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Game on December 31, 2024 at 06:20, 1 player
1. 490 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adehryz   H4    50    50   zerda
 2. ?aafhtu   5E    48    98   hateful
 3. abegint   6F    91   189   berating
 4. ?egiuvy   M3    34   223   vuggy
 5. aehinps   9C    81   304   inphase
 6. aeorstt   D7    68   372   ornatest
 7. deeimnr   C1    79   451   ermined
 8. aceinou   1A    30   481   niece
 9. bdeiijo   4B    41   522   jibed
10. aaelmwy  14B    38   560   wetly
11. gilortx  15A    47   607   gox
12. aaeorsw   B4    42   649   jowar
13. ?acmort  13F    71   720   marcato
14. aeiloss   K8    66   786   isolates
15. aelnqtv  15H    39   825   qats
16. eknnopr  14J    40   865   perone
17. diklouv  O12    39   904   koel
18. diiilnu   A8    30   934   unlid
19. efiiiov  12K    24   958   avo

Remaining tiles: efiiiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6329 Filefatcat      4 13:09  -468  490     1.6329 fatcat      4 13:09  -468  490 

On 1st draw, ZERDA H4 50 --- ZERDA an African fox [n]
Other moves: HAZED H4 44, HAZER H4 42, HAZED H8 40, HAZY H5 38, HAZY H6 38

On 2nd draw, HATEFU(L) 5E 48 --- HATEFUL detestable [adj]
Other moves: HAF(I)Z 4D 38, HA(L)UTZ 4C 34, FAH I3 29, FA(S)H 9F 29, HAAF(S) 9D 29

On 3rd draw, BERATING 6F 91 --- BERATE to scold severely [v]
Other moves: B(L)EATING K4 70, BEATING G8 66, BEATING I8 66, BEATHING E1 64, DEBATING 7H 64
TAB 6D 26 fatcat

On 4th draw, VUGGY M3 34 --- VUGGY abounding in vugs [adj]
Other moves: V(U)GGY M3 32, GYVE(D) 4B 31, GYVE(S) 4B 31, GYVE(S) 4A 30, VU(G)GY M3 30
GIVE 4B 21 fatcat

On 5th draw, INPHASE 9C 81 --- INPHASE having matching electrical phases [adj]
Other moves: INPHASE I8 66, SADHE 7F 39, SHAPEN 4A 34, EDHS 7G 33, HEAPS 4A 33
SHAPE 9H 30 fatcat

On 6th draw, ORNATEST D7 68 --- ORNATE elaborately or excessively ornamented [adj]
Other moves: RHEOSTAT F8 65, ROTATES 10I 63, TOASTER 10I 63, TOASTIER C4 59, TOTA(L)ISER K1 58
POSTER E9 16 fatcat

On 7th draw, ERMINED C1 79 --- ERMINE the fur of certain weasels [adj] --- ERMINED trimmed with ermine [adj]
Other moves: ERMINED N7 67, ERMINED 10I 66, MEINED 4A 35, PREMIE E9 34, RETIMED 14B 32
MINED 4B 27 fatcat

On 8th draw, NIECE 1A 30 --- NIECE a daughter of one's brother of sister [n]
Other tops: EUCAINE 1C 30
Other moves: ANETIC 14A 28, ENATIC 14A 28, NAUTIC 14A 28, NOETIC 14A 28, NOTICE 14B 28
NIECE 1A 30 fatcat

On 9th draw, JIBED 4B 41 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other moves: JIBE 4B 31, JUBE 4L 28, DEB B4 27, DIB B4 27, DOB B4 27
JUDO 4L 26 fatcat

On 10th draw, WETLY 14B 38 --- WETLY in a wet manner [adv]
Other moves: JAW B4 36, JAY B4 36, J*W B4 36, MATEY 14B 36, WAY B6 34
JAW B4 36 fatcat

On 11th draw, GOX 15A 47 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: LOX 15A 44, OX E11 31, OX 10F 27, NOX L6 23, OX 15B 23
GOX 15A 47 fatcat

On 12th draw, JOWAR B4 42 --- JOWAR durra (an Indian grain crop) [n]
Other moves: JAW B4 36, J*W B4 36, JOW B4 36, WAE B6 31, WAR B6 31
OWES 15F 26 fatcat

On 13th draw, MARC(A)TO 13F 71 --- MARCATO a musical passage with strong accentuation (music) [n] --- MARCATO with strong accentuation -- used as a musical direction [adv]
Other moves: M(A)RCATO 13F 70, MARC(A)TO 10I 68, MARC(A)TO 2E 68, M(A)RCATO 10I 66, M(A)RCATO 2E 66
ACTOR A8 30 fatcat

On 14th draw, ISOLATES K8 66 --- ISOLATE to set apart from others [v]
Other moves: LAISSE M9 36, OASES A5 35, ALOES M9 34, EASSIL M10 34, ISLES M9 34
LOSS M11 30 fatcat

On 15th draw, QATS 15H 39 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: ELVAN A8 33, TALAQ 12J 33, QUAT 4L 28, AVEL A8 27, SALVE 15K 27
QATS 15H 39 fatcat

On 16th draw, PERONE 14J 40 --- PERONE the fibula [n]
Other tops: PENNER 14J 40, PEREON 14J 40
Other moves: PENNE 14J 38, NAKER 12J 31, PUNK 4L 30, PEEK 14J 28, PENK 14J 28
OPEN A8 24 fatcat

On 17th draw, KOEL O12 39 --- KOEL an Australian bird [n]
Other tops: DOUK A7 39
Other moves: VIED O12 36, AVOID 12K 34, DOEK O12 33, KIDEL O11 33, LIKED O11 33
LIKED O11 33 fatcat

On 18th draw, UNLID A8 30 --- UNLID to uncover [v]
Other moves: DUI A7 24, DUN A7 24, NIDOR L10 22, FAILED I5 17, FAINED I5 17
UNLID A8 30 fatcat

On 19th draw, AVO 12K 24 --- AVO a monetary unit of Macao [n]
Other tops: AVE 12K 24
Other moves: FIE L8 23, FOE L8 23, EF E11 19, IF E11 19, OF E11 19
OF E11 19 fatcat

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