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Game on January 1, 2025 at 04:26, 5 players
1. 379 pts sunshine12
2. 245 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 207 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceelnp   H4    26    26   pencel
 2. ??imnox   8H   119   145   emboxing
 3. adeeior   L7    30   175   exordia
 4. aeilrsu  13F    70   245   aurelias
 5. eehikor  14B    36   281   hokier
 6. emooort  15A    37   318   tomo
 7. aeeinnt   O4    58   376   antigene
 8. ailnryz  12A    62   438   zanily
 9. abgissu   N2    30   468   gibus
10. aeorsuy   A8    51   519   soyuz
11. adeeguw   5E   102   621   agueweed
12. abegntt  15G    32   653   batten
13. acglorv   4A    30   683   vocal
14. aefghrw   4J    34   717   wha
15. aeeirrs  10C    70   787   reraise
16. dfiortt   M7    27   814   fid
17. dgiopqt   O1    36   850   qi
18. dfgoprt   B2    36   886   proof

Remaining tiles: dgjttv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7210 Filesunshine12  2 14:31  -507  379     1.7210 sunshine12  2 14:31  -507  379 
  2.7198 FileGLOBEMAN    1  9:49  -641  245     2.7198 GLOBEMAN    1  9:49  -641  245 
  3.7511 Fileroocatcher  1  7:31  -679  207     3.7511 roocatcher  1  7:31  -679  207 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:17  -861   25            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:05  -861   25     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:17  -861   25 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:05  -861   25 

On 1st draw, PENCEL H4 26 --- PENCEL a small flag [n]
Other moves: CAPLE H4 24, CLEEP H4 24, CLEEP H8 24, CLEPE H4 24, PANCE H4 24

On 2nd draw, EM(B)OXIN(G) 8H 119 --- EMBOX to set in a box [v]
Other moves: (A)NOXEMI(A) 5D 110, (A)NOXEMI(C) 5D 110, P(H)O(R)MINX 4H 100, EXOMI(O)N(S) 8H 98, EX(O)MION(S) 8H 98
MIX(E)(S) 10D 38 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 3rd draw, EXORDIA L7 30 --- EXORDIUM a beginning [n]
Other moves: EXEDRA L7 28, RADIX L4 26, REDOX L4 26, EIDE 9K 25, RIDE 9K 25
RIDE 9K 25 roocatcher, sunshine12

On 4th draw, AURELIAS 13F 70 --- AURELIA a jellyfish [n]
Other tops: SPIRULAE 4G 70
Other moves: RESIDUAL 11H 68, LUNARIES N6 62, RAILES 14I 32, SAILER 14I 32, SAULIE 14I 32
LASER 10F 20 sunshine12

On 5th draw, HOKIER 14B 36 --- HOKEY false; contrived [adj]
Other tops: CHOKE 7H 36
Other moves: HOKIER 14A 34, HIKER 14B 32, OKEH 14C 32, OKEH 7J 31, HIREE M7 30
HIRER H11 27 sunshine12

On 6th draw, TOMO 15A 37 --- TOMO a shaft formed by erosion of rock [n]
Other moves: TORO 15A 29, ROMEO K7 28, MOOT 15B 25, EMO 15A 24, OOM 15A 24
TOMO 15A 37 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 7th draw, ANTI(G)ENE O4 58 --- ANTIGENE a substance that stimulates the production of antibodies [n]
Other moves: NEATEN 15G 24, TENNE 12D 21, INNATE 12E 20, NEINEI M6 19, AINEE M7 18
NEATEN 15G 24 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 8th draw, ZANILY 12A 62 --- ZANILY in a zany manner [adv] --- ZANY ludicrously comical [adv]
Other moves: NAZIR 15G 45, NAZI 15G 42, ZANILY 6F 40, NAZI N2 39, RIZA N2 39
NAZI 15G 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 9th draw, GIBUS N2 30 --- GIBUS an opera-hat [n]
Other moves: ISBAS N2 28, SUBAS N2 28, BIGA 11B 27, BAGS 15G 26, BASIS 10F 26
BIGS 15G 26 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
BAGS 15G 26 sunshine12

On 10th draw, SOYUZ A8 51 --- SOYUZ a Soviet manned spacecraft [n]
Other moves: ARSEY 10F 29, RESAY 10F 29, EYRAS 15G 27, SAYER 10H 27, AYES 10E 26
EASY 15G 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 11th draw, AGUEWEED 5E 102 --- AGUEWEED a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: AGUEWEED 5B 76, AGUEWEED 5C 76, GADE M3 30, DEAW 15G 28, DAG M3 25
DAW 15G 25 chunk88, BadBoyBen

On 12th draw, BATTEN 15G 32 --- BATTEN to fasten with strips of wood [v]
Other moves: BEGAN 15G 29, BEGAT 15G 29, PATTE 4H 29, BANG 15G 26, BETTA 15G 26
BEGAN 15G 29 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12

On 13th draw, VOCAL 4A 30 --- VOCAL a sound produced with the voice [n]
Other moves: OGIVE K11 27, ALIVE K11 24, CALO M1 24, CARGO 6B 24, OLIVE K11 24
VOLA 4C 19 sunshine12

On 14th draw, WHA 4J 34 --- WHA (Scots) who [pron]
Other moves: HAWED L1 32, NEF 6H 32, FAH M1 31, FA 6J 28, FE 6J 28
NEF 6H 32 sunshine12

On 15th draw, RERAISE 10C 70 --- RAISE to move to a higher position [v] --- RERAISE to raise again [v]
Other tops: REARISE 10C 70
Other moves: BATTENERS 15G 33, SNEER 6G 28, REAVER A1 27, REAVES A1 27, REIVER A1 27

On 16th draw, FID M7 27 --- FID a square bar used as a support for a topmast [n]
Other tops: DIF M7 27
Other moves: FIORD B2 26, NOTT 6H 25, FICTOR C2 24, FID 14I 24, NOD 6H 24

On 17th draw, QI O1 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: TOPOI K7 34, DIGLOT J10 27, NOD 6H 24, DIOL J10 22, QI 12K 22
QI O1 36 sunshine12

On 18th draw, PROOF B2 36 --- PROOF to examine for errors [v]
Other moves: GROOF B2 34, DROOP B2 28, TROOP B2 26, NOD 6H 24, DROOG B2 22

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