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Game on January 1, 2025 at 01:22, 5 players
1. 407 pts sunshine12
2. 242 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 229 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cegoor   H3    74    74   scrooge
 2. aeilrsv  10D    80   154   revisal
 3. abiikmn   G7    39   193   kami
 4. deefils   K4    83   276   defiles
 5. ?amoptw   E4   106   382   pomwater
 6. aadeisv  12A    41   423   vades
 7. abeinox  B10    56   479   xoana
 8. adeeijn   J2    47   526   jeaned
 9. aefirtu   8A    36   562   trefa
10. egloqrs  A11    30   592   ovels
11. aelnoty   F2    39   631   atony
12. beinopt   L1    31   662   pinot
13. aghintw   M5    70   732   thawing
14. adiloru   D1    28   760   aloud
15. bbeeiir   B2    26   786   ribbier
16. cehituy   8M    36   822   why
17. ceinrru   2J    30   852   juicer
18. egiintu   O1    24   876   truing
19. eiiqruz  14A    36   912   lairize

Remaining tiles: qu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7191 Filesunshine12  3 12:32  -505  407     1.7191 sunshine12  3 12:32  -505  407 
  2.7189 FileGLOBEMAN    1  7:19  -670  242     2.7189 GLOBEMAN    1  7:19  -670  242 
  3.7476 Fileroocatcher  2 10:01  -683  229     3.7476 roocatcher  2 10:01  -683  229 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:53  -878   34            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:20  -891   21     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:53  -878   34 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:20  -891   21 

On 1st draw, (S)CROOGE H3 74 --- SCROOGE a miserly person [n] --- SCROOGE to squeeze [v]
Other moves: (S)CROOGE H7 72, (S)CROOGE H2 70, (S)CROOGE H6 70, (S)CROOGE H8 70, (S)CROOGE H4 68
CROG(S) H4 20 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, REVISAL 10D 80 --- REVISAL a revised version [n]
Other moves: CALIVERS 4H 78, CAVILERS 4H 78, CLAVIERS 4H 78, VISCERAL 4E 76, RIVALE(S)S 3B 74

On 3rd draw, KAMI G7 39 --- KAMI a sacred power or force [n]
Other moves: BARMKIN D8 36, KEB 9G 35, BIMA I7 31, BARMKIN 5F 30, BEMA 9G 30

On 4th draw, DEFILES K4 83 --- DEFILE to make dirty [v]
Other moves: FIELDERS D4 78, DEFILERS D4 76, DEFILERS 5B 74, FIELDERS 5B 74, DEFILES E5 44

On 5th draw, POMWATE(R) E4 106 --- POMWATER a sweet, juicy apple [n]
Other moves: TAP(E)WORM D4 86, POMWAT(E)R D3 80, POMWAT(E)R 5A 78, TAPEWO(R)M E7 78, TAP(E)WORM 5B 78
WO I7 27 sunshine12

On 6th draw, VADES 12A 41 --- VADE to pass away [v]
Other moves: VISAED 12C 39, ADVISE 12A 37, DEVAS 12A 37, DIVAS 12A 37, DIVES 12A 37
VADES 12A 41 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 7th draw, XOANA B10 56 --- XOANON a primitive statue [n]
Other moves: BOXEN L3 50, XENIA L1 48, OXEN L4 44, BOX 13B 43, ALEXIN 8J 42
IBEX L2 41 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 8th draw, JEANED J2 47 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [adj] --- JEANED wearing jeans [adj]
Other moves: ADVENE A10 46, JADE L1 46, JEDI L1 46, ENVIED A10 45, JADE A7 45
JADE A7 45 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 9th draw, TREFA 8A 36 --- TREFA not kosher [adj]
Other tops: TREIFA A5 36
Other moves: AFIRE A6 33, FERIA A6 33, FRATE A6 33, RIFTE A6 33, TREFA A6 33
LIFER 8K 27 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 10th draw, OVELS A11 30 --- OVEL a mourner of nearest blood relations (Jewish) [n]
Other moves: LOGS L3 28, GOES L3 27, GORSE L1 27, LOGE D3 25, ROES L3 25
GELS L1 22 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 11th draw, ATONY F2 39 --- ATONY muscular debility [n]
Other tops: LEANY F2 39
Other moves: TOEY F3 36, TONY F3 36, ANY F4 35, ONY F4 35, JANTY 2J 30
ATONY F2 39 roocatcher
OY F5 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 12th draw, PINOT L1 31 --- PINOT a red or white grape [n]
Other moves: BOET L3 29, NETOP L1 29, OPT L4 29, POET L3 29, BOP L3 27
DEBT C12 25 sunshine12

On 13th draw, THAWING M5 70 --- THAW to melt [v] --- THAWING the act of melting [n]
Other moves: WIGAN D1 39, WITAN D1 37, THAW D2 36, HAW D3 34, HWAN D2 33
THAW D2 36 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
HAW D3 34 chunk88

On 14th draw, ALOUD D1 28 --- ALOUD audibly [adv]
Other moves: JAILOR 2J 26, ALOD N6 24, DURA D1 24, LAUD D2 24, LOAD D2 24
WAD 8M 21 BadBoyBen
PROD 1L 21 sunshine12

On 15th draw, RIBBIER B2 26 --- RIBBY marked by prominent ribs (curved bony rods in the body) [adj]
Other moves: DEBE C12 25, WEB 8M 24, DEB C12 23, DERE C12 19, ERE N6 19
WEB 8M 24 sunshine12

On 16th draw, WHY 8M 36 --- WHY the reason or cause of something [n]
Other tops: YUCH N10 36
Other moves: ITCHY N1 34, JUICY 2J 34, TECHY N1 34, TICHY N1 34, YEH A1 34
WHY 8M 36 sunshine12

On 17th draw, JUICER 2J 30 --- JUICER a juice extractor [n]
Other moves: JUICE 2J 28, PICE 1L 24, PUCE 1L 24, UREIC L11 23, DERN C12 19
PUCE 1L 24 sunshine12

On 18th draw, TRUING O1 24 --- TRUE to bring to conformity with a standard or requirement [v]
Other tops: URGENT O1 24
Other moves: ERING O1 21, GREIN O1 21, GRUNT O1 21, IRING O1 21, TRIG O1 21
TRUING O1 24 sunshine12

On 19th draw, LAIRIZE 14A 36 --- LAIRIZE to act like a flashy man [v]
Other moves: REZ C7 26, ECU M1 18, ICE M1 18, LAZIER 14A 17, AZURE I10 15

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