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Game on January 3, 2025 at 05:36, 1 player
1. 85 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eginoos   H4    70    70   goonies
 2. adelnst  11E    91   161   dentals
 3. ?ceopry  12A    92   253   coopery
 4. beenosy  13C    43   296   noyes
 5. ehmorst   5E   102   398   smoother
 6. adeilnv   J7    68   466   anvilled
 7. ailnrtv   A8    30   496   vraic
 8. abgintu  13I    26   522   beating
 9. ?cioorr   L2    70   592   corridor
10. dimnotz   O8    57   649   mozing
11. aejlttu   N6    33   682   jeat
12. aeelpqt   4A    28   710   peltae
13. aefgquw   A1    45   755   quep
14. adffrux   C1    38   793   afflux
15. adeiilt   2C    68   861   filiated
16. abehruw   1G    43   904   haw
17. degikrw   A8    51   955   vraicker
18. bdgiuuw  N11    22   977   bundu

Remaining tiles: giw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6318 Filefatcat      0  1:29  -892   85     1.6318 fatcat      0  1:29  -892   85 

On 1st draw, GOONIES H4 70 --- GOONY an albatross [n]
Other moves: GOONIES H2 68, GOONIES H3 68, GOONIES H6 68, GOONIES H7 68, GOONIES H8 68
GOOSE H4 16 fatcat

On 2nd draw, DENTALS 11E 91 --- DENTAL a dentally produced sound [n]
Other moves: SLANTED 11D 75, SLANTED G2 73, DENTALS G9 68, ASTONED 5E 32, TALONED 5E 32
DEALS G9 16 fatcat

On 3rd draw, C(O)OPERY 12A 92 --- COOPERY the trade of coopering [n]
Other tops: COP(P)ERY 12A 92, CO(O)PERY 12A 92, CO(P)PERY 12A 92
Other moves: GEOC(A)RPY 4H 88, COPYRE(A)D E4 80, CORYP(H)ES K4 78, (N)ECROPSY K5 78, CERO(T)YPE F4 72
RECOPY 5E 26 fatcat

On 4th draw, NOYES 13C 43 --- NOYES noise [n]
Other tops: OBEYS 13B 43
Other moves: BENES 13C 42, BONES 13C 42, YOBS 13C 41, BEYS 13C 40, BOYS 13C 40
COSY A12 27 fatcat

On 5th draw, SMOOTHER 5E 102 --- SMOOTHER one that smooths [n]
Other tops: RESMOOTH 5D 102
Other moves: ISOTHERM 8H 101, MOTHERS 12I 84, RESMOOTH 6C 77, SMOOTHER 6E 77, RESMOOTH 5C 76

On 6th draw, ANVILLED J7 68 --- ANVIL to shape on an anvil (a heavy iron block) [v]
Other moves: ADVICE A8 36, INCAVE A10 33, INLACED A8 30, VILDE 4A 28, CAVE A12 27

On 7th draw, VRAIC A8 30 --- VRAIC a seaweed used as a fertiliser [n]
Other tops: VATIC A8 30
Other moves: VENTAIL 13I 28, VENTRAL 13I 28, VEINAL 13I 26, VENIAL 13I 26, VENTIL 13I 26

On 8th draw, BEATING 13I 26 --- BEATING a defeat [n]
Other moves: ABUT 4J 25, BANTU 4K 24, BEGUIN 13I 24, BETING 13I 24, BUNIA 4K 24

On 9th draw, CORRI(D)OR L2 70 --- CORRIDOR a narrow hallway [n]
Other moves: CORRI(D)OR L3 68, CORRO(S)ION C5 62, COORI(E) 4J 27, CORGI(S) O10 27, ORGIC O11 27

On 10th draw, MOZING O8 57 --- MOZE to raise a nap on [v]
Other moves: DOZING O8 54, ZONOID 3I 52, TOZING O8 51, MOZ 14B 45, DZEREN F9 38

On 11th draw, JEAT N6 33 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: JEU N6 30, JEAT 6B 29, JET 14B 28, JEU 4D 26, JEEL K3 24

On 12th draw, PELTAE 4A 28 --- PELTA an ancient small shield [n]
Other moves: PLACET 2I 24, LEAP 12J 23, LEEP 12J 23, PELTA 6B 23, PLATE 6B 23

On 13th draw, QUEP A1 45 --- QUEP expressing derision [interj]
Other moves: QUEME F2 38, AQUA 10A 33, QUA O4 31, GAWP A1 30, FEW 14B 29

On 14th draw, AFFLUX C1 38 --- AFFLUX a flowing toward a point [n]
Other moves: AX 12L 31, AFFORD 3I 28, FALX C2 28, FLAX C3 28, FLUX C3 28

On 15th draw, FILIATED 2C 68 --- FILIATE to bring into close association [v]
Other moves: EDICTAL 2I 28, DACITE 2J 26, ALATED 1C 24, DECAL 2J 24, DICTA 2J 24

On 16th draw, HAW 1G 43 --- HAW to turn left [v]
Other tops: HEW 1G 43
Other moves: BAH 1G 39, HUB 1G 39, HARE 1G 37, HEAR 1F 36, BARE 1G 33

On 17th draw, VRAICKER A8 51 --- VRAICKER a seaweed gatherer [n]
Other moves: DREW 14A 27, GREW 14A 27, KERO 6E 26, KIND N11 26, KING N11 26

On 18th draw, BUNDU N11 22 --- BUNDU a remote uncultivated region [n]
Other moves: BI 3I 21, QUAD 1A 21, QUAG 1A 21, BIND N11 20, BING N11 20

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