Game on December 31, 2024 at 04:46, 2 players
1. 393 pts fatcat
2. 390 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. 4H 30 54
3. 5J 30 84
4. G7 25 109
5. F6 29 138
6. 11A 80 218
7. A11 27 245
8. D8 48 293
9. 15A 83 376
10. 8A 45 421
11. C1 76 497
12. 14H 72 569
13. O12 36 605
14. K7 72 677
15. J8 37 714
16. L12 44 758
17. 1A 36 794
18. 8J 30 824
19. N2 22 846
20. 1L 60 906
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6338 fatcat 1 13:53 -513 393 1.7225 sunshine12 3 14:37 -516 390
2.7225 sunshine12 3 14:37 -516 390 Group: intermediate
1.6338 fatcat 1 13:53 -513 393
On 1st draw, FOUET H4 24 --- FOUET a leek [n]
Other moves: YUFT H5 20, YUFT H6 20, YUFT H7 20, YUFT H8 20, FEY H6 18
On 2nd draw, FUJIS 4H 30 --- FUJI a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: SLOJD I6 29, SIJO G3 28, DOJOS 5E 26, DOJOS 5G 26, JUDOS 5E 26
On 3rd draw, AF(T) 5J 30 --- AFT behind, nautically [adv]
Other moves: FAVA G7 29, FAVA I7 29, FAVA(S) G7 29, FAVA(S) I7 29, FAV(A) G7 28
On 4th draw, WAAC G7 25 --- WAAC a member of the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps [n]
Other moves: WATER G7 24, WARE G7 23, WART G7 23, WATE G7 23, WEAR G7 23
On 5th draw, PAVE F6 29 --- PAVE to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface [v]
Other tops: ADVENT F4 29
Other moves: VEND F6 28, PAVEN F4 27, DAVEN F4 26, DEVA F6 26, DEVA I7 26
CAVED 10G 13 fatcat
On 6th draw, WETTIES 11A 80 --- WETTIE (New Zealand) a wetsuit [n]
Other moves: TEWITS 11B 28, TWEEST 11C 28, TWEETS 11B 28, TWITES 11B 28, WESTIE 11E 28
JAWS J4 22 fatcat
On 7th draw, WAIST A11 27 --- WAIST the part of the body between the ribs and the hips [n]
Other tops: WAILS A11 27, WAITS A11 27, WALIS A11 27, WILIS A11 27, WILTS A11 27
Other moves: UTIS 6H 24, IS 6J 22, LOAST 12B 22, ALOW A8 21, SLAW A8 21
WAITS A11 27 fatcat
WAIST A11 27 sunshine12
On 8th draw, ZLOTE D8 48 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other moves: GLITZED D8 40, GLOZED B7 40, GLITZED C8 38, CLOZE 10G 36, IDOLIZE 13A 36
GLITZED C8 38 sunshine12
ZED B10 36 fatcat
On 9th draw, TANGLIER 15A 83 --- TANGLY tangled [adj]
Other moves: TERAGLIN 15A 80, TRIANGLE 15A 80, SALERING 14A 72, SANGLIER 14A 72, SIGNALER 14A 72
GEAR 3K 19 fatcat
JAG J4 15 sunshine12
On 10th draw, (O)YEZ 8A 45 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: P(R)EZ 8A 42, UEY(S) 6H 40, PE(A)VY 14F 39, PEE(O)Y 14F 37, PEE(R)Y 14F 37
P(R)EZ 8A 42 fatcat
PEE(R)Y 14F 37 sunshine12
On 11th draw, OVERIDLE C1 76 --- OVERIDLE too idle [adj]
Other moves: COVERLID 10G 70, DEVILRY B2 32, DERIVE C3 28, DEVIL 3K 27, DROVE 14F 26
DROVE 14F 26 fatcat
DOER 14F 20 sunshine12
On 12th draw, ODORANT 14H 72 --- ODORANT an odorous substance [n]
Other moves: ODORANT 14F 71, TANDOOR 14G 66, DONATOR 14G 65, TORNADO 14G 64, ODORANT 1C 30
TROD 1A 21 fatcat
TROAD 1A 21 sunshine12
On 13th draw, MASU O12 36 --- MASU a Japanese salmon [n]
Other moves: MONAULS 1B 30, SOLANUM 1B 30, LUMAS 13J 28, MANUS 13J 28, AMUS 13K 24
AM 15N 14 fatcat, sunshine12
On 14th draw, HOTELIER K7 72 --- HOTELIER a hotel manager [n]
Other moves: HOOLIE 1A 30, OOLITH 1C 30, THOLOI 1A 30, EH 14E 28, HETE D3 28
EH 14E 28 sunshine12
HOOT 1A 24 fatcat
On 15th draw, BIPED J8 37 --- BIPED an animal with two feet [n]
Other moves: BODIED 8J 36, OPINED 1C 36, PODDIE 8J 36, POINDED 1B 36, BONDED 8J 33
PONDED 8J 33 sunshine12
JAPE J4 24 fatcat
On 16th draw, BEAK L12 44 --- BEAK a bird's bill [n]
Other moves: ENOKI 1A 42, KIRBEH 4A 40, KNOB 1A 39, HEJAB J2 31, HIJAB J2 31
KNOB 1A 39 fatcat
BONNIE 8J 27 sunshine12
On 17th draw, DROMON 1A 36 --- DROMON a large fast-sailing medieval galley [n]
Other tops: DROMOI 1A 36
Other moves: DOOM 1A 30, MORRION 1B 30, MOOD 1A 27, ROOM 1A 27, DOM I9 24
DOOM 1A 30 sunshine12
ROOM 1A 27 fatcat
On 18th draw, BOONGA 8J 30 --- BOONGA (New Zealand) offensive word for a Pacific Islander [n]
Other moves: CAG I9 26, COG I9 26, CARGO 4A 22, CARRON 4A 22, CORNUA 4A 22
CORN 4A 18 sunshine12, fatcat
On 19th draw, RINGING N2 22 --- RING to form a ring (a circular band) around [v] --- RINGING the act of ringing [n]
Other tops: GIRNING N2 22
Other moves: UNI 6H 17, JAG J4 15, GIRN 4A 14, GIRR 4A 14, NINJA J1 14
GIRNING N2 22 sunshine12
RING 4C 10 fatcat
On 20th draw, YUCH 1L 60 --- YUCH expressing disgust [interj]
Other moves: QUICH 5A 38, CH 1N 33, YUCH 2F 33, QI F14 31, HEX B10 30
YUCH 1L 60 sunshine12
QI F14 31 fatcat
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