Game on January 1, 2025 at 06:44, 1 player
1. 537 pts fatcat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 72 72
2. I8 65 137
3. 11G 78 215
4. 6A 70 285
5. O11 42 327
6. E4 86 413
7. A4 42 455
8. B8 75 530
9. J2 73 603
10. D2 46 649
11. 12A 37 686
12. N13 35 721
13. 1A 38 759
14. 15D 84 843
15. 14F 44 887
16. 2B 37 924
17. 13K 28 952
18. 2J 28 980
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6319 fatcat 0 11:04 -443 537 1.6319 fatcat 0 11:04 -443 537
On 1st draw, OCRE(A)TE H3 72 --- OCREATE relating to an ocrea [adj]
Other tops: COERE(C)T H4 72, COE(X)ERT H4 72, CORTE(G)E H4 72, COTER(I)E H4 72, CO(V)ETER H4 72, CO(W)TREE H4 72, (C)OERECT H7 72
Other moves: COERE(C)T H2 68, COERE(C)T H3 68, COERE(C)T H6 68, COERE(C)T H8 68, COE(X)ERT H2 68
CRE(A)TE H4 20 fatcat
On 2nd draw, ELOGIST I8 65 --- ELOGIST one who delivers an eloge [n]
Other moves: ELOGIST G9 63, ELOGIST I9 63, LOGIEST I9 63, L(A)TIGOES 7G 61, OT(A)LGIES 7F 61
CLOSET 4H 16 fatcat
On 3rd draw, MEGAVOLT 11G 78 --- MEGAVOLT a unit of electromotive force [n]
Other moves: MEAL H12 38, MEAT H12 38, MOAT H12 38, LEAM H12 28, LOAM H12 28
MEAL H12 38 fatcat
On 4th draw, DEXTROSE 6A 70 --- DEXTROSE a form of glucose [n]
Other tops: DEXTROSE 6G 70
Other moves: EXTORTS N9 60, EXTORT N9 58, OXTERS N9 58, OXTERS O6 54, SEXTO O11 54
OXERS O7 51 fatcat
On 5th draw, SAYNE O11 42 --- SAY to utter [v] --- SAYNE to say (Spenser) [v]
Other moves: AYINS O7 39, YEANS O7 39, AYES O8 36, EYAS O8 36, NAYS O8 36
DENY A6 24 fatcat
On 6th draw, ARROGATE E4 86 --- ARROGATE to claim or take without right [v]
Other tops: ARROGATE E5 86
Other moves: AEGROTAT 14B 72, AEGROTAT D1 72, ARROGATE 5G 70, AEGROTAT 14D 65, AEGROTAT N4 65
DRAG A6 18 fatcat
On 7th draw, BEDPAN A4 42 --- BEDPAN a toilet pan for use in bed [n]
Other moves: BUTANE N9 31, ABOUND A1 30, BOEP D1 30, BOUNED A1 30, BAP N13 29
DOPE A6 21 fatcat
On 8th draw, N(O)NLIFE B8 75 --- NONLIFE the absence of life [n]
Other moves: NINEFOL(D) L6 72, INFL(U)ENT 14B 70, INFL(U)ENT N4 70, N(O)NLIFE J2 66, FLENSIN(G) 13E 61
FILE(S) 15E 29 fatcat
On 9th draw, BREDING J2 73 --- BRED ir past tense of BREED [v] --- BREDE to braid, to plait [v]
Other moves: BIDE A12 45, BEND A12 44, BERG A12 44, BIND A12 44, BING A12 44
BIRD A12 44 fatcat
On 10th draw, REZ D2 46 --- REZ a North American Indian reservation [n]
Other tops: ZINE 12A 46
Other moves: REZ G1 43, MEAN A12 41, MAZE D1 40, ECZEMA 4G 38, MAZER D11 38
REZ G1 43 fatcat
On 11th draw, VIAND 12A 37 --- VIAND an article of food [n]
Other moves: FUNDIC 13B 30, VULCAN M9 30, ADUNC D8 29, NICAD 12A 29, ANURIC 2A 28
AVOID L9 18 fatcat
On 12th draw, FAW N13 35 --- FAW a gypsy [n]
Other moves: TAFIA N11 32, FAW C1 30, FUSARIA 13G 28, AUF N13 26, FA J10 26
FA J10 26 fatcat
On 13th draw, CULTI 1A 38 --- CULTUS a cult [n]
Other moves: CRIT 1A 35, CUIT 1A 35, CULT 1A 35, CURT 1A 35, LUIT 1A 29
COLT L10 12 fatcat
On 14th draw, QUAIRS 15D 84 --- QUAIR a twentieth part of a ream [n]
Other moves: QUASH 15F 60, QURSH 15F 60, QUAIS 15E 51, QUASI 15F 51, QIS 15G 45
QUASH 15F 60 fatcat
On 15th draw, KHAT 14F 44 --- KHAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: OKA 14E 37, KA 14F 34, KO 14F 34, HAUT 14F 32, HOUT 14F 32
KA 14F 34 fatcat
On 16th draw, HORDE 2B 37 --- HORDE to gather in a large group [v]
Other moves: HAD J10 31, YAD J10 31, AYE C12 30, HAO J10 29, HOD K4 28
HAD J10 31 fatcat
On 17th draw, WOOFY 13K 28 --- WOOFY dense in texture [adj]
Other moves: AY C12 26, FY 13B 26, OY 10I 26, P**FYPOOFY 13K 26, POSY 13G 26
YA J10 26 fatcat
On 18th draw, BUMPY 2J 28 --- BUMPY of uneven surface [adj]
Other moves: AY C12 26, DUMPY 5J 26, FY 13B 26, OY 10I 26, YA J10 26
YA J10 26 fatcat
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