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Game on January 3, 2025 at 04:52, 1 player
1. 493 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dinory   H8    26    26   rindy
 2. aeegimr  11A    74   100   reimaged
 3. ddeeosv   A7    39   139   dovered
 4. eiorssv   8H    86   225   revisors
 5. aginnor   F4    64   289   groaning
 6. ?aadefu   E1    81   370   aefauld
 7. abeoptz   1D    84   454   zapateo
 8. ?ciilnt   K4    86   540   lignitic
 9. aoorstu   O1    77   617   outsoars
10. aelmntu  B10    43   660   melena
11. beklosy  15A    57   717   balky
12. bfghiqu   3A    40   757   quiff
13. ceinrst   M7    78   835   cointers
14. ailoptw   N6    36   871   porta
15. ehjlouw   4H    40   911   joule
16. aeghtwx   J8    56   967   vex
17. abghitw   2G    40  1007   with
18. abeghlw  14J    38  1045   hawse

Remaining tiles: bgl

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6317 Filefatcat      3 12:53  -552  493     1.6317 fatcat      3 12:53  -552  493 

On 1st draw, RINDY H8 26 --- RIND a thick and firm outer covering [adj] --- RINDY covered in rind [adj]
Other tops: DON(A)RY H7 26, DRONY H8 26, YOND(E)R H4 26
Other moves: DIN(G)Y H8 24, DIN(K)Y H8 24, DIR(T)Y H8 24, DI(A)RY H8 24, DOI(L)Y H8 24

On 2nd draw, REIMAGED 11A 74 --- REIMAGE to fix the image of [v]
Other tops: REIMAGE G4 74
Other moves: GERMAINE 10B 67, REIMAGE G2 65, REIMAGE I2 65, IMAGERY 12B 26, RAMEE G7 25

On 3rd draw, DOVERED A7 39 --- DOVER to doze [v]
Other moves: DEVORES A7 36, DROVED A10 36, DEVORE A7 33, DOVERS A7 33, DROVES A10 33
ROVED A11 30 fatcat

On 4th draw, REVISORS 8H 86 --- REVISOR one who revises [n]
Other moves: VIROSES B2 79, VERISMOS D6 78, VIROSES G3 71, VIROSES I3 71, VERMIS D8 30
MOVIE D11 22 fatcat

On 5th draw, GROANING F4 64 --- GROAN to utter a low, mournful sound [v] --- GROANING the act of groaning [n]
Other moves: AGONY 12D 34, IRONY 12D 31, ENNOG 12A 27, RENIG B10 25, NONI 12C 23
RAINING C9 18 fatcat

On 6th draw, AEFAU(L)D E1 81 --- AEFAULD one-fold [adj]
Other moves: FEDE(X) B10 51, FE(T)ED B10 49, DEFA(C)E B10 41, DEFA(M)E B10 41, DEFEA(T) B10 41
FEE B10 29 fatcat

On 7th draw, ZAPATEO 1D 84 --- ZAPATEO a Spanish dance [n]
Other moves: ZABETA 1D 81, BEZ D2 63, POZ D2 63, ZAPATEO 1B 63, BAPTIZE C7 52
ZEA 7M 47 fatcat

On 8th draw, LI(G)NITIC K4 86 --- LIGNITE a type of coal [adj] --- LIGNITIC pertaining to lignite [adj]
Other moves: C(H)ITLINS O1 80, IN(F)LICTS O1 80, COLI(S)TIN M7 76, NOCTILI(O) M7 76, C(H)ITLIN B2 75
MINC(E) D11 16 fatcat

On 9th draw, OUTSOARS O1 77 --- OUTSOAR to soar beyond [v]
Other moves: OUTSOAR B2 73, OUTROARS N2 70, OUTROARS N5 62, OUTSOARS O5 59, OUTSAY 12C 43
ROAST 2J 18 fatcat

On 10th draw, MELENA B10 43 --- MELENA a condition marked by black tarry stool [n]
Other moves: METAL B10 41, MEANT N2 36, UNTAME B2 31, LEMAN B10 29, LEAM 2G 28
MART N6 24 fatcat

On 11th draw, BALKY 15A 57 --- BALKY perverse [adj]
Other moves: BALKS 15A 48, BALK 15A 45, BASK 15A 45, LAKY 15A 45, OAKY 15A 45
BAKES 15A 36 fatcat

On 12th draw, QUIFF 3A 40 --- QUIFF a forelock [n]
Other moves: BURGH N6 37, QI B6 34, UGH N4 33, QI 10J 31, FIB 2J 29
QUIFF 3A 40 fatcat

On 13th draw, COINTERS M7 78 --- COINTER to bury together [v]
Other tops: CORNIEST M7 78
Other moves: NOTICERS M7 74, RECTIONS M3 74, CITRINES C2 62, SEAGIRT 4C 30, NEIST N2 28
CRUST B1 14 fatcat

On 14th draw, PORTA N6 36 --- PORTA a gate-like structure in zoology [n]
Other moves: PITSAW 14J 34, OPTIMAL D7 32, WAIST 14J 32, TWP 2I 31, AWOL 2I 30
WAIT L12 30 fatcat

On 15th draw, JOULE 4H 40 --- JOULE a unit of energy [n] --- JOULE to bump [v]
Other tops: JELLO 4H 40
Other moves: WELSH 14J 38, WHOSE 14J 38, J*W B6 37, JOW B6 37, JOE N1 35
JOW B6 37 fatcat

On 16th draw, VEX J8 56 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other moves: AXE 2I 53, AX 2I 52, EX 2I 52, HAWSE 14J 38, GATH 2G 36
VEX J8 56 fatcat

On 17th draw, WITH 2G 40 --- WITH a partition between chimney flues [n] --- WITH in the company of [prep]
Other moves: BATH 2G 38, WHIST 14J 38, GATH 2G 36, THAW 2I 33, THAGI 2I 32
WHIST 14J 38 fatcat

On 18th draw, HAWSE 14J 38 --- HAWSE a part of a ship's bow [n] --- HAWSE to embrace [v]
Other tops: WELSH 14J 38
Other moves: AWHILE 5H 33, BLASH 14J 32, HALSE 14J 32, WEAMB D8 32, HEAL L12 30
WELSH 14J 38 fatcat

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