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Game on December 31, 2024 at 23:52, 5 players
1. 96 pts sunshine12
2. 94 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 72 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. diorstw   H4    26    26   words
 2. adelnwy   H1    45    71   naywords
 3. abcefrt   3C    36   107   tabefy
 4. ?aaaekr   6F    73   180   karearea
 5. deeruvy   8H    98   278   surveyed
 6. aeeiimt   2E    31   309   amia
 7. cdeinos   K5    48   357   crivens
 8. aehjlot   O1   110   467   jolthead
 9. denorst   N8    72   539   erodents
10. eggnopt  15L    27   566   peso
11. bgioruu   1A    33   599   bourg
12. denoqtu   I8    70   669   unquoted
13. ?acgilm  14B    78   747   mucilage
14. ilopstt  15E    33   780   solid
15. aegiior  M10    22   802   gori
16. aelntwx  13A    46   848   wex
17. aefiint   2J    34   882   finito
18. ahiintv  L11    29   911   hit
19. aeilnvz   4A    52   963   zein

Remaining tiles: aelpuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7211 Filesunshine12  1  2:01  -867   96     1.7211 sunshine12  1  2:01  -867   96 
  2.7189 FileGLOBEMAN    1  4:16  -869   94     2.7189 GLOBEMAN    1  4:16  -869   94 
  3.7476 Fileroocatcher  1  3:33  -891   72     3.7476 roocatcher  1  3:33  -891   72 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:12  -953   10            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:40  -953   10     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:12  -953   10 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:40  -953   10 

On 1st draw, WORDS H4 26 --- WORD to express in words (speech sounds that communicate meaning) [v]
Other moves: STROW H8 24, WORST H4 24, WORTS H4 24, WRIST H4 24, WRITS H4 24

On 2nd draw, NAYWORDS H1 45 --- NAYWORD a catchword [n]
Other moves: DOWLNEY 5G 28, WAWLED 4H 26, YOWLED 5G 26, DOWLY 5G 24, DOWNY 5G 24

On 3rd draw, TABEFY 3C 36 --- TABEFY to waste away [v]
Other moves: FAB G3 33, FATE G3 32, CRAFTY 3C 30, FAT G3 29, BATE G3 28

On 4th draw, KAR(E)AREA 6F 73 --- KAREAREA a New Zealand falcon [n]
Other tops: KAREAR(E)A 6F 73
Other moves: KAREAR(E)A 6C 65, KAR(E)AREA 6C 63, KEA(S)AR 4A 38, (M)AKAR 2B 36, E(S)KAR 2B 35

On 5th draw, SURVEYED 8H 98 --- SURVEY to determine the boundaries, area, or elevations of by measuring angles and distances [v]
Other moves: KURVEYED F6 71, VEERY 4A 43, YEARD 2F 39, EVERY 4A 37, EYED 4C 35

On 6th draw, AMIA 2E 31 --- AMIA a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: AMIE 4C 28, EMIT 4C 28, MEAT 2F 27, TAM 2D 27, ITEM 4C 26

On 7th draw, CRIVENS K5 48 --- CRIVENS an exclamation expressing amazement [interj]
Other moves: COSINE 1A 37, OSCINE 1A 37, COEDS 1A 35, COEDS 4A 35, ONSIDE 1A 35

On 8th draw, JOLTHEAD O1 110 --- JOLTHEAD a blockhead [n]
Other moves: JEAT 4A 44, JATO 4B 33, JOTA 4B 33, ETHAL 1A 32, HAE 4D 32

On 9th draw, ERODENTS N8 72 --- ERODENT a caustic chemical [n]
Other moves: TENDRONS 10E 63, UNSORTED I8 61, ETENS 9K 36, STRODE 1A 35, EDS 9M 34

On 10th draw, PESO 15L 27 --- PESO a monetary unit of various Spanish-speaking countries [n]
Other tops: PEST 15L 27, POSE 15L 27, POST 15L 27
Other moves: NOPE M10 25, PONE M10 25, POTE M10 25, TOPE M10 25, GOE 4D 24

On 11th draw, BOURG 1A 33 --- BOURG a medieval town [n]
Other moves: BOG 4D 31, BURGOO 2J 30, BIOG 4A 28, BRIG 4A 28, BROG 4A 28

On 12th draw, UNQUOTED I8 70 --- UNQUOTE to close a quotation [v]
Other moves: QUOD 4A 56, QUEP L12 30, QUOP L12 30, QUENA M2 28, QUOTA M2 28

On 13th draw, M(U)CILAGE 14B 78 --- MUCILAGE an adhesive substance [n]
Other moves: G(A)MA H12 43, MA(N)I H12 43, MI(H)A H12 43, MI(N)A H12 43, GLIM(E) H11 42

On 14th draw, SOLID 15E 33 --- SOLID a substance with particles firmly cohering [n] --- SOLID having definite shape and volume [adj]
Other tops: PLOTS 4A 33
Other moves: PISO J12 32, POIS J11 32, ORS 9M 30, OLID 15F 28, PIS J12 28

On 15th draw, GORI M10 22 --- GORI a white female (India/Pakistan) [n]
Other tops: GARE M10 22, GARI M10 22, GIRO M10 22, GORA M10 22, GORE M10 22
Other moves: YAGER M8 21, AREG 4A 20, GAIR 4A 20, GEAR 4A 20, GOER 4A 20

On 16th draw, WEX 13A 46 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other tops: WAX 13A 46, WAX 4B 46, WEX 4B 46
Other moves: TAX O10 44, TEX O10 44, AX 2A 40, EX 2A 40, LAX 13A 40

On 17th draw, FINITO 2J 34 --- FINITO finished [adj]
Other moves: NEF L11 29, FAIN 4A 28, FEAT 4A 28, FIAT 4A 28, NEF O10 28
FE 15A 20 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 18th draw, HIT L11 29 --- HIT to strike forcibly [v]
Other tops: HAT L11 29, NAH L11 29
Other moves: HAIN 4A 28, NAH O10 28, TAV O10 28, VAIN 4A 28, VAIN O10 26
NAH 4B 24 sunshine12
AH D3 10 chunk88, BadBoyBen

On 19th draw, ZEIN 4A 52 --- ZEIN a simple protein [n]
Other tops: ZEAL 4A 52
Other moves: ZANIED 7C 36, AVIZE D3 34, ZEA 4B 30, ZEL 4B 30, ZIN 4B 30
ZEAL 4A 52 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

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