 10B 35
JOW 10D 38 Muincunx
JO 1N 36 ArcticFox
On 15th draw, MOFO 6H 36 --- MOFO motherfucker (obscene insult) [n]
Other moves: MOFO 6F 32, MOBE 12A 30, MOPE 12A 30, POMBE 4A 30, POME 12A 30
POMBE 4A 30 Muincunx
POME 2A 24 ArcticFox
On 16th draw, (M)EGILP B1 28 --- MEGILP a substance with which pigments are mixed in painting [n]
Other moves: BIER 4L 26, BLIP 6C 26, GIBE 12A 26, GRIPY L1 26, QI 7F 26
BLIP 6C 26 Muincunx
GIBE M7 18 ArcticFox
On 17th draw, ZO 1N 44 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: BIZ 4D 41, COZ 4D 41, COZ F4 34, COZ 7K 29, ZO N5 29
ZO 1N 44 Muincunx, ArcticFox
On 18th draw, CUBIST 4D 36 --- CUBIST an adherent of cubism [n]
Other moves: QIS 4D 28, BYS L4 26, CRUSY L1 26, QI 7F 26, QIS 14A 26
QIS 4D 28 ArcticFox
QUIETS L8 25 Muincunx
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