Game on December 31, 2024 at 19:09, 11 players
1. 270 pts LongJump22
2. 188 pts Pacific
3. 113 pts MMMMMM1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H6 68 68
2. G7 33 101
3. 8A 33 134
4. E4 82 216
5. D1 54 270
6. 2A 74 344
7. 1H 33 377
8. B6 48 425
9. 12A 35 460
10. A11 42 502
11. A1 33 535
12. 1H 39 574
13. 13A 45 619
14. F4 35 654
15. N1 28 682
16. O6 33 715
17. 15A 89 804
18. 14H 85 889
19. 15K 30 919
20. 4K 30 949
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.5538 LongJump22 3 3:03 -679 270 1.9376 Pacific 1 3:45 -761 188
2.9376 Pacific 1 3:45 -761 188 Group: intermediate
3.5687 MMMMMM1112 1 2:30 -836 113 1.6987 ArcticFox 1 2:56 -889 60
4.5553 NNNNNN1112 1 2:57 -863 86 2.6764 Javelin22 1 0:36 -916 33
5.5769 OOOOOO1112 1 3:05 -863 86 3.6651 ShotPut22 1 0:59 -916 33
6.6987 ArcticFox 1 2:56 -889 60 4.6678 Hammer22 1 1:18 -916 33
7.5743 LLLLLL1112 0 1:30 -902 47 5.6560 Discus22 1 1:37 -916 33
8.6764 Javelin22 1 0:36 -916 33 Group: novice
9.6651 ShotPut22 1 0:59 -916 33 1.5538 LongJump22 3 3:03 -679 270
10.6678 Hammer22 1 1:18 -916 33 2.5687 MMMMMM1112 1 2:30 -836 113
11.6560 Discus22 1 1:37 -916 33 3.5553 NNNNNN1112 1 2:57 -863 86
4.5769 OOOOOO1112 1 3:05 -863 86
5.5743 LLLLLL1112 0 1:30 -902 47
On 1st draw, (D)ESNOOD H6 68 --- DESNOOD to remove a turkey's snood to discourage cannabilism [n]
Other tops: DESNOO(D) H4 68, NOSODE(S) H8 68, NO(S)ODES H8 68, SE(C)ONDO H7 68, SNOODE(D) H8 68, SNOO(D)ED H6 68, SNOO(K)ED H6 68, SNOO(L)ED H6 68, SNOO(P)ED H6 68, SNOO(T)ED H6 68, SNOO(Z)ED H6 68, S(P)OONED H6 68, S(T)OODEN H8 68, S(W)OONED H6 68
Other moves: DESNOO(D) H2 66, DESNOO(D) H3 66, DESNOO(D) H7 66, DESNOO(D) H8 66, NOOD(G)ES H2 66
SNOO(Z)ED H6 68 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, BEANY G7 33 --- BEANY a small cap [n]
Other moves: YEANS G7 31, YEAN G7 28, YEAS G7 28, ABSEY G9 27, ABSEY I9 27
On 3rd draw, PUGAR(E)ES 8A 33 --- PUGAREE a cloth band wrapped around a hat [n]
Other tops: UPGRA(D)ES 8A 33
Other moves: J(O)R F6 32, GAJ(O) F4 31, J(O) F6 28, YOJA(N) 11G 28, (B)AJU I11 26
On 4th draw, INSERTER E4 82 --- INSERTER one that inserts [n]
Other tops: TERRINES E5 82
Other moves: TRENISE 13C 76, ENTIRES 13B 74, ENTRIES 13B 74, NERITES 13B 74, RETINES 13B 74
INSERTER E4 82 LongJump22
On 5th draw, QAID D1 54 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QI D4 46, QADI D2 36, QAT F2 34, QATS 6B 33, QADI 4B 28
QI D4 46 LongJump22
On 6th draw, PANATELA 2A 74 --- PANATELA a long, slender cigar [n]
Other moves: PLANTAE I1 68, PANATELA 2C 64, QANAT 1D 42, ALAAP 2B 26, PLEAT F2 25
PANATELA 2A 74 LongJump22
On 7th draw, ALGID 1H 33 --- ALGID cold [adj]
Other moves: RADII 1F 31, DRAIL 1H 30, LAIRD 1H 30, LIARD 1H 30, ALGID 1G 29
On 8th draw, KLUTZ B6 48 --- KLUTZ a clumsy person [n]
Other moves: L*ZLEZ I5 47, ZEKS 6B 37, LUTZ B7 33, ZELS 6B 33, ZENDIK 4A 30
L*Z I5LEZ I5 47 MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1112, Pacific
On 9th draw, BROWS 12A 35 --- BROW the forehead [n]
Other tops: BLOWS 12A 35, BOWLS 12A 35, BOWRS 12A 35
Other moves: WOOLS 12A 33, BOLOS 12A 29, BOOLS 12A 29, BOORS 12A 29, BROOS 12A 29
On 10th draw, OBJET A11 42 --- OBJET an object [n]
Other moves: TAJ F12 37, TAJES 2K 29, JATOS I3 28, JOTAS I3 28, SOJA I11 28
On 11th draw, EPHOR A1 33 --- EPHOR a magistrate of ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: OH 1A 32, EH F5 28, OH F5 28, ETHE F12 26, HERETO 3H 26
On 12th draw, ALGIDITY 1H 39 --- ALGIDITY coldness [n]
Other moves: YUFT F12 32, FAY I5 26, FEY I5 26, JEU 13A 26, TUFA F12 26
On 13th draw, JEFE 13A 45 --- JEFE a chief [n]
Other moves: FEE 2M 26, FIE 2M 26, JEE 13A 26, ERF F12 25, FE 13C 25
On 14th draw, DAH F4 35 --- DAH a dash in Morse code [n]
Other moves: AH F5 28, EH F5 28, TASHED N1 28, EDHS F12 27, EDH F12 26
DAH F4 35 ArcticFox
On 15th draw, TRUISM N1 28 --- TRUISM an obvious truth [n]
Other moves: EF 14A 22, MUIRS I10 22, REF B12 22, SAMFU I11 22, AMU I9 21
On 16th draw, MAWN O6 33 --- MAW to mow [v]
Other moves: EWT 14A 30, GAUM M3 30, MAW O6 30, MUNGA O6 30, MANG O6 27
MAWN O6 33 Javelin22, ShotPut22, Hammer22, Discus22
MAWN 14D 25 ArcticFox
On 17th draw, TAVERING 15A 89 --- TAVER to wander [v]
Other moves: GREAVING J1 67, AVENIR N9 36, (D)ESNOODING H6 33, DEAVING 12H 24, DEAVING L1 24
TAVERING 15A 89 Pacific
On 18th draw, ULEXITE 14H 85 --- ULEXITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: ULEXITE N9 84, ULEXITE M6 80, EX 14E 52, XI 14F 52, XU 14F 52
XU 14F 52 Pacific
On 19th draw, UFO 15K 30 --- UFO an unidentified flying object [n]
Other moves: IF 15K 27, COIF 4L 26, COIF L12 26, CUIF 4L 26, CUIF L12 26
On 20th draw, CIVIC 4K 30 --- CIVIC pertaining to a city [adj]
Other moves: CIVICS 5I 26, HIOI 3A 20, GIO C8 19, GOO C8 19, COCOS 5J 18
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