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Game on December 31, 2024 at 01:00, 5 players
1. 414 pts sunshine12
2. 403 pts Papa_Sloth
3. 22 pts chunk88

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceenorv   H4    28    28   corvee
 2. dimoppr   G9    24    52   primp
 3. ?aiklmr   5E   102   154   kilogram
 4. ?adehly  12A    92   246   holydame
 5. adegins   A8   167   413   deashing
 6. innostt   I9    28   441   nits
 7. aaelrtt   L5    72   513   maltreat
 8. adeouuw   B7    34   547   deaw
 9. cdnooos   M1    30   577   docos
10. aabflsu   6E    36   613   afar
11. einnrtu   1F    80   693   inturned
12. beiiotz  K11    56   749   zibet
13. beghlno  15G    42   791   length
14. efiijor  15G    39   830   lengthier
15. agiooqu   4C    42   872   quag
16. efooswx   2B    38   910   foxes
17. eituvwy   1A    41   951   vite
18. nooouwy   8L    30   981   towy
19. bijnooo   N6    29  1010   jow
20. binoouu   C4    23  1033   quoin

Remaining tiles: bou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7220 Filesunshine12  4 11:57  -619  414     1.7220 sunshine12  4 11:57  -619  414 
  2.6947 FilePapa_Sloth  4 17:00  -630  403     2.7189 GLOBEMAN    0  1:59 -1013   20 
  3.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:23 -1011   22            Group: intermediate
  4.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:54 -1011   22     1.6947 Papa_Sloth  4 17:00  -630  403 
  5.7189 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:59 -1013   20            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     0  0:23 -1011   22 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:54 -1011   22 

On 1st draw, CORVEE H4 28 --- CORVEE an obligation to perform feudal service [n]
Other moves: COVEN H4 26, COVER H4 26, CORVEE H3 24, CORVEE H7 24, CORVEE H8 24

On 2nd draw, PRIMP G9 24 --- PRIMP to dress or adorn carefully [v]
Other moves: CRIMP 4H 22, DOPPIO 5C 22, DOPPIO 5G 22, DROMIC 4C 22, PRIMPED 9C 22

On 3rd draw, KILO(G)RAM 5E 102 --- KILOGRAM a unit of mass and weight [n]
Other moves: ARMLIK(E) I8 76, RIL(L)MARK 6B 71, RI(L)LMARK 6B 71, ARMLIK(E) I9 70, RIL(L)MARK 6H 67

On 4th draw, H(O)LYDAME 12A 92 --- HOLYDAME holiness [n]
Other moves: HEAD(I)LY I9 79, HAY(F)IELD 11C 78, DEA(T)HLY I9 77, HEAD(I)LY I8 76, DEA(T)HLY I8 74
HEAD 4L 34 Papa_Sloth

On 5th draw, DEASHING A8 167 --- DEASH to remove ash from [v]
Other moves: AGNISED I8 89, AGNISED M1 86, DIAGN(O)SE B7 76, SIGNALED C7 76, AGNISED 14C 73
DASHING A9 36 Papa_Sloth

On 6th draw, NITS I9 28 --- NIT the egg of a parasitic insect [n]
Other tops: TINS I9 28, TITS I9 28, TONS I9 28, TOTS I9 28
Other moves: NONIS M1 24, OINTS M1 24, TINTS M1 24, TOITS M1 24, INIONS 11E 22
TOITS M1 24 Papa_Sloth

On 7th draw, MALTREAT L5 72 --- MALTREAT to treat badly [v]
Other moves: ALATE 4J 22, ALERT 4J 22, LATER 4K 22, LATTE 4K 22, TALAR 4K 22
ARET J7 16 Papa_Sloth

On 8th draw, DEAW B7 34 --- DEAW dew [n]
Other moves: WO(O)D B10 33, AW B9 28, WAULED C9 28, WO(O) B10 28, WEALD C9 26
DEAW B7 34 Papa_Sloth
WO(O)D B10 33 sunshine12

On 9th draw, DOCOS M1 30 --- DOCO a documentary [n]
Other moves: CODS M2 28, COONS M1 28, DOCS M2 28, CONS M2 26, COOS M2 26
DOCOS M1 30 sunshine12
COD 6D 23 Papa_Sloth

On 10th draw, AFAR 6E 36 --- AFAR a great distance [n]
Other tops: LABDAS 1J 36
Other moves: BUFOS 2J 32, FLABS K10 31, FLUBS K10 31, FABS K11 30, FUBS K11 30
FA J10 28 sunshine12

On 11th draw, INTURNED 1F 80 --- INTURN a turning inward [adj] --- INTURNED having an inturn [adj]
Other moves: NEUTRINO 2F 62, INTRUDE 1H 27, INURNED 1G 27, UNTIRED 1G 27, UNTRIDE 1H 27
TRINED 1H 24 Papa_Sloth
IRE C8 18 sunshine12

On 12th draw, ZIBET K11 56 --- ZIBET an Asian civet [n]
Other moves: ZITE K11 50, ZITI K11 50, ZIT K11 48, BIZE K11 40, ZIBET 2B 40
ZITE K11 50 sunshine12, Papa_Sloth

On 13th draw, LENGTH 15G 42 --- LENGTH the longer or longest dimension of an object [n]
Other moves: THEGN 15K 39, THONG 15K 39, HEBEN 14J 36, THOLE 15K 36, HENGE 14J 34
THONG 15K 39 sunshine12
THEN 8L 21 Papa_Sloth

On 14th draw, LENGTHIER 15G 39 --- LENGTHY very long [adj]
Other moves: REIF J7 34, JOR 4D 33, REF J8 33, RIF J8 33, EF J9 32
REIF J7 34 sunshine12

On 15th draw, QUAG 4C 42 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUA 4C 31, QUOAD E8 30, QADI E10 28, QAID E9 28, QUAD E9 28
QUID E9 28 sunshine12

On 16th draw, FOXES 2B 38 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other moves: FOES 2F 34, EF J9 32, FOXED E8 32, FOE 2F 31, FOX 2L 31
EF J9 32 sunshine12
EXO 2K 21 Papa_Sloth

On 17th draw, VITE 1A 41 --- VITE quickly [adv]
Other tops: WITE 1A 41, YITE 1A 41
Other moves: WEY 1A 37, YEW 1A 37, TIVY 8L 30, TEW 1A 28, UEY 1A 28
WITE 1A 41 Papa_Sloth, sunshine12
WE 14N 22 chunk88, BadBoyBen

On 18th draw, TOWY 8L 30 --- TOWY resembling coarse hemp or flax fiber [adj]
Other moves: OUTWON 8J 27, WOUNDY E8 26, WOODY E9 24, OWN C7 23, YO B14 23
TOWY 8L 30 Papa_Sloth, sunshine12

On 19th draw, JOW N6 29 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other moves: JIBE N12 26, JOBE N12 26, JOIN C6 25, JIB C6 23, JOB C6 23
JOW N6 29 sunshine12, Papa_Sloth

On 20th draw, QUOIN C4 23 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: BUN C8 22, OBO 14M 22, BI 11D 21, BO 11D 21, BONY O5 20
OBO 14M 22 sunshine12
BONY O5 20 Papa_Sloth

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