Game on December 30, 2024 at 21:09, 11 players
1. 187 pts LongJump22
2. 126 pts ArcticFox
3. 92 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 50 50 


7E 69 119 


8A 38 157 


5E 36 193 


8L 24 217 


N1 80 297 


A8 83 380 


4H 39 419 


1J 39 458 


2E 87 545 


1A 38 583 


14A 24 607 


15E 82 689 


3H 33 722 


14J 48 770 


13K 33 803 


3C 30 833 


E7 26 859 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
LongJump22 2 4:25 -672 187 1.9376 Pacific 1 3:52 -767 92
ArcticFox 1 4:08 -733 126 Group: intermediate
Pacific 1 3:52 -767 92 1.6964 ArcticFox 1 4:08 -733 126
OOOOOO1112 1 1:02 -809 50 2.6764 Javelin22 0 0:45 -827 32
LLLLLL1112 1 1:26 -809 50 3.6609 Discus22 0 1:13 -827 32
MMMMMM1112 1 1:50 -809 50 4.6718 Hammer22 0 1:38 -827 32
NNNNNN1112 0 1:36 -823 36 5.6651 ShotPut22 0 0:25 -828 31
Javelin22 0 0:45 -827 32 Group: novice
Discus22 0 1:13 -827 32 1.5553 LongJump22 2 4:25 -672 187
Hammer22 0 1:38 -827 32 2.5765 OOOOOO1112 1 1:02 -809 50
ShotPut22 0 0:25 -828 31 3.5717 LLLLLL1112 1 1:26 -809 50
4.5696 MMMMMM1112 1 1:50 -809 50
5.5458 NNNNNN1112 0 1:36 -823 36
On 1st draw, ZONED H4 50 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: DIZEN H4 34, DOZEN H4 34, TOZED H8 34, ZONED H8 34, DIZEN H8 32
ZONED H4 50 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, ArcticFox, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112
On 2nd draw, WAVEROUS 7E 69 --- WAVEROUS unsteady [adj]
Other moves: SOWAR I3 31, VARUS I3 31, AVOW I2 30, SOWAR G5 29, VAW I3 29
WAVEROUS 7E 69 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, SYBOE 8A 38 --- SYBOE a variety of onion [n]
Other moves: ZOYSIA 4H 36, BAY 6D 34, BOY 6D 34, OBEY 8L 33, BYES 6J 32
ZOYSIA 4H 36 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112
BAY 6D 34 ArcticFox
On 4th draw, TWOONI(E) 5E 36 --- TWOONIE a Canadian two-dollar coin [n]
Other moves: INTOW(N) 8J 34, I(N)TOWN 8J 33, NOWN 6H 32, WO(O)TZ 4D 32, W(O)OTZ 4D 32
ZOWI(E) 4H 32 LongJump22
On 5th draw, TACE 8L 24 --- TACE a piece of armour for the upper thigh [n]
Other tops: TEGG 8L 24, TICE 8L 24
Other moves: CANER I3 23, BAGGIE C8 22, BAGGIT C8 22, TAIG 8L 21, TIGE 8L 21
On 6th draw, SOVIETIC N1 80 --- SOVIETIC pertaining to the soviet [adj]
Other moves: VOTES L1 34, COSTIVE N8 28, IVIES L1 28, AVOSET M8 26, TOISE 9A 26
On 7th draw, SURMISAL A8 83 --- SURMISAL a guess [n]
Other tops: SIMULARS 1G 83, SIMULARS A1 83, SIMULARS A8 83
Other moves: SURMISAL A3 61, ZILAS 4H 33, AMISS 1K 30, MAILS L1 30, MAIRS L1 30
On 8th draw, ZEBRA 4H 39 --- ZEBRA an African mammal that is related to the horse [n]
Other moves: BANGERS 1H 33, GRABENS 1H 33, BANNERS 1H 30, BASE 1L 27, BARGE 4A 24
On 9th draw, TIFOSI 1J 39 --- TIFOSI devotees [n] --- TIFOSO devotees [n]
Other moves: FAST 1L 33, FEST 1L 33, FIST 1L 33, F*TS*FATSO 1K 27, FEAST 1K 27
On 10th draw, EX(T)RAIT 2E 87 --- EXTRAIT an extract [n]
Other moves: EXTRAI(T) 2E 86, MATRIXE(S) 11A 82, SEXTARI(I) 13A 80, SEXTAR(I)I 13A 78, (G)ENERATRIX I3 72
TIX B12 42 ArcticFox
On 11th draw, NEEDY 1A 38 --- NEEDY in a state of poverty [adj]
Other moves: DENAY 1A 35, DAYAN 1A 32, YEDE 9C 32, YEED 9C 31, YEN 9C 29
NEEDY 1A 38 Pacific
On 12th draw, ARGLED 14A 24 --- ARGLE to argue [v]
Other tops: BECLOG C8 24, WERGELD E7 24
Other moves: BICOLORED J4 22, BODGER C8 22, DOLCE 4A 22, OE 3G 22, SCOLDER 13A 22
On 13th draw, LEAGUED 15E 82 --- LEAGUE to come together for a common purpose [v]
Other moves: DELUGE 15E 30, EAGLED 15E 29, EAGLED 15F 27, LEAGUE 15E 26, LEDGE 15E 26
LEAGUED 15E 32 Javelin22, Discus22, Hammer22
On 14th draw, EM 3H 33 --- EM the letter M [n]
Other moves: COMAKE 13E 31, MACK 14J 31, MECK 14J 31, MOCK 14J 31, COMAKE J10 30
MACK 14J 31 ShotPut22
On 15th draw, HINAU 14J 48 --- HINAU (Maori) a New Zealand tree [n]
Other moves: HAIL 14J 31, HAIN 14J 31, HAUL 14J 31, HILA 14J 31, HINAU 3B 31
On 16th draw, GIPON 13K 33 --- GIPON a tunic [n]
Other moves: GAPO 13K 31, GAP 13K 27, GIP 13K 27, AINGA 13K 25, ANOPIA 4A 25
On 17th draw, QAT 3C 30 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: JAY B6 29, JOY B6 29, JOTA 3B 28, MAJOR 11A 28, JOT 3C 26
JOY B6 29 Pacific
On 18th draw, WEAKON E7 26 --- WEAKON a subatomic particle [n]
Other moves: KA 15N 25, KO 15N 25, PRO 15M 25, MORPH 11A 24, AH 2A 22
KA 15N 25 Pacific
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