Game on January 2, 2025 at 02:31, 5 players
1. 450 pts sunshine12
2. 38 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 38 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 76 76
2. 4C 80 156
3. 9A 66 222
4. 8H 80 302
5. 8A 63 365
6. 3A 42 407
7. 10B 47 454
8. L3 72 526
9. 3I 44 570
10. J7 65 635
11. 11D 22 657
12. 12H 54 711
13. A1 75 786
14. 15H 48 834
15. 12A 36 870
16. O1 39 909
17. 2H 35 944
18. 13G 26 970
19. 14L 28 998
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7209 sunshine12 1 12:39 -548 450 1.7209 sunshine12 1 12:39 -548 450
2.7162 GLOBEMAN 0 0:57 -960 38 2.7162 GLOBEMAN 0 0:57 -960 38
3.7498 roocatcher 0 1:32 -960 38 3.7498 roocatcher 0 1:32 -960 38
4. - BadBoyBen 0 0:36 -968 30 Group: not rated
5. - chunk88 0 1:58 -980 18 1. - BadBoyBen 0 0:36 -968 30
2. - chunk88 0 1:58 -980 18
On 1st draw, POINDER H4 76 --- POINDER one who impounds [n]
Other tops: PROINED H4 76
Other moves: POINDER H8 74, PROINED H6 74, POINDER H2 72, POINDER H3 72, POINDER H6 72
On 2nd draw, UNCAPPED 4C 80 --- UNCAP to remove the cap from [v]
Other tops: UNCAPPED 4D 80
Other moves: PRAUNCED 10G 69, UNCOPED 5E 48, PAUNCE G9 25, PACED G9 24, PENDU I3 24
On 3rd draw, SOWARREE 9A 66 --- SOWARREE a mounted cavalcade [n]
Other moves: SOWARREE 9B 64, WORSER 3I 38, WARES 3I 36, WARRE 3I 36, WEARS 3I 36
WORSER 3I 38 sunshine12
On 4th draw, D(O)NGOLAS 8H 80 --- DONGOLA a type of leather [n]
Other moves: DONG(O)LAS 8H 77, GLASNOS(T) A3 77, GLASNOS(T) A6 77, GLOSS(I)NA A5 77, GLOSS(I)NA A6 77
GLASS A6 18 sunshine12
On 5th draw, AMAH 8A 63 --- AMAH an Oriental nurse [n]
Other moves: HALMAS A4 45, HAMALS A4 45, HARAMS A4 45, HAREMS A4 45, ASHAME A8 42
MASHER A7 36 sunshine12
On 6th draw, NIXE 3A 42 --- NIX a water sprite [n]
Other moves: NIX 3A 38, REX 3A 38, SEX 3A 38, SIX 3A 38, XI 3C 38
SEX 3A 38 roocatcher
XU C3 18 chunk88
On 7th draw, WADE 10B 47 --- WADE to walk through water [v]
Other moves: WATE 10B 45, WAD 10B 44, WED 10B 44, WAE 10B 42, WAT 10B 42
WANTED A1 33 sunshine12
WINED A1 30 BadBoyBen
On 8th draw, FEATEOUS L3 72 --- FEATEOUS featous [adj]
Other moves: FEAGUES K5 44, FEASE 11E 39, FEAST 11E 39, FATS 11E 37, FEES 11E 37
FEAST 3I 36 sunshine12
On 9th draw, BIOFACT 3I 44 --- BIOFACT an item of biological information [n]
Other moves: BANCO A1 36, CARBO M2 36, COARB M1 34, BANC A1 33, BONACI A1 33
CANTOR A1 27 sunshine12
On 10th draw, KNOT(H)OLE J7 65 --- KNOTHOLE a hole in a plank [n]
Other tops: (F)OOTLIKE 6C 65, (R)OOTLIKE 6C 65
Other moves: (B)ETOOK 2E 44, (R)ELOOK 2E 44, (R)ETOOK 2E 44, E(B)OOK 2F 43, TOKO 2H 43
TOKO 2H 43 sunshine12
On 11th draw, EINA 11D 22 --- EINA ouch (South African) [interj]
Other moves: INTIRE O1 21, NATURE O1 21, NUTRIA O1 21, RANINE A1 21, RATINE O1 21
RATINE O1 21 sunshine12
On 12th draw, QUOTH 12H 54 --- QUETHE to say [v] --- QUOTH said -- QUOTH is the only accepted form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v]
Other moves: QUOTE 12H 48, TUQUE 2D 37, QUALE F2 36, QUALE N6 36, QUATE F2 36
QUOTH 12H 54 sunshine12
On 13th draw, RONZER A1 75 --- RONZER (New Zealand) someone who is not from Auckland, the opposite of a JAFA [n]
Other moves: RITZ O1 69, ZONER A1 45, ZINE A1 42, ZITE O1 42, ZONE A1 42
RITZ O1 69 sunshine12
On 14th draw, LUSTY 15H 48 --- LUSTY full of vigour [adj]
Other moves: YINS 12A 40, LYSIN 15H 39, QUIN H12 39, QUIT H12 39, SNY 12D 39
NUTTY O1 27 sunshine12
On 15th draw, GIED 12A 36 --- GIE to give [v]
Other moves: FED 12B 34, FID 12B 34, FITTED O1 33, TIED 12A 32, FETID O1 30
On 16th draw, MITY O1 39 --- MITY infested with mites [adj]
Other tops: MOBY 2H 39
Other moves: BOY 2H 36, MOY 2H 36, LIMBY 13J 33, OY 2I 33, YOB 2H 31
On 17th draw, JOB 2H 35 --- JOB to work by the piece [v]
Other moves: BENJ 14L 33, LOBI 2H 31, BANJO F3 30, BANJO N7 30, OBI 2I 30
On 18th draw, VIRL 13G 26 --- VIRL a metal ring or cap put around a shaft to prevent splitting [n]
Other moves: GIVE A12 24, NEVI 13E 22, NIRL 13G 20, TIRL 13G 20, EVIL 13L 19
GIVE A12 24 sunshine12
On 19th draw, FIVE 14L 28 --- FIVE a number [n]
Other moves: FLEG 14L 24, GIFT A12 24, GIVE A12 24, FE K5 22, FEG 14L 22
GIFT A12 24 sunshine12
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